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Everything posted by Nintenboy195

  1. Well, I couldn't find another thread talking about it. Sorry if someone else made one I guess. Well today, the next Nintendo console was revealed... And I am very impressed. It shows power, mobility, and most importantly, games. Meet the Nintendo Switch (Previously known as the "NX") a console/handheld hybrid that as of right now... Really packs a punch! It showed Skyrim SE, Zelda, Mario, and several other titles. And that really speaks out many words to me, as it should to you. If this tablet can run Skyrim, the enhanced version, it tells me that it is indeed on par with the PS4/XBOne. And that high performance games will run. Then they showed the few second clip of Mario, oddly enough in a western setting. Very exciting. They also showed enhanced ports of MK8 and Splatoon, not much to comment on those... I'm not paying $60 for games I already own. (Assuming that's what it is. An enhanced port) overall, this machine is looking very good right now. I only hope it doesn't go over $350... ABSOLUTE MOST $400! Love to hear what everyone thinks!
  2. Mario and sonic adventure game, or a mario or sonic fps
  3. I'll give a censored version. A celebrity said "Pingas' out for Harambe" Harambe in and of it self is kinda sad, but that one quote blew it up.
  4. If I could choose to be any anime character, I'd have to go with either Mario or Sonic.
  5. I love and embrace all memes... Pingas and spongegar being my favs.
  6. I like my hotdogs really from one place... From the Dog Hauz (<--- probably spelled that wrong) and I get the Little Leaguer, with onions, shredded cheddar, and Fritos. Can't get much better than that.
  7. Never have I lost interest. And I only absoulutely hate one episode (what about discord, I think it's called?) from season 5.
  8. I'm feeling pretty darn okay, I think. Been looking around the forum, of which I haven't been on for monthes. And its pretty cool. I just want the NX to be revealed...
  9. Back, for now. As you could see, I haven't been on in... Like a million years. I hope to be able to hang around. It was pretty fun while it lasted, so yeah. Hi

  10. Hey! Welcome to mlpforums! Hope you like the board, and that was one damn good introduction... I remember how simple mine was. Lol
  11. 411525 Haven't been on here, on the forums in awhile. Might lurk around for a bit.
  12. The file size was my fault. I used an obscure way to implement the music. And I regret it. I don't have the source code, so I can't fix it it's running on. Game maker studio
  13. I want the film action oriented. Like the season 5 finale. I got such a Fallout Equestria vibe from seeing that Rainbow Dash design. I want the plot to be something apocolyptic, but in the end, resolvable. Idk, can't say much until we see our first trailer.
  14. Hello everypony, if you have not noticed, I have cancelled these projects. I explain why in this vid! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2DcqHhX4bU
  15. Hello everypony, if you have not noticed, I have cancelled these projects. I explain why in this vid! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2DcqHhX4bU
  16. Hello everypony, this is my first game too ever be released. It is a mlp themed asteroids game. With Princess Luna as the main protagonist. Destroy all of the asteroids and prevent Equestria from meeting with a terrible fate! (If you are havin trouble, try pressing R!) Here is the link! http://gamejolt.com/games/luna-asteroids-my-little-pony-fangame/128026 Screenshots: Please enjoy!
  17. Only 15 more minutes :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Evilshy


      Played it so much when I was a kid. Windows 95 Arcade was the shit.

    3. Nintenboy195


      Indeed it is :) I love the classics :)

  18. Why is evveryponys signatures not coming up?

  19. @@ShadOBabe, I know theres more to it but she already has an amazing talent for leadership and hottness.
  20. I personally, I love the wii u very much. But it's easy for me to understand why it gets the criticism it gets. 1: It was overhyped. I believe that it was shown a year too early. It was shown at a horrible time, and should've been revealed on the year it was released. 2: The presentation. The name was very confusing. To me and many others, I believed the wii u was an hd, more powerful wii with an interesting controller concept. Kind of like the O3DS and N3DS. 3: The launch. New Super Mario Bros was getting pretty repetitive at this point with nsmb2 and nsmbu coming out the same year, and nsmbw releasing just a few years before, the one first, nsmbU should just've been called "Super Mario Bros U" for its old an unoriginal concept. And zombieU was okay I've heard, but really... Nobody really cared for it... Imagine if a game like Super Mario 3D World, or Wind Waker HD Came out on launch. It probably would've sold much better, because it had games that were actually desirable. 4: The specs The wii u has a pretty decent graphics, but are inferior to xbox one and ps4, (note: the ps4 is slightly lower graphics quality compared to the xbox) It seems that the graphics on wii u are stuck between the ps3, and ps4. But the wii u can definitely pump out good graphics when the developers put there mind to it. Games like Black Ops II, Super Smash Bros Wii U, and Mario kart 8 are a few examples. But the processor inside is kinda lacky, like lets use Black Ops II. I own the both the Wii U and PS3 version, and when it comes to loading a multiplayer game, it could take up to twenty seconds longer to start the game up. That is just one example of the processor being inferior to a console that came out several years before. 5: The disappointing hard drive. They did not even try with this one... with 8 gigabytes for the standard model, and 32 for the so-called deluexe edition, they really shoved this one under the rug. And I think the did this because of my next point. 6: Marketing plan. Ever since the wii, Nintendo has been marketing there hardware as family friendly, and beliveing that only kids own a nintendo device. Which is very wrong. Either when you make a Nintendo Network, or start Miiverse for the first time, it says something like, "Hey kids, go give you system to your parents to activate your account" them assuming that you are a child. That is why I think the HDD on the wii u was dumbed down. Just watch any commercial from nintendo! You get some really corny stuff that would make hardcore gamers not take them as seriously. Final Verdict These are some of the things that I have found wrong with the wii u, and why it gets the hate it has been getting. Hopefully nintendo will learn there lesson with the nintendo nx, or what I have been calling it, the nintendo cross. Now I want to make one lost point, I AM NOT saying that I am happy that Iwata died... I was devastated. But I think that Nintendo needed a new ceo. And if Iwata was alive, he would've been nintendos spokesman, and still host Nintendo Direct. I dont know the source of this, but i beleive that iwata wanted nx to be even weaker than the PS4 and XBOXONE... So, lets hope that nintendo will improve upon what I have stated. We need ATLEAST a 256 GB standard model. We NEED a great launch. We NEED a true next generation specifications. And most of all, we need Nintendo to make Iwata proud.
  21. New Rarity trailer!!! whos hyped?!?
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