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Everything posted by Shady23

  1. Time for some Heroes of the Storm again :) I'm so addicted to this game in the best way!!

  2. I did like the episode because I love the Apple's so much as well as Luna. I've just been so excited for the CMC to finally get their cutie marks I was disappointed that Apple Bloom didn't get hers. All in all it was a good episode, I'm just ready for the CMC crew to branch into a new story line.
  3. During my breaks from Heroes of the Storm I've been playing through my classic favorite games. It got me to thinking what is the most shocking moment I experienced through my gaming life. I could probably write a damn book explaining my shocking moments. However good or bad I was able to discover it. The first time I played Metal Gear Solid 2. Even though I grew up gaming MGS1 along with FF7 are the titles that made me a gamer for life. I remember starting MGS2 for the first time and I was blown away!! The story left off perfectly from the Shadow Moses incident. I see Russians invading a Marine ship with a Metal Gear on Board, and then the legendary Ocelot taking out a lot of soldiers with his revolvers. Then all of a sudden your evil twin Liquid possesses Ocelots body through his arm , jumps into the Metal Gear and sinks the ship along with everyone in it... ok now shit is getting weird but it is MGS so I roll with it. Now the most shocking surprising moment for me happens and I don't know if it;s good or bad. I hear a familiar voice in Campbell talking to me calling me Snake, but the guy responding doesn't sound nearly as cool as Snake. All of a sudden I'm playing the rest of this game as this Raiden dude I had never heard of. Even though I ended up loving the game after all having to play as this blonde wussy really pissed me off considering I just wanted to play as Snake was the most shocking moment for me. Shout out to the Aerith death in FF7 as a close second.
  4. I'm baack!!! Sorry I've been away

    1. DashYoshi


      Hello! Welcome back! =)

    2. Shady23


      Thank you Dash!! :)

  5. Never have been one for gaming trailers but the MGS V Phantom Pain is amazing with a great song. Then again I'm a Metal Gear maniac so no surprise there.
  6. I agree with the OP on the good things Starlight was trying to do, but was that really her intentions? I feel like she had more personal gain from her plan rather than over see a small cult town. This episode reminded me why I loved Amon so much from Legend Korra.
  7. It didn't suprise me at all. It fits with her character very well. After all Fluttershy has been the only one that has had Discord's back all this time despite all of his evil doings.
  8. Well back to play Heroes of the Storm for a bit :)

  9. Great premiere!! Between MLP, Red vs Blue premiere and Wrestlemania it's been a wonderful viewing week :)

    1. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Indeed. Great week to be a brony and wrestling fan. :D

    2. Poetic Stone

      Poetic Stone

      I loved the premiere I can't wait for more

  10. Any streams going today for season 5?

  11. No doubt the best combo ever. I prefer cool ranch with my dew but really any Doritos flavor will do!!
  12. I was baked as hell when I first watched the season 4 finale and man than made it so much more awesome.
  13. Shady23

    general media Do you use facebook ?

    I used it for a few years but then got tired of the same old stuff along with stupid drama. So I ended up deleting mine about two months ago.
  14. I love socializing with people who have similar taste in entertainment plus it's something to browse through when I have nothing better to do.
  15. I've had a few that's started into it's own story but always gets interrupted so I've never got to day dream any of them out sadly.... Some where so good I wish I could have finished them out. The day dreams I've started make more sense than the night dreams I finish completely for some reason.
  16. Great fun song/video dont judge it by it's genre
  17. Happy Friday everypony!!! :)

    1. 1Bit


      Happy friday to you too! :D



      Thanks, awesome friday for you too friend :D

    3. Shady23


      Thanks guys I'm loving that it's Friday!! :)

  18. To me it just depends if I have anything to add to the conversation but if someone I do know joins in a thread it certainly gets my attention a bit quicker.
  19. Can't stop playing Heroes of the Storm!! Hence why I haven't been on as much past few days.

    1. Poetic Stone

      Poetic Stone

      good to hear from you

  20. How is everypony today??

    1. DashYoshi


      I'm good right now. How about you? :)

  21. I'm playing Mega Man X4. First Mega Man I've played since I was a kid and boy is it tough, Beating this will take me some time... Also got Payday:Heists for a dollar on ps store so gonna try it out as well.
  22. Watching some Avatar. One of my favorite episodes of The Last Airbender coming up!!

  23. I just may look into that. I did the BG2 enhanced version on steam and have been tempted to buy it again. I may look into Divinity as well.
  24. @@Twilight Dirac, I would be down getting a group for a fun RPG. Specifically Baldurs Gate 2 I remember playing it as a kid and loving it. I would like to experience again as an adult.
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