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Everything posted by 221BTardisSt

  1. I've never skipped an episode. Usually, if I don't like the episode, I just keep watching in hopes that it will somehow get better lol.
  2. I feel like Rainbow Dash would SAY that she doesn't want to be a princess to everyone's face because she doesn't want to tarnish her tomboy reputation, but I do think that she would secretly enjoy it. Who wouldn't? I don't think it's going to happen, though. Slight chance for the show's finale, but I hope they wouldn't.
  3. I guess mine would be Pinkie Pie. She's pretty shallow sometimes and can be pretty catty. I still think she's funny, but I don't care for anything else about her.
  4. It's definitely got a lot of girly qualities, but I think the feminist qualities in the show are some of my favorite parts. One of the lessons you learn from watching the show is that it's okay to be bake cupcakes and design dresses and take down bad guys in a macho showdown. By rating, I'd probably say 6 on the feminine side and 4 on the masculine side, but in comparison to the previous gens, WAYYYY less feminine. I definitely would say that the franchise has evolved similarly to how our culture has evolved in view of what's ok for guys and girls to do.
  5. Real life: Of course it would hurt. It would be like jamming your nose against a tire. Pony world: It must not, otherwise they probably wouldn't do it. Rainbow's face in the pic up top is just too adorably sassy.
  6. While I think this would be a GREAT idea, I don't think it's likely to happen. It would be pretty neat, but the writers won't put it in.
  7. Rainbow Dash all the way. As far as supporting characters go, Roseluck's colors are much like my OC's, but my favorite two are Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser. Cloud Chaser's colors are really whimsical, which I think compliment her spiky mane style well. I love Thunderlane's black coat and striking hair color.
  8. NO. PLEASE NO. It's my personal headcanon that Celestia, Luna, and Cadence got their alicorn powers in the same manner that Twilight did: by proving themselves with an act of bravery. Cadence probably did something in relation to the Crystal Empire, and Celestia and Luna might have gotten their powers when they defeated Discord. No canonicity to back it up, just my thoughts. Ignoring the show and seeing it from an economical standpoint, Hasbro would make a killing off of alicorn kingdom toys.
  9. Oh my gosh, I didn't even realize we were halfway through S5. I can feel the hiatus approaching... It would be amazingly epic if the finale had flashbacks of Starlight Glimmer stalking Twilight throughout the season, but I'm going to be the party pooper and throw out the possibility that it was simply coincidence, or the animator's idea of a joke to see if anyone would catch it. Can't deny that the pony in the frame is Starlight Glimmer, though. It's absolutely her.
  10. I used to like Fluttershy a lot, especially the first season or two, but RD started growing on me toward the end of season two. I started taking karate around season two, so RD's sportiness and tough attitude combined with my budding warrior spirit (lol) made me like her a lot more.
  11. Its good to hear such overwhelming positivity about the episode. Faith in fandom officially restored
  12. Can't remember specifically, but just in the replies of recent threads. Usually it was just a side comment, not the main topic.
  13. I'd like to be the second member. They are so adorable
  14. I assumed as much, just thought somebody may have had a rational argument about it.
  15. Really? I've only heard negative. I guess the fandom's big enough to get mixed opinions on everything, though. I don't get on the forum much, but I've seen about three or four people say that it was the worst episode they had seen or that they didn't even finish it. I thought it was a great dedication to the background ponies, especially the speech that the Mayor gave.
  16. Twilight- She'd probably be very politically involved, but also conservative, so I'd say Republican. Pinkie- She'd probably choose Democratic. Grumpy, old, white men don't seem to be her thing. Rainbow Dash- She wouldn't care that much, but would probably just throw in a Democratic ticket. Applejack- Conservative. A(pple)solutely. Rarity- I could see her being mixed. She would care more about the details of each candidate rather than the party. Fluttershy- Democratic, because of global warming or recycling policies or something like that.
  17. Hey everypony! I've heard a lot of trash talk about episode 100 lately and was wondering if someone could explain to me why they dislike it so much. Personally, I liked it. Secret agent Bon Bon was adorable, and don't even get me started on how much I fangirled over Doctor Whooves. If I disliked anything, it was Vinyl and Octavia's rampage through town, but I really liked the song. So why didn't you like the episode?
  18. I'm not a Rarity fangirl, but no one can deny that Rarity is a gem (pun intended). She has so many good qualities, like generosity, ambition, and a good sense of fashion. She's practically perfect; her only bad quality is a tendency to be a teensy bit melodramatic, but it only adds to her personality on-air.
  19. Even in Hearth's Warming Eve, the pony race representatives agreed that they didn't hate each other, they just really disliked each other. In most kid's shows, you are going to notice the absence of the word "hate," because a lot of kids are taught not to say it because it's such a strong word. That being said, I do think that there have been times where the CMC have felt hate toward Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but I don't think they would have said it.
  20. I think both pony and EQG versions should have thicker thighs/haunches and arms/forelegs. Any girl who is team captain of several sports is going to have muscle. But as far as her style goes, I like it. I think I would've exchanged the pink skirt for some red soccer shorts, though. Also not a big fan of the boots on any of the EQ girls. And for pete's sake, WEAR LONGER SKIRTS! I'm sorry, I had to get that out.
  21. Really, I think it comes down to the intended audience of the show. Obviously, little girls will want to buy the toy of a pony with a cute name like Pinkie Pie or Twilight Sparkle rather than Lauren or Elizabeth. Plus, certain names just wouldn't work for certain jobs, like Trouble Shoes. you certainly wouldn't want a mechanic or a surgeon with that name. I think we have to be fair in saying that there are a lot of ponies with names that don't really have any specific allusions, Like Fluttershy or Twilight Sparkle or Sweetie Belle. Also, there have been instances of ponies defying their names, like Apple Bloom. We all know her talent isn't apple-related or flower-related, but it's rather a family name. This would be my explanation for the Cakes if they weren't bakers when they grew up. Some ponies are also named for their coloration, like Pinkie Pie (also a family name) and Rainbow Dash. Now, there are definitely a fair share of ponies with obvious names, but I'm going to attribute that to literary convenience.
  22. You almost made me cry. I think you need to write the rest of season five.
  23. Personally, I think we are actually going up right now. My ranking of the seasons are: 1. Season 4 2. Season 2 3. Season 1 4. Season 3 I think the only season I could say I truly disliked was season three. So far, I am loving season five and it may even make number two on my list, but I don't want to jump ahead of myself until it's finale. As far as the episodes go, I think we had a little "pothole" with the season finale of four and third episode of five, but I can't say that I have hated anything else in five. Season three... well, I think you can tell what my opinion is on season three. All in all, I think we've got at least another season or two before we start the imminent rot.
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