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Posts posted by cosmic_joke

  1. I mean, honestly. Think about it. Ignoring the already well-connected references present throughout the game, from Arlen Glass's office, to the Minutemen-ending conversation with Preston, there are an incredibly large number of similarities between the books and the game. Which is odd, since the books came out first and the game was in production for upwards of 6 years.

    Pink Eyes had a giant airship, just like the Prydwen.

    Project Horizons had an entire story arc surrounding the Institute, even if it turned out vastly different in actual canon.

    Can anyone think of any other connections? I know there are a ton more, but none are coming to mind right now.


    Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria…


    War. War never changes.

    By the end of the second Celestial Epoch, the world had become a very different place…


    In constant, seemingly futile attempts to keep the invading zebras at bay, Princess Luna ordered great patches of Forest cleared for raw materials to be used in the war effort.


    The only two places left untouched were the Whitetail Woods and the Everfree Forest, the former for being an integral part in the turning of the seasons from summer to fall with the annual Running of the Leaves. The latter, Everfree Forest, was left untouched for a very different reason. The ancient magics that had kept it alive for untold centuries were now being used to keep it safe. The forest had learned to defend itself: with deadly precision.


    The only team to successfully make it in and out almost entirely unscathed was that of Stable-Tec, where they had chosen the place for the last of their many Stables, bastions of hope for the remains of ponykind, should the worst happen.


    As the war reached its final endgame, great horrific hours of pure balefire scorching and destroying the once-beautiful world, thousands flocked to the shelter of the massive underground Stables.


    But even then Everfree fought back, only letting a small number past the treeline, and even fewer reached the Stable itself, deep in the heart of those ancient woods.


    Even now, nearly two hundred years later, the forest still fights back, letting few who have entered ever leave.


    Because war… War never changes.





    Shadow of Everfree

  3. Here's my OC:



    Where my OC is the 'mortal' on the left, and the ghost of Starswirl the Bearded is on the right.


    This, I'm sure, will be a rather daunting task, and if you don't feel that what I'm explicitly looking for is quite what you are feeling up to, then I would really appreciate anything that you are happy doing. :) I really need this as a cover piece, so thanks in advance for anything and everything you can do!

  4. Is there anyone out there who can do a bit of art for me, drawing my OC please? I have alteady asked several different people, but the first bunch found the taskmtoo daunting, and the latest person, who is an AMAZING artist, will no longer answer my PMs, even after agreeing to draw him almost a year ago.

    So I turn to you, the greats, the undiscovereds... Will YOU show me what you can do? Get your name out there, once and for all, to be known and loved as one of the greats? I present you with a daunting task to be sure, but I have the utmost confidence that you CAN do it!

  5. I never said anyone who didn't want to had to come -.-


    It is just an opportunity for those of us who long for a better, cleaner lifestyle than the one already provided for us. And its not just bronies: its built on brony philosophy, but caters to any and all who want it. Isn't that what the whole fandom is about? Love and tolerate, and to share those kindnesses with others. Pay it forward, be a better person.

  6. 1) Remnants of America

    2) IDK (brain loading... please stand by)

    3) It would be the old USA: people would already be there, and it would be better than in other parts of the former nation.


    Remember that this isn't going to be huge, at least not to start. There will still be a lot of places left... unreached, by our new nation, and so migrating there from elsewhere would be a change for the better.

  7. Actually, I partially agree with Chronamut: America is a lost cause (I'm voting for Trump), and I plan to build my, our new nation on the ruins of the U.S.A. It probably won't be too long before we piss someone off enough that they try to wipe us off the face of the earth.

  8. I am nothing if not completely serious about this. Yes, my name has the word 'joke' in it, but that is just a play on my life (an inside joke, if you will).


    I think and feel that this is fully possible, and should be arranged and orchestrated with all caution and haste.


    Cange is coming, can you not feel it? The world as a whole has been in its currewnt state of turmoil for far too long, and eventually it will reach a breaking point where many nations will dissolve, and chaos will be a large factor in the lives of many people. I plan to use this time to forge a new, hopefully (but really, who can tell?) better, nation. Probably in the sad, ruins of what used to be America. Just saiyan.

  9. Um, its not my birthday...


    An army doesn't have to consist of people who kill other people, although if it comes to that, I am sure we would have no choice.

    No, the army I am thinking of would primarily exist as a means of helping others, in a systematic, efficient, and ordered way.

  10. I like the idea of a new religion based on these ideals, but I'm rather happy being a Christian; and besides, we would look more ridiculous than the Church of Scientology if we decided to worship a bunch of winged ponies from a kids' show.


    'Better benefits than in our current country'? Pal, I live in America, where the only 'benefits' are being given to illegal immigrants... don't get me started on that one!


    A bunch of sweaty people in Luna t-shirts? Look, I'm not FOR Luna, its just that Lunar sounds better than Celestial. And yeah, we probably would end up having a conflict of NLR vs. NCR. One reason we need an army.


    Ok, so we would need a leader. You're right, communism sounds great on paper, but is in fact the worst form of government found to date, seconded by democracy. So we would perhaps need a new form of government, perhaps one with 6 leaders, each governing their own ministry, and reporting to one higher power..? -see: Fallout Equestria-


    Am I the only one who has seen the state of the world today? We need an army, not one with guns and missles, but one with people who can actually do good rather than bad. People armed with knowledge, and the will to help others. A new form of army for a new form of people.



  11. Should we, the Brony nation, finally come together as a true nation?

    One with no ruler, just the ideals of Equestria, of the Elements themselves, as our guide.

    The New Lunar Republic, where we would Love and Tolerate the sh*t out of anyone who dares oppose us, but also no longer be afraid to go out and BE WHO WE ARE, 24/7, 365.

    With our own flag, our own holidays (Hearth's Warming Eve, Hearts and Hooves Day, Nightmare Night, etc.), out own colors, and our own army. Here to take on the world.


    I think this is a good idea. Anypony care to join me?

    • Brohoof 4
  12. Well that happened... BUT it is the 5th year anniversary.

    I was thinking the writers might give them their marks seeing the title and the date, but in reality I was thinking most likely not. I thought they were maybe going to end up helping Pip get his mark.



    I'm surprised and glad they did actually mention the Apples' parents though. For some reason that was something that really Irked me- The Apples are "all about family" yet it was like their parents never existed. Is it too dark or something?



    I mean come on, I watched the Lion King when I was six and I'm not mentally scarred or anything. Simba's Dad GOT FRICKEN' KILLED by his BROTHER and they SHOWED HIM DEAD!!


    Sorry for my off on a tangent tangent rant, but things like that are what worries me about kids growing up today. Giving kids a false sense that the world is a "butterflies and rainbows nicey nicey" place is probably going to cause problems for them down the road when they actually have to deal with real problems.



    Well back to the episode in general, I thought it was good although a bit too musical for my taste. I like that they worked on Diamond Tiara, because she was just annoying. It will be interesting to see how the CMC are used from hereon out.

    -twitch twitch- You just made a 'the world is not butterflies and rainbows reference in a My Little Pony forum? Really? Nonetheless, I do see your point, and wholeheartedly agree with it.

  13. See, this THIS is why I haven't been promoted at work! I miss the obvious things. Anyways, here's my horrendous massacre of your awesome work. Please make it good, and please don't hate me!




  14. And here is Pone's OC, looking mischievous








    Hehe, you have to use bbc code img (Without the spaces) and put the url of your picture in between. (which by the way, is also how you do a signature)




    And here is Pone's OC, looking mischievous








    Hehe, you have to use bbc code img (Without the spaces) and put the url of your picture in between. (which by the way, is also how you do a signature)

    But what if it's just a local file on my comp?

  15. Thanks, yeah like I said, not great with those kinds of things :P


    But, I'm glad you liked it!

    I REALLY hope you don't mind, but I kinda massacred yur art in the hopes of making a better Stable jumpsuit, thinking that perhaps you could... improvemyshoddyworkandnothatemeandmakeitgoodpleaseandthankyou! :D


    Waah! I can't figure out how to upload!

  16. Started on your request, have the basic outline done, Shape, mane and tail, etc. Need to work on the specifics of the Pipbuck and barding now, which will be interesting, but a fun challenge.


    Update: Trying something a little different for the hair style than usual, feels more "Fallout: Equestria" to me, but you'll have to tell me what you think once I'm done


    Pre-barding and Pip-buck, here's cosmic_joke 's OC







    Well, I'm not sure good the barding/pipbuck is (I don't normally do those kinds of things) but I finished working on Broken Hinge, hopefully you like it :)


    Now, on to the next one!





    The one minus the PipBuck and barding is my favorite. It's freaking AWESOME!!

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