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Everything posted by Lambdadelta

  1. Starlight and Maud are my favorite since day 1 so nothing to talk about. My favorite of mane 6 changed a lot from Season 6 onward. Pinkie Pie used to my most favorite mane 6 due to being the most funny character of the show but fell off due to the lack character progression. Fluttershy and Rarity, on the other hand, are my current favorite of all mane 6. I fell for Fluttershy after Flutter Brutter and Discordant Harmony just seal the deal, best mane 6 character ever since then. Rarity is the second favorite, her every presense is mostly pleasing to the eyes even bad episodes cant stop me from enjoying her. Rainbow Dash is a perfect example of wasted potential. How the character who has the coolest design, coolest personality, most important backstory that bring the mane 6 together (Cutie Mark Chronicle), has the worst episode counts. I used to love Rainbow Dash in early Season 2 and how the table has turned.
  2. There are few episodes i hated with passions. I hate them so much that they make my blood boiled when I remember about them. Thanks god, i’m not as pissed as i used to be. To name a few: Fluttershy Leans In Honest Apple Non-compete Clause 2,4,6 Great I still remember how pissed i was when i finished watching Fluttershy Leans In. Oh, the hate, my good long lost friend...
  3. Well, they didnt forgive Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, Cozy Glow, Pony of Shadow, Mean 6, Storm King. Most of them had brutal death scenes and the rest had fate worse than death. Are you not entertained? Some lesser antagonists are reformed like Diamond Tiara, Trixie and some arent like Lightning Dust, Flim and Flam (conman forever), Suri Polome, Spoiled Rich, Gladmane (bid bad conman left the building). And people still have problems with Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer to this day? I dont visit this site as much nowadays. G4 is alright. Not everyone get redemption, and the redeemers turned out to be the good characters so it’s alright. Except EQG, dont mention EQG...
  4. It’s good to be back to cute ponies again. The trailer contains all the things i like about G4 like humors, character interactions, and world-building. I’m glad that they dont have build the world from zero, G4 is just a gold mine to explore. I dont like modern technology so much but it’s look like i cant stop progression anyway, G4 Manhattans already has advanced technology compare to ponyville already. I like all the characters so far, especially Izzy and Hitch, they are lovely. A male character which isnt a butt monkey so far is a plus to me. A world which magic is like UFO now, jeez, it wasnt the first time Equestria lost their magic but to this extend? Unicorns used to be the major power in FIM and now the other race will fill their place, it... isnt Earth Pony, is it? Well then... I used to be skeptical about 3D animations but i like the trailer a lot, even more than G4 movie. Too bad, the tv series wont have this level of animations. The rest is the story, the most important part, let hope it to be enjoyable at least. I heard about activist stuffs which i’m very against in this era of media so i hope they dont overdo it in this movie. Ok, one question, where the hell is Twilight? Is she even alive? The other mane 6 must be gone at this point, if i saw Twilight still alive, i would be a bit emotional.
  5. The tv show has more cruelsome death scenes so i dont how the movie could top it because the last movie couldnt. Nothing can beat Sombra second death or Mean 6 getting their face melt. I expect some dark humors at least.
  6. Diversity. Inclusive. Those words are sound familiar. Wait, did G4 already do all that stuff already without telling that to our face? We got Student 6, a diversed group of friends from different culture and I love Yona, a brown Yak more than any member of the group and i didnt even realize they inject some 'Inclusive' stuffs. They sometime forget something called 'subtle' in their article, they just cant help themself. Still, I believe Hasbro know what they are doing with their franchise, Pony is their big title afterall. That, or if they dont know what they are doing then I can just go back to anime/manga because those Japanese people just want to give me some cool stories without shoving some 'activism' to my face. I love ponies and its positive messages about everything but please, a good story will sale. Always.
  7. Flurry Heart is the conflict of S6 premiere then after that she was just there, just exist for no particular reason other than a married couple is supposed to have a kid. S6 finale isnt even about her. Her birth did nothing to the Alicorn beside confusions. She is very cute and that's about it. Hasbro has made so many questionable choices in the series, Flurry Heart is one of them, even in my top 5 wtf choice if i ever have one. Flurry Heart is a fine addition to Twilight's family so Twilight can be an adorkable aunt but why, why does she have to be an Alicorn?
  8. The alternative timeline isnt the only prove that Nightmare Moon has capable of defeat Celestia. In S4 premiere, Nightmare Moon bested Celestia so easy if not for the Elements. I know Daybreaker is a dream but it could be Celestia in her ultimate form, the brighter the light the darker the shadow. Celestia might be weaker because she's soft person so she will never use her power to full potential. However, beware the nice one, you dont know when they pissed off, how scary they will be. People will cast away the possibilities of Daybreaker because it's just a Starlight dream but i personally believe her dream has been affected by Celestia's dream power and Daybreaker is Celestia's darker side that hide deep inside her heart somewhere, we will never know.
  9. Unicorns are not born smart but they have more emphasis on studying and because its their culture and they dont have to do some chores on the field like Earth Pony or fly like Pegasus so they can focus on education.
  10. She was an annoying character in her first debut episode but after No Second Prance she become my favorite character of the show. Trixie is kind of jerk character in entertaining ways, Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, has occasional jerk moments but in term of people called character inconsistency. Trixie stays consistent throughout the series even after she redeemed herself. Heck, she is not even that jerky if you compare to Discord or RD in some episodes. She was a misunderstood character even in her first episode. Trixie is kind of jerk character with the heart of gold.
  11. The shows/movies/comics even for kids are written by adult humans with their opinions reflect on their works. The key is the subtlety. I dont think G4 Mlp show was apolitical but it was well-made and i love it, that’s all to it. If G5 is a woke masterpiece then i wont complain. Woke doesnt mean its bad, woke garbages are bad, any bad-written fiction with any ideology injecting in it is bad anyway.
  12. Newbie Dash might be not the best Rainbow Dash milestone kind of episode but any episode that relate to Wonderbolt after that point was pretty good all-round so i cant complain. RD's wonderbolts arc is meh but it could be worse.
  13. Twilight character became stagnant in later seasons with occasional amazing moments like Amending Fences or Zeppelin. The fact people loves whenever Twilight acting like her old self means she really lost something in the transition. Fluttershy and Rarity are the true MVP, they are the most well-round characters of the mane 6, they are developed without losing their original charm in the first place. Twilight is my 4th favorite mane 6 just above Rainbow Dash and Applejack, that not very good for the main protagonist.
  14. In season 8, i just thought maybe the Twilight being the school principal is the her most fitting role because that what she CHOOSE to do and she doesnt need to be a princess or a great magician, just a humble principal to spread her magic of friendship but no, she is a ruler of Equestria just because Celestia told her so... The more i think about this, the more i think season 9 is getting worse in my mind.
  15. Well, he is the reason the tree of harmony being destroyed in the first place and no pony has anything to say about that. If you take “the mean justified the end” to heart then Discord is a good thing in the long run because he helped every kingdoms united. Discord always has a jail-free card that once called “its Discord!” so he can be immuned to criticisms. For the greater good, i guess.....
  16. Back then, I didn't think Moondancer is in the right in the episode, she became isolate and pushed away her two others potential friends (who actually ATTENDED the party) just because Twilight didn't come to the party. What amazed me about Amending Fences is not about Moondancer struggles (even it isn't irrelevant), it's how Twilight never blame Moondancer for anything what happen to herself and she solved the problems instead of shoving it away like it wasn't her problems. Moondancer is a good character for Twilight development but after that she's just another Sunburst.
  17. Even Starlight made the question why Twilight's friendship is so special that can wrap the future of Equestria and even then, there is no answer for the characters. The Tree of Harmony already has Twilight cutie mark in it so it means that Twilight meets her friends and then become the princess of friendship is the part of Harmony's machination to create to ultimate harmony of Equestria. Twilight is the most important because she represent the MAGIC, no matter how strong the friendship is, without magic the world will fall into darkness, so everything in Equestria is driven by magic and friendship is just one form of magic and in this universe, it is the best of all. The Harmony is the best chess master of the entire universe and villains, no matter how strong their conviction is, are destiny to lose.
  18. Pinkie can break the 4th wall so i'm not surprised that she can "obtain" some knowledges outside the limitation of the universe, without realizing it of course.
  19. Other creatures arent forced to live in pony kingdom and leave their own kingdom. It’s just Equestria is now more open for foreigners.
  20. Then should they remove Slice of Life too? That episode outright shipped Lyra and Bon Bon.
  21. @PCutter We need more champion like you to protect this precious episode.
  22. Opal just acts like a cat should be, how could it be worse than Angel? Angel is cunning, childish, manipulative, rude, abusive which are the worst traits of a human could have. Nothing can beat human in competition of negativity.
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