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Everything posted by Aleh

  1. Sort of flitting between games atm but I'm near the end of Mafia 2. Really fun game, not really as much to the in the sandbox as gta, but its still great.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJxrOW6m0u0 Really damn catchy, not really into ludacris but this remix is amazing : P
  3. Just finished watching snatch. Funny as fuck movie. Should definitely watch it if you love action/comedy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r0j58WeZAY
  4. Seems like we're doing weekly events for gmod, CS:Go and team fortress 2. Also partnered with ponymc for minecraft. Nothing else seems to be announced, but I'm sure if enough people are interested in doing stuff it could be arranged ^^
  5. No totalbiscuit? I am disappoint. [Edit :Fine, as said below he's not technically a reviewer >.< I forget xD] Also Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw in his zero punctuation series. More of a critic than a reviewer, but they're all hilarious. Ashens, not a video game reviewer but his reviews are hilarious anyway. Nostalgia critic is pretty good as well.
  6. Tbh I didn't get too hyped for it (I'm sort of stopped watching the show at season 2, and only really came back for premiers after that). These episodes were bloody damn good though, might watch the rest of the season if the rest of its like this.
  7. Eh. I'd just try and make it as inconvenient for them as possible. Like order 5 lobsters, 3 fillet steaks, caviar and 5 bottles of coke. And then refuse to eat any of it. [Which is kind of how the "choose your last meal" thing got stopped, at least in Texas. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/sep/23/texas-execution-ends-final-meal ]
  8. Eh. Even if people suddenly go mental at the episode (which I'm going to hope is unlikely, but America apparently overreacts to stuff like this >.<) it'll be available pretty much everywhere online (and on TV everywhere outside of America xD).Not sure how many bronies haven't got internet tbh (probably more than I think tho >.<).
  9. Because people are idiots >.< Many parents still associate games with children, rather than it being a medium enjoyed by people of all age groups. Added to that it also seems to be suffering from the same issue rock and roll was back when it came out, where people would exploit those who didn't know about it, in order to make it sound far worse than it actually was ("Oh yes games/rock and roll/whatever is causing this generation to go to hell) Also a new media, and parents are parnoid that an interactive media has more effects on the brain than non interactive media, but tbh I don't buy that as a reason for censorship. Tl;dr: General derpyness. And honestly gamers are responsible for it as well [Looking at peoples reaction to hatred >.<]
  10. The OP post clearly says that the power puff girls episode was banned in the US. And as far as I can tell literally nowhere else banned it. Freedom of speech doesn't mean it won't be banned on television because angry parents decided to throw a hissy fit xD
  11. Eh, didn't think America was still massively into hating communism, so I'm going to be optimistic and say you're overreacting. But then again , the powerpuff girls episode is from like, 2004. So I haven't got a clue >.< [Thankfully whatever happens it'll stay on air outside the US xD]
  12. Aleh

    general media Ex-brony

    Tbh the cartoon was never really my favourite show. Mostly in it for the fandom xD I've been in it for like, 2 + years and I'm still on season 2 >.<
  13. Psh. The only winning move is not to respond : P The only reason they exist is because people get pissed at them. Guess your method works though.
  14. Wheatley pls stop being a killjoy :3 Also psh it's just a bit of fun so long as nobody is being harmed xD
  15. I've never heard anybody say sitting cross legged was girls thing anyway so... >.< Also even if it was more common with girls does that even matter? "Oh no.. You're sitting comfortably~"
  16. ^ I've got to be honest. This petition has practically no chance of convincing hasbro. Unless you somehow get both bronies and.. Well their actual target audience to show MAJOR interest in it. Even then it probably won't work unless the creators actually want to do something like that >.< [Also no thanks. Would rather the animators worked on the show : P]
  17. The dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia
  18. Well honestly no matter what you do people will somehow end up getting offended >.< Apparently that's just how it works xD
  19. Eh, sort of flit between youtubers. Currently obsessed with bro team pill atm Birgirpall is really good as well. Haven't watched them in ages but game grumps. Ashens and I guess yogscast ridgedog (Lewis and Simon are sort of shit now from what I can tell xD)
  20. I fail to see how using animals associated with native Americans to represent native Americans is offensive. But thats just me >.< This honestly just strikes me as getting offended for the sake of getting offended. There was literally nothing insensitive about this xD
  21. For those saying the sims... God I wish this was real ;-;
  22. Xmas and Christmas are literally the exact same thing xD Terms been around since the 16th century >.< Also eh. Wouldn't say obsessed but Japan (Cool culture, not just the anime but I guess thats a part of it xD etc), Germany,the US and Australia are pretty interesting in their own ways. Sweden seems like a nice country as well.
  23. Yeah, it went down during the maintenance. Should be up soon
  24. Just install it at http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads And then go past the setup wizard. Go to server list, make sure it shows all countries, sort by name "poniarcade"
  25. Yup! Its on team speak. The address is play.poniarcade.com
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