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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

go away seb

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Posts posted by go away seb

  1. No specifics, I just want it as close to canon style as you can make it.

    Ok, any specifics?




    And just a general thing. I can do *almost* anyhting! Challenge me! I like a good challenge!


  2. I would post the picture here, but my computer wants to be a lulamoon and won't let me. There's a picture in the Character Database under the name of Pinstrype, age 15. Sorry I can't post it here.

  3. "I guess I'll just go back to the dorm," Pinstrype said to himself. He grabbed his stuff and flew towards his room.


    As he landed by the Dorms, he heard the intro of MLH, slightly muffled. Just for the giggles, he yelled "IF YOU'RE TRYING TO BE SECRITIVE ABOUT IT, YOU'RE DOING A REALLY BAD JOB!" He quickly and silently slipped into his room and closed the door. He opened up his laptop to see what he could stream from the terrible connection the school has. "That's all there is? Well..." he made sure the door was shut. "...just one episode."

  4. To be completely honest, the only reason I use ad-blockers is because it massively slows down page loading times for me. Especially when ads load first, then everything else follows. I would know where I was going to click when all of the sudden a "CHEAP PORN" ad pops up right there and I accidently click that. I'm not talking about the forums in this case, just normal browsing. If ads were not able to be turned off here, I would have barely even started typing this.

    • Brohoof 5
  5. Pinstrype was still in the cafeteria. He looked to the side for whatever reason and noticed the clock said 10:15. "Aww, crud! I'm late for class!" he said aloud. He quickly grabbed his laptop and flew to the classroom as quickly as he could.


    He burst through the door of the classroom. "Sorry I'm late! Did I miss anything?"

  6. I'll just give a few pointers on how to actually make it. First off, the Fonts in the banner are "Cheeseburger" and "Gilligan's Island." A quick Google Search will work to find them. I also threw together a reference image. The blacked out areas are spaces that will be blocked from view. Use Paint.NET or Photoshop to make your banner, and don't leave the boxes when you make it.


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