Ha ha! Don't worry I won't sue you! I'm completely open to all ideas and suggestions! I was thinking of changing her name *maybe* because as my own pony OC, I kinda wanted her to be slightly more unique to my pony. (Gallifrey is the name of the Timelord planet, to all you out there whom aren't familiar with Doctor Who) And as the colors, I just used my favorites: blue, yellow, and green. The bow tie is a Doctor Who thing; my pony being a Timelord-pony which is also part of the reason for the hourglass half of the cutie mark.
Actually, now that I think about it, my pony OC has undergone several changes since I first made it: in the beginning it had a muffin cutie mark and her name was Muffin, and at the time, not a Timelord-pony. Then I think a year or so later, I changed the cutie mark to an hourglass and then later changed the name to Time or Time Turner or something like that. Then, just recently I changed its name to Gallifrey and made my own cutie mark. Hot Dang, I should probably sort out mah priorities.. :/