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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Inax

  1. o3o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Inax


      o3o my "Wut" meter just went through the roof o3o ~boops your muzzle~

    3. JonasDarkmane


      ......... >:T *Boops back* ^^

    4. Inax


      >w< Meeeew ~huggle wuggles chu<3~

  2. Rural. And by Celestia, its WAY too isolated. Living in a ranch, 10 acres of mesquite, rocks, and grass. Dirt or muddy roads. 4 doges. And one pony. Cute pony . w. The nearest town is like 10 minutes away, but for cities, pffff, 20+ miles from where I'm at. That is like the same distance as to where I have to get to the university I'm attending. This living is taking a toll on me. So lonely Q ^Q
  3. "Hmm, didn't get to say hi to her. Meh, maybe next time." Inax lets out a sigh. "Skitz, you're silly =3= Now, we were schedule to fight right? Been waiting for a couple of days to finally fight you. Had to keep freezing time back home. Hope that machine keeps working."
  4. _,_ Gonna play Skyrim again... >:3 as an awesome Illusionist Muaha! I guess I'll do Dawnguard before I get back onto the main quest.

    1. CaptainDoubloon


      I love the Destruction school of magic so much that I've never looked into making other types of mages. >.>

  5. Inax is left with a blank face ._ . "I think I gave you brain damage all of a sudden." He backs away from Skitz. "Anypony have any schizo-pills for this pony o~ o" He shakes his head to wiggle off the tension on his cheeks. "And um...no I'm not a hobo? And I don't have any gold either :\"
  6. A random pillow flies towards Skitz and hits him softly in the face. Inax yawns and scratches his ear with his hind hoof. "Mmmm....oh look, a pillow just hit your face. Hope it didn't scratch or hurt anything." He picks up the pillow and hugs it. "Kind of fell out of bed and pop back here again."
  7. That was mean. So what about this announcing thing = -=
  8. Blah, should have used mouth wash. Morning.
  9. Nirvana - In Bloom (Dang character limit..)
  10. Ahhhhhhhhh...right. Ok then @Unicorncob Ha, you got the reference.
  11. I'm not your guy, friend. Well, when ever your ready. Its late here, but at least we can start or something...
  12. Stupid weather. Shouldn't have played Song of Storms when I was messing with my ocarina... Well, I'm still home. Internet is hanging on.
  13. I'm going to be sleeping over at my grandma's. So I won't be on here as frequent till Saturday. (I'm limited to what I can do here so... . w. Give Electron some love and a big hug for me hee hee Yah...)
  14. "Even if I lose, I wouldn't mind really." A spiked claw appear from the barrel, each finger wiggling. "Woo, all is good." The cannon returns back to regular hoof. "Hee hee, you know, I know somepony back home that has the same attitude as you." Inax put the screwdriver back into his sweater pocket. "He always gets his butt whooped. ow - I feel sorry that you keep getting you plot owned by this Ice pony. You'll someday exact your revenge one day...but then get back to the bottom and start over again .w ."
  15. Electricity flourish across his forehoof with each twist and drops the tool. Half his front hoof dissipates into a shining, silver cannon, the barrel away from Electron for safety. "Ah, there its is. Ha, I keep forgetting where to adjust it." Inax picks up the screwdriver and adjusts it some more. "Horogramfs. Alwayfs makin' meh misff."
  16. "Elemental wha? They have those here in Equestria?" He skims over Electron. "Looks to me you're just a regular yellow, cutie-wootie, huggable snuggable pony to me. Or at least to me." Inax giggles. "Awww, man. Nah, who needs one single weather or element thingy anyway. I got my own secret...stuff, yah!. Just need..." He scavenges deep inside his left sweater pocket and pulls out a screwdriver and puts the handle in his mouth. "Yah, sceffdriffer." He lifts his left front hoof up and places the tip of the screwdriver on it. About 2 inches away from his hoof, slightly hovering, he twists the tool with his teeth. Nothing is there, yet it seems something is being fitted in. "Jurf neef adjurfmenfs"
  17. Inax's eyes were closed as he finishes his cappuccino. "Yup yup yup, live up your...goal thing or whatever." He stick out his tongue and pokes it with his hoof. "Dang it! I did burn my tongue, ugh!" He throws the empty cup away and sits down, getting comfortable. Inax looks at Electron. "Oh hey! Who are you again? o3o"
  18. https://www.dropbox.com/s/38i4yo8yrt8go3g/Song%20of%20Healing%205-15.wav?dl=0 Ahh, yes. The Song of Healing. I could only play like the first part (Left section) without looking at the tab sheet. But after that, I don't know what comes next. It is...rather soothing to play it . _. Too weird? yah. Tried to play it with the pace with the song itself. Play it twice by the way. Want to hear the song itself, here you go.
  19. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Otherside Staind - Its Been a While
  20. "What? Are we acting out a play or something?" Inax takes a sip of French Vanilla cappuccino, the aroma filling up the air. He sits not too close to Electron. He coughed and shook his head, making his mane more messy, as he had just woken up from his slumber (from where ever he was sleeping). He was wearing his white hooded sweeter inside out "You said stage. So I was thinking we're doing some kind of drama or something, like Princess Bride." He waves a hoof in the air. "I call dibs as Wesley, who wants to be my Buttercup?" Inax giggles and blushes, sipping once more on his cappuccino. "Or if not, Inigo Montoya, ooo, that would be great." You could only hear the wisp of air coming from what could have been a portal or some kind of magic from side of him, abruptly closing even before anypony saw it.
  21. ~yawn~ ...I'm up. Not enough sleep, but oh well...
  22. Sadly I do respond. Just won't start now. Midnight and my eyes are burning. Tomorrow.
  23. ~yawn~ Morning

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