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Posts posted by Notomi

  1. Aracnophobia, fear of spiiderssss ;-;

    Nyctophobia, fear of the dark, but I'm not actually afraid of the dark, am just afraid of the night time rather than the dark, but I couldn't find a phobia for that :c

    and Coulrophobia, fear of clownssss! >u<"

    • Brohoof 2
  2. I wouldn't say my dreams have been great, and I don't get nightmares to often. they're usually me living something that could happen irl. like just last night I found these bugs in my bed so was like nope and decided to sleep somewhere else, and I had a dream that I caught one and let my dad see so he could deal with them lol

  3. I've had it twice that I can remember. the first time I had no control and I was freaking out cause like, I had one of those black ghost things from one of the Harry Potter movies sucking up my face or something. I just got annoyed that I couldn't fight it even though I knew it was just a dream.

    the second time I had half control so it was good enough.

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