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Everything posted by TopQuark

  1. Resting doesn't pay the bills of running a one-pony buisness on prime suburban real estate.
  2. I suppose having a research/lab partner/assistant would be nice. I'm very good at full-body self examinations; I don't think that there's a spot on my body that my hand can't reach. Don't take that out of context. Unless you really want to.
  3. If you are alright with ship-pics, then I would appreciate Octavia and Spitfire in a loving embrace. What? I like them together, alright?
  4. I personally think that Windows 7 is the best Windows, and always keep it as the one emergency Windows computer in my house. Everything else is OSX or Linux. I hated Windows 8 and 8.1 (as a desktop OS), so if Windows 10 is anything like those, I wouldn't want anything to do with them.
  5. Well first of all, one of would either be hanging off the bed or pressed against the wall, as I have a singel-size matress. Second, politely ask her to vacate my residence.
  6. To be fair, it feels like the show has stronger lesbian implications than heterosexual. They haven't needed to show the definite sexuality of any character yet, so they should be fine if they just keep on like that.
  7. Where does it say that? The linked article only says, "...after spending five dollars in change on the mystery button, the machine produced six different brand of soda, none of which had their own button on the machine."
  8. In Quebec City, I saw three people carrying a fully inflated, three metre long novelty "phallus" down a major street. Those French.
  9. Signature all suited up for Fashion Day! Now I know why Rarity is protective of her hair; it's a real pain to get it to look like that.

  10. Sure, but I wouldn't market them as "belly rubs"; probably something like a barrel massage. I'd like to think that, as a human, their would be more uses for me than that.
  11. I don't recall seeing any major negative reaction of anyone's personal opinion, on these forums or otherwise (barring the Youtube comments section, of course); just some little spats that don't last more than ten comments, then forgotten. Then again I don't go looking for that kind of stuff, and usually ignore it when I find it. I think we are preforming acceptably, given the nature of a lot of the Internet. Always room for improvement, though. I believe the movie Inside Out well depicts the benefit of occasionally feeling negative emotions, and parts of The Cutie Map from season five show that a well-tempered friendship should be able to survive a difference in opinion.
  12. Excellent work; I wish the hornets in my underground jungle were that jovial. I'm still looking/waiting for a 1.3 MLP texture pack.
  13. I'm fine with mini-hiatuses, as I don't watch the episodes weekly. I didn't even know that there was a hiatus until recently. Once three to five episodes have accumulated, I'll get some cereal and watch them all in a row them with my sister.
  14. I managed to pick up a Wacom Intuos for only a hundred dollars. It's an excellent starting tablet, as it has four bindable keys on the pad plus two on the pen, and is very responsive. It's small enough to be easily transportable, but not so small that it's unweildy (for my taste, of course).
  15. Nope. I'm afraid Larson's already gotten his hands on all of them. Seriously, though, I would recommend Inuyasha. I was never really into any anime, and that one managed to keep my interest, so that says something about it.
  16. My hand brushed M.A. Larson's arm after he failed to notice me reaching for a hand shake. In the middle of a crowd of people after his princess panel. Just took a deep breath as I walked to the door playing - - in my head. Still one of my favourite moments from the con (my life, actually). I went to the Canterlot Archives panel, but didn't get close to any of them afterwards. I also got a few pictures and autographs from Dr. Wolf and Nowacking, but didn't even get a glimpse of de Lancie. You wouldn't hug Larson or Peter New? I'd totaly hug anyone involved with MLP:FiM, and I dislike hugging even my own mother.
  17. I thought the episode itself was poorly handled, and required alot more time to tell a proper story like that, but I am not against Twilicorn. The show did seem to be approching some turning point, and while the execution was a bit awkward and nonsensical, it seems to have sorted itself out though season four. While I would personally like to see Twilight go through some sort of rigorous political gauntlet, facing Canterlot's ruthless royal court and temptation of corruption, I know that will probably never happen. I think the show is quite acceptable where it stands. And there'll always be fan fiction. I haven't seen it yet. I prefer to wait until I have a batch of three to five episode that I can burn through instead of having to wait a week for the next twenty minutes to come.
  18. It doesn't matter (...much...) to me anyway, because I choose to believe that Equestria Girls is not canon. Hasbro just wanted a compeating toy line for Monster High, and DHX will likely never reference it in the main show (besides that Flash Sentry cameo), so there's no reason why I should even have to consider it. Come at me, Hasbro.
  19. I'm pretty sure I read that no one from the studio actually wanted him or even a love interest in the movies, but Hasbro mandated it. The worst part about him is that he's insulting to us as fans. We get three seasons to get to know a Twilight's character, then are expected to just accept a contrived love interest developed in less than two hours of screen time.
  20. MMC was a little off-putting with it's musical format, but it had many factors working against it, not to mention that it was their first shot at it. Pinkie Pride was (in my opinion) a smashing success in the format. As long as Daniel Ingram gets all the coffee he needs, I'm sure it'll work out.
  21. I'll have you know, I'm a big fan of his TwiDashery.
  22. I believe what you meant to say was "Thank artists like CaptainPudgeMuffin". :comeatus:
  23. Look what I happened across while playing Terraria: Checked the wiki to make sure: "Redigit has stated that the Party Girl was partially inspired by Pinkie Pie from the television series "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"."
  24. I loved this game years ago. I recently tried to get back on for nostalgia's sake, but just can't remember my password. The stories were great.
  25. Sleeping, being alone, being in the open during a storm, the three-centimeter gap between my bed and the wall, pictures of the sterio-typical alien, and a lot of other things. Thankfully, the older I got, the more these fears faded, which is normal I suppose.
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