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Posts posted by Zantetsuken

  1. This episode is hot trash, easily the worst of season 9 

    Apparently someone didn't inform this new writer that it's not season 2 and Rainbow Dash has actually matured. The way she acted in this episode reminded me of The Mysterious Mare Do Well. 

    I have an infinitely better idea for a way this episode could have played out and kept Rainbow Dash IN CHARACTER. 

    Rainbow is told by Twilight that she needs to coach the cheer squad, Rainbow Dash is disappointed but still gives it a try. She tries coaching them in one way, but it doesn't work. Then maybe act 2 she tries a few other teaching methods but those fail. Then she admits that she's not too interested in cheerleading and says she doesn't really know how to coach them, maybe she ends up asking the students for some pointers or something. After she sees what they have she kind of builds off of that and starts teaching them from there. That could lead to a real neat moral of sometimes the students can teach the teachers or something.

    IDK even if you don't like my idea I don't think it would be egotistical of me to say it would have been better than the shit we got. 

    RD was just acting like a dismissive B**** for no reason in this episode, completely out of character. I think even diehards would have trouble defending the beginning of act 3 where, Imma be real, Rainbow Dash would never say that kind of shit! The beginning of act 3 is borderline character assassination for RD!

    after that, the episode tries to bring RD back with "Oh I did a bad thing, sorry" 

    NO, what RD did at the beginning of act 3 was inexcusable, you can't fix that

    I hate it 3.3/10 

    • Brohoof 2
  2. It's been over a year since I posted here so I'll throw up some more songs I like

    Mainstream Stuff 

    Ariana Grande- thank u, next 
    Post Malone, Swae Lee- Sunflower
    Billie Eilish- Bad Guy 
    Taylor Swift- Me (ft. Brendon Urie Of Panic At The Disco) 
    Kahlid- Talk 
    Marshmello, Bastille- Happier 
    Lil Nas X- Old Town Road (ft. Billy Ray Cyrus)
    Charlie Puth- The Way I Am 
    Travis Scott- Sicko Mode (ft. Drake)
    Drake- Nice For What 
    Tiesto & Dzeko- Jackie Chan (ft. Preme & Post Malone) 

    Obscure Stuff

    Tyler The Creator - EARFQUAKE
    Anderson .Paak - Lite Weight (ft. The Free Nationals United Fellowship Choir) 
    SZA - Broken Clocks 
    SZA - Garden (Say It Like Dat) 
    Breakbot - Another You
    Janelle Monae - Make Me Feel 
    Madeon - All My Friends
    Martin Solveig- The Night Out (Madeon remix)  
    Snail's House- mal d'amour
    Snail's House- Magical Holiday 
    4B x TEEZ- Whistle 
    4B x TEEZ- Whistle (Schade remix) 
    Valy Mo & Dustycloud - Baguette Vibe 
    A.L.I.S.O.N- Gold Dust 
    Voyage- Beyond 
    LUNE- Reve Lucide 
    Hotel Pools- Nightshade

  3. This episode is real nice. Personally the reveal that Scootaloo's parents were a thing would have had far more of a WOAH impact if the wonderful world of youtube thumbnails and titles didn't spoil the hell out of it for me. 

    I didn't watch those videos but I saw the episode and I just have to say WOW they are EASILY the coolest parents we've seen. Her dad's a regular Steve Irwin and I like the design of the mother as well. Also on the topic of the aunts, it was interesting to see a same sex couple in MLP, kind of a risk for a children's show to do but I commend them for it.

    The episode's issue is very relatable, no kid wants to move far away and leave all their friends behind. It's pretty cliche but it's used to good effect being the central conflict of the episode. 

    It definitely feels like a final farewell to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I actually was tearing up a little at the end even though I knew what the fix was gonna be from act 1. This episode is just a reminder that the show IS indeed ending and I really am gonna miss it when it's gone... I like it quite a bit, it's a good ending to the CMC arc 

    Real good stuff 8.8/10 

    • Brohoof 2
  4. The humor in this episode was so amazing I just gotta say so many jokes were clever and made me smile 

    I know I usually write more but i just really liked this episode and the humor is what stood out most to me


    • Brohoof 1
  5. Thoughts on episode 
    I mean it was OKAY. Maybe I'm just saying that because I dislike the writer seeing as she gave us with the second worst episode of the entire series with Non-Compete Clause last year 

    This episode is a lot better. The weakest part is the ending. I'm pretty sure they thought it was clever of them to use Garble's talent to hatch the eggs and I guess it kinda was. The downside to that idea is it came off as very cringy and hard for me to watch, I also think it went on way too long. 

    I knew from the first time I read the synopsis I said outloud to myself. "The brother is gonna be Garble isn't it?" and I was completely on point. I mean It's cool to see Smolder get expansion I GUESS but I would have liked to see a new character. I know it would be a huge workload to develop one especially this late in the series but still, points lost for predictability.

    I do want to mention Fluttershy who I think was written FANTASTICALLY in the second half of the episode, asserting herself and dealing with Garble was a real treat to watch.   

    Other than those things I mostly mildly enjoyed the episode, We got to see more of the dragon lands, Ember is always nice, I liked Smolder, I hated the Spike abuse, but mostly it was a fairly good episode. 


    • Brohoof 1
  6. 2 hours ago, AlbaTross said:

    I'm a little behind of the episode, but I saw it, and it's good.  I'm glad we got an episode just starring villains.  They're all getting reformed in the end, aren't they?:dry:

    here's what I think will happen 

    (just a theory here but)
    In the finale Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow will team up with the Mane 6 or whoever to defeat Grogar and they will be reformed
    So yes, most likely, but not Grogar

    • Brohoof 2
  7. So Frenemies written by Mike Vogel

    I was worried for this one mainly cause the last episode he wrote was one of the most disappointing of season 8 

    But this episode was actually pretty great. I have been able to deduce from this episode that my favorite villain of the group is Cozy Glow, she is so frecking cute and I love her outbursts and manipulation. Chrysalis and Tierk were good in this episode as well, the dynamic between the three villains was different for the show and interesting to watch unfold. I didn't instantly forget Better Way To Be Bad right after it was over either so points for that as well. There was some other inserting things I liked in the episode as well, like Chrysalis getting her magic sucked with her eyes glazed over and everything as well as seeing more examples of the power Grogar has. 

    While writing this review I actually had a moment of realization and found that I actually liked this episode way more than I thought I did and bumped my score up for it considerably. I am not sure how I feel about the ending but I can only hope Grogar finds out what they did later on and wrecks their shit. 

    Good stuff and another great season 9 episode and this one has the possibility to be enhanced by future episodes 8/10 

    • Brohoof 3
  8. Yes I have Genres I favor 

    the closest I have had an obsession with may be Vaportrap/ Future Funk or Dofflin/ Kawaii Bass

    I think both of these genres are quite niche and I'm not sure if anyone will be familiar with my favorite acts from these genres.

    For Vaportrap and Future Funk my favorite artists are 
    Blank Banshee, Macross 82-99, Saint Pepsi, Yung Bae,
    Vaperror deserves mention for his Mana Pool album which I see as a Vaportrap classic 

    Vaporwave/Vaportrap/Future Funk may be seen as a meme genre but if you actually dive into this hazy sounding music you will find way more than just slowed down songs from the 80's and Macintosh 420 I assure you.


    I definitely love Dofflin/ Kawaii Bass as well My favorite artists here are 
    Snail's House and Wave Racer 

    I haven't gone as far into this genre cause it's hard to find a foothold. While I love this music my experience with it in terms of consistent output from one single artist has been fragmented as hell. Most songs I listen to that can fall into this genre are one offs from the artist in question, It seems like attractive music to make but not lucrative. Most of them are Japanese as well so that makes it harder for someone like me to find their music so there's that.



    • Brohoof 1
  9. 1 hour ago, KH7672 said:

    I agree with you on the bland execution but when it comes to your counter-example of a better execution it doesn't work quite the same. With Hurricane Fluttershy, the stretch in reach was a physical, objective goal. Either you break the record or you don't and if you don't then, oh well nothing can be done.

    But with these "Best _____" awards it's ALWAYS subjective decision. Anything whether it be plot, characterization can impact the choice of such an award. And with a show so furiously focused on Friendship and an award solely focused on such a thing there is no way they would get around it with the characters involved. Twilight was never going to give a Friendship/pal based award away unless a great example was done. Plus it threw in more of that underlying inclusion she's pushing with her event.

    The series is trying to do so many things that unfortunately implications are going to pop up regardless what decision.

    I personally would have liked to see Yona present it to someone else, but then you have her subjectivity to factor in where there wasn't any present to use. Or just have her reject the prize out right or not even bring it up in the end, but then that's a Chekhov's gun that never went off.

    I'll agree that my Hurricane Fluttershy example wasn't 100% accurate but I still do believe if it was written today they still would have broken the record. 

    I also think Yona rejecting the award would have been a very interesting and mature move. That wouldn't have made the trophy a Checkov's gun cause it was still used, it was just not accepted by the recipient. Yona could have said she didn't deserve it cause of how she ruined the dance and I would smiled and bumped my rating for the episode up by about 0.4 or 0.5 points for that.

    These awards are supposed to be a motivator for the characters actions but in MLP they prove to be more of a major hindrance as they cause the characters to make stupid decisions. More often than not causing collateral damage and ruining something for everyone around them, it's not right when that is essentially what they are awarded for. If you ask me they should be punished... but that wouldn't fit the tone of the show. I think would have just been straight up better without the award. 

    • Brohoof 3
  10. This is the worst episode of season 9 so far 

    I am going to shine a spotlight on the major problem I have with the episode 
    it's the same thing that made Non-Compete Clause completely reprehensible for me 

    Why is it that Yona ruins the dance, ruins everyone's night, makes a mess of everything, Basically does everything you SHOULDN'T do to win the best pony pals award... but her and Sandbar still win the award?

    T~T I'm sorry but that shouldn't happen 

    And for all of you thinking "well they won the award cause it's My Little Pony and it has to have a happy ending."

    To these people I point out the season 2 episode Hurricane Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash had aspirations of not only getting the water up to Cloudsdale but also breaking the previous wing power record. They didn't end up breaking that record, they just got the water up to Cloudsdale and I really REALLY LIKE THAT, it shows you can't get everything you want! I am convinced that if that episode was written today they would have broke the record. Cause it just seems today like if there is an award, trophy or title up for grabs you can accidentally kill 3 ponies and still get it cause why not. 

    I just really hate these "well you screwed everything up but you kinda sorta did the thing so here's the reward anyway" episodes. It's not funny, it's not cute, it's not subverting expectation, it's not a happy ending, it's ANNOYING! Yona and Sandbar could have had a great night without getting the award. The award shouldn't matter! Yet by giving it to them the show is basically saying it's all that matters (at least to me)

    trash 5.5/10 

    • Brohoof 5
  11. Good episode

    I mostly liked it, I will say though a weak point is the second act where Twilight is searching for Dusty after getting to the Retirement Home.

    I feel like spike was one of the best parts of the episode, He reacts to Twilight the same way a general audience member watching the episode would. That is when he's used best, at least that's how it felt for me. Also I liked seeing Moondancer again. 

    Not much more to say other than another strong showing from season 9. I am very satisfied with the season so far, so I look forward to more good episodes. 


    • Brohoof 4
  12. I wouldn't say season 6 and 8 are objectively the worst in the show because there is no factual basis for that argument other than personal opinion, but i do agree with that opinion

    my short answer to the question is Yes and no 

    The story editor is basically the show runner for that season so he's basically got a hand in every script
    I hated most episodes of season 6 and part of me wants to forget season 8 entirely. Very few redeeming episodes in season 8, there were like only 2 or 3.
    for comparison's sake I'd say season 6 had about 5 strong redeeming episodes

    He's okay when it comes to writing normal episodes and in cases like Shadow Play, downright great. But with him at the story editing helm, a lot of the episodes just seem to lack polish

    Now is Josh Haber completely at fault for the show's decline? no not really. Has the show even gotten that bad? season 9 (so far) tells me no LOL

    I think an equal amount of blame can and should be placed on less talented writers who are new to the show and just write TERRIBLE EPISODES. The most clear example being season 8's Non-Compete Clause written by Kim Bryer Johnson, it's clear to me she has no business (or in my opinion talent) writing pony but she's still on the writing staff... for some reason.

    So in closing is Josh Haber the root cause of the decline? yes most likely. But is it just him? no I don't think so. You have to look at the pool of writers as well. 

    That's my piece.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Look I am all for respecting opinions but... I think that there are huge flaws in this episode that I see no one here addressing.

    I have never felt so... isolated, opinion-wise.

    I mean is no one here is just a little annoyed with how we are given Chrysalis and she just basically a non-factor? She could have been cut out of the episode completely and the mean 6 could have been standalone antagonists and almost nothing would change (yes I know she created them, that's not the point, okay.)

    The episode can't decide wither to be serious or comedic it tries to do both and fails IMO

    The mane 6 don't think it's a good idea to question why their friends are suddenly acting not like themselves at all? 

    It leads the viewer along thinking there is going to be a payoff with these two parties heading to (and eventually) meeting up at the same place only for that to not happen at all and then the episode just ends on a disappointing anticlimax. 

    I mean I'am not saying you can't like the episode I mean if you do then more power to you but I really REALLY dislike it and I wrote a ranty review explaining why that can be found back on page one.

    I really just want to reiterate my issues cause I see no one else bringing it up. I'am just seeing nothing but endless praise for an episode that, In my opinion, doesn't deserve it. Please do not write a 7 paragraph novel as to why every issue I have is wrong and why I should be burned at the stake, okay. I am just trying to explain why I dislike this episode that everyone else apparently loves or likes.... ALOT 

    I mean can you seriously tell me you aren't at least a little annoyed or disappointed that the mane 6 didn't even know Chrysalis was there?

    *Sigh* I have a feeling I am going to regret this post... I just I wanted to say something.

    • Brohoof 2
  14. I decided to watch the episode early and here is my thoughts 
    Full disclosure, I did not like this episode and I have only few reservations about spoiling what happens so click the spoiler tab with caution.



    This was HOT TRASH. I am so disappointed in Mike Vogel, the writer of this episode.

    This episode had so much potential to be great, so many creative directions they could have gone with. The epic return of Chrysalis, Round 3, Operation: destroy Starlight, and all that good stuff, I was real excited to see this... NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS HERE! This is an episode that takes one of the most threatening NON-reformed villains in the series, one of the best honestly, and just does NOTHING WITH HER.

    Chrysalis makes these clones of the mane 6, they get mixed up with the real mane 6, misunderstandings happen (more on this in a sec), they start fighting, they kiss, they make up, they get to the campsite, episode END.

    Turns out the mane 6 were completely oblivious to Chrysalis's presence. I am not joking here when I tell you they do NOT personally encounter her even ONCE, after the very beginning of the episode. Do you know how much of a LET DOWN that is?! I wanted to see mane 6 vs mean 6 vs Chrysalis not THIS. The mean 6 do not even get defeated as a result of the mane 6 finding out they are clones created by Chrysalis, they don't even realize it. That brings me to my next point. 

    Why didn't the mane 6 find out? They get mixed up with the mean 6 and they really act stupid about this. If I went up to you and told you that you broke a plate, laughed, and told me to clean it up when you are a neat freak who loves to keep everything organized would you

    A- Ask me what the heck I am talking about, telling me you never did such a thing? 
    B- start a flight and not ask any questions?

    Well the logical answer is clearly A, but answer B is the master reasoning the episode runs on. The closest you get to logical reasoning is when Twilight tells the real Pinkie that she said the retreat was lame and boring (which is what the fake Pinkie said to Twilight) to which the real Pinkie fires back with, "I NEVER SAID THAT!" That point is never followed up on, no follow up questions are asked, no reasoning is logical. If the characters were written INTELLIGENTLY this plot could have been saved and it could have been a GOOD episode. Or maybe this idea was just too ambitious for a one part episode.

    It's all RUSHED, the story, the conflict (or lack thereof), the resolution. The episode never goes anywhere. The mane 6 NEVER cross paths with Chrysalis, even though the episode makes you THINK they will because they are both going to the same location. I watched this whole 22 minute and 4 second episode waiting for a climax that NEVER HAPPENED and I am PISSED that the episode made me THINK it was!

    No conflict. no climax, the episode ends on a complete anti-climax. The episode makes you think it has a point when it doesn't, it's plot doesn't go anywhere. Chrysalis is static as FUCK, seriously you could remove her from the episode COMPLETELY and very VERY little would change. It sad, it's manipulative, it's honestly not worth the 22 minutes of your life it wastes. 

    before my score I will give this episode ONE bit of praise. The comedy in it is pretty good and some of the things that happen are funny. The dialogue is good and interaction with the mean 6 are funny. But it's at the expense of the episode itself. It's like Mike wanted to write a serious episode that was also a comedy episode and it never hones in on a consistent tone. The episode is constantly fighting with it's self wither to be serious or funny and all it results in is a bowl of bland and tasteless slop that is, as I previously said, not worth your time. 




    • Brohoof 2
  15. My music taste has changed a lot over however long it has been so I think I should give another list 

    Obscure Stuff

    Virtual Riot- Everyday ft. Yosie
    Virtual Riot- Still Kids ft. Yosie 
    Mihka! & Kyoto Black- Kodokushi
    Succducc- me & u
    Cola Splash- Curry Drinker (Djemba Djemba Remix) 
    Moe Shop- Crosstalk
    Snails House & Moe Shop- Pastel
    Snail's House- Pixel Galaxy
    Snail's House- Sparkle
    Blank Banshee- Mega (not a song but an album I highly recommend it)
    In The Blue Shirt- Mellow Out
    Home- Resonance [MUST LISTEN]
    Fugene- Hereafter ft. Shully
    k?d- Lose Myself ft. Phil Good
    k?d X Varien- Catherine 
    k?d X Medasin- 1234
    Lolica Tonica- Make me Feel (Porter Robinson Remix) 
    Vylet Pony- I just want you to notice me
    Vylet Pony- Little Dreams
    Vylet Pony X Silva Hound- Bang Out
    Silva Hound X UndreamedPanic- New King ft. Chi-Chi
    L.M. Funky Toybox
    L.M. New Future
    L.M. New Start
    Mikuma- Raindrops ft. Namii
    Mikuma- Bubble tea
    Atura- Moon Dream
    Globul Dub- Kokiri Boy  

    Mainstream Stuff

    Childish Gambino- 3005
    Childish Gambino- This is America
    Bruno Mars- Finesse 
    Drake- Gods Plan
    Bazzi- Mine
    Migos- Stir Fry
    Calvin Harris- Slide ft. Frank Ocean, Migos 
    The Weeknd- I Feel It Coming ft. Daft Punk
    Imagine Dragons- Thunder

  16. If you count concerts at pony cons then yes that's usually my favorite part of any pony con I go to.

    Convention concerts I have been to 
    (Bronycon) BronyPalooza 2014, 2015, 2016
    Ciderfest Concert 2014, 2016, 2017
    (BABSCon) Neighem 2017 [ended up being pretty disappointed by this one, sadly] 

    as for a traditional standalone concert or music festival for (insert a-list musician everyone knows here) then nah I haven't. I mean I saw an American Idol top 10 concert like 11 years ago or something.

    I am more of an electronic music guy and those kind of performances don't happen much round where I live. 

    • Brohoof 1
  17. Breakup Breakdown Shakedown written by Nick Confalown 

    So maybe we forget that disaster last week ever happens and just talk about how nice this episode is. 

    I am not going to call it the next Perfect Pear or anything but I will say it's certainly it's a damn sight better than what we have been getting. This episode is very nice and I may be not giving it enough credit cause mentally looking back through it I can't think of anything I disliked expect for RP obsessed discord. I never liked that angle ever since Dungeons & Discords which I think was also written by Nick. Certainly not his best and not one I would reference but it was used to clever effect here so I'll give it a pass.

    I like that they brought Sugar Belle back and it's nice to hear Big Mac say more than just "Eyep." That's what I really like about Big Mac focused episodes, you get to hear him say more than one word and it's nice. Did I also mention how hecking cute Sugar Belle is? cause she is so adorable! She should have more screen time and appear in more episodes me thinks.

    I also like the sub-plot with the CMC getting the pie meant for Sugar Belle. It didn't end like I thought it would though. I thought they would mention it being a pie while Big Mac was hiding and he would pop out like "What?" Despite that not happening I still like the ending it had even if I would have preferred it be different.

    Good episode 7.4/10 
    Let's please have some more cause Season 8 has been really lacking 

  18. Imma just come right out and say it no title no writer cause who cares I HATED this episode. I was PROMISED a season 8 episode not a BAD season 1 episode with season 8 characters.  

    Let's talk about the moral which is TERRIBLE. Rainbow Dash and Applejack screwed EVERYTHING UP they couldn't build a shed, they ALMOST GOT THE STUDENTS KILLED, almost got themselves killed, got lost in the forest, decided to build a bridge across the way when 5 out of the 8 of them can fly. That is a lot of shit wrong, but who cares? Cartoon slapstick right? Well I wouldn't either if it wasn't for the ending of this thing.

    So apparently RD and AJ think being teacher of the month is worth all this and don't realize it's not until their own lives are in danger. I am sorry but this is childish AF, why do they still care about outdoing each other? It is season 8! This should not be a thing anymore! This is a trope that should be left dead and forgotten in the dark abyss of season 1 WHERE IT BELONGS please stop bringing it back. 

    Even with such a hateable concept I was still willing to not give this episode a complete thrashing if after all this AJ and RD DID NOT get teacher of the month. Completely reasonable right? Well... apparently the writer does not share that sentiment cause THEY STILL GOT IT! Happy times right? All is good in the world! Yeah sure... if you forget that there were times where all their lives were in actual danger. So basically what this episode is telling me is that you can screw up as horribly as possible almost get the ppl around you killed but you will still get what you want... REALLY?

    And the episode took it a step further cause not only did it still give RD and AJ something that they DID NOT DESERVE but they spun it as. "Oh they were showing us WHAT NOT TO DO!" Nice cop out reeeeeeal nice fucking cop out there. Not AJ and RD realizing that teamwork and getting things done properly is more important and beneficial to everyone than selfish desires. If you think that was actually the moral, It's not, that was thrown out the window when RD and AJ still got their meaningless teacher of the month status that will never be brought up or referenced again after this episode.


    • Brohoof 2
  19. Another new writer... and I didn't like this episode.

    I am not liking season 8 much. Not many episodes are standing out to me, and this episode certainly didn't break that chain.

    I am going to bring up a very logical question my friend posed. Why is Celestia having so much trouble acting when part of her job is technically acting? Do you remember Royal Problem? Celestia said that even though she is tired during the day she still puts on a smile... isn't that sort of like acting in a way? Whenever Celestia is in front of other ponies I imagine she is often wearing a metaphorical mask of sorts. I do believe being on a stage performing for others is a different thing BUT I think it is similar enough that Celestia shouldn't have had as big an issue with it as she did. 

    The thing about this episode is there are glimmers of competency in here, places where a few more minor tweaks could have made the story smoother. This new writer is not a complete lost cause. I mean this episode has a similar problem to Fake It Til You Make It or The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows as examples where the character is put into a situation they really should know how to handle but don't because plot.

    It not the worst thing I have seen but it's still underwhelming 6/10 

  20. On this episode of PONY THEORY! 


    Or did they just slap some pre-existing color palettes on some BG ponies they had no colors for?

    Considering the other references in the episode I am surprised they didn't end up being a reference to Penn & Teller.

    I mean you can think it's Trixie's dad or bro all you want but considering he has THE EXACT SAME COLORS I think they just used Trixie's color pallet for him, sorry to rain on the parade.

    • Brohoof 3
  21. Grannies Gone Wild written by G.M. Berrow 

    I am gonna be honest, I was REAL worried about this one. I was expecting to see the episode feature a Rainbow Dash who was wound way too to tight and behaving obnoxiously out of character in an effort to please AJ. Yes, there are small bits of that in this episode but I was actually pleasantly surprised by how rational she was being. I notice Rainbow Dash episodes like this, where she is tasked with doing something she normally wouldn't do, the writers write her very annoyingly, not so here.

    I also like the setting as well... I wish Las Pegasus had a bit more scope and was expanded beyond seemingly this one hotel. I also think they should make another DJ pony model besides DJPon3 I mean... damn she is virtually unrealistically EVERYWHERE, ehh, minor nitpick. 

    So episode is written well and I am happy about that but sadly I still dislike it. It's not really the episodes fault here, my issue with this episode stems from the story of it. I just didn't like the episodes plot, IDK why. I mean the grannies are not exactly the most compelling characters, they have buckets of personality, sure, but I just just couldn't get past the odd concept of the episode. 

    So to summarize, good episode, MUCH BETTER than last week. It defied and rested my worries about it being terrible and for that I am satisfied. However my dislike for the core idea hangs a huge dark cloud over this otherwise perfectly passable episode. Because of that I unfortunately I can't in good faith give it a higher score than 6.8/10 

    • Brohoof 2
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