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Everything posted by BlackWater627

  1. I totally forgot I was even wearing my Luna shirt too! ROFL The fun has been doubled! (No, seriously that's what the shirt says.) :comeatus:
  2. Brohoof. This episode was fantastic. I loved the free-for-all in the dream world with everything from Princess Big Mac to Flutterbat Returns. My favorite part of the episode, though, was the message. That Luna was hurting herself like this really tore me up. Forgiveness not only from others but also from herself...that was very powerful and moving. Luna, we all love you!
  3. It's made of win right? I mean you get the awesomeness of chocolate chip inside of the flawless victory that is oatmeal cookies.
  4. That's an interesting viewpoint. However, I think it would make for a very good episode if she did get some servants and then had to address her position on it. I think it'd make for some great discussion. (Though we're kind of already having one without an episode. ) Personally, I think having staff would make things better for Twilight rather than worse. Her control-complex could be less burdened by not having to deal with the mundane things like cleaning the castle. At the very least it would help Spike, since he seems to be the one doing it.
  5. Blast. Missed this topic going up yesterday I guess. An appreciation thread? Thank you! Yes, it's awesome. It's amazing. Words can't describe how happy and full of joy I was when I heard the decision. It's been hard to really express how happy I am because of all of the arguments that have been racing around over it. It's like every time I just want to say "hooray" I'm getting pulled into some hateful argument that I don't want to be in. I have no doubt that this decision was a huge encouragement to others like me who are surrounded by people that look down on them. So a whole lot of YES to these equal rights. And also a whole lot of love and encouragement to my fellow LGBTers. (I don't care if that's a word or not ) I was writing a same-sex marriage fimfic before the decision was ever made. Does that make me a hipster? (I'm joking.)
  6. You and me both, brony. Considering what Moondancer must know through study, I'm really hoping she comes in as a major helping force in a future episode.
  7. Some people are like that. Seriously, I know people in real life that don't keep up with the house they live in.
  8. One of the things I hate most about Youtube comments is not being able to keep myself from scrolling down them even when I know that all kinds of stupid is going on in there. It's like I have this desire to reconfirm what I already know I will find. Once in a while I'm surprised though and I find civil conversations between people who are actually talking about *gasp* the video's original topic! Yeah... If I had to place my two biggest hates on YT comments: arguments that are not even on topic and really any serious argument that happens on a video that is not a debate or "argument" video to begin with (which is also like getting off topic).
  9. I get the feeling. Some people equate not liking something to hating it, which is not true (at least not necessarily). It's frustrating when they keep pushing that, though. I have friends that aren't into MLP. I don't take offense or think they're hating. Anime fans can be just like MLP fans or Dr Who fans or any other type of fan when their enthusiasm leads them to start arguments and fights with people who aren't into the same things they are. I think the answer is just to be less emotional and more rational in such discussions (which I'm glad you and the OP seem to be doing). I used to be an anime fan. I watched tons of shows years back. I eventually slipped out of it because I didn't find new shows to be interesting and I didn't have the time to crawl through old shows because of MLP. When it comes right down to it, I just focus my fan-energy on the things I enjoy the most. That's been MLP for the past 3 years. Maybe it will change in the future and maybe it won't. I think the lesson of the day is to be respectful of other people and their likes/dislikes. If you want to drill into a deeper discussion of "why" then by all means. Just make sure the other person actually wants to and respect them if they don't. For the record, here's my own reason why I "dislike" anime: all the shows coming out feel the same to me and even the more supposedly unique ones are filled with so many cliches and stereotypes that I'm either disinterested or offended. Again, that's only my personal opinion and no person is expected, obligated, or implied to agree with it.
  10. Lots of people loved this episode, including myself. I agree with you that it's not my favorite of the season, though. I can love it without it being my fav. Oh gosh. That was a loaded weapon left unfired. Why no Twidancing? She's got the moves like Jagger! When I started watching it I was thinking "another episode with BG ponies? No way! Awesome!" Fuel for the fandom. Not that we need it but...you know...
  11. Pepperpony all the way! I mean pepperoni...yeah... What can I say? I'm standard when it comes to pizza. Double pepperoni please.
  12. Sad Lyra makes yaks cry... Seriously though, that picture makes me sad. But at least Lyra has Bonbon. As for Moondancer, yeah. I think it's obvious that she had a very strong connection with Twilight even if Twilight didn't realize it back then. Now, I'm not one to go and say that's fuel for shipping but I do know what it's like to have a friend that you feel more connected with than they feel towards you.
  13. Pretty much. I've been a fan for a while so it was an epic adventure for me. Basically, you just have to picture having wanted this episode for like 3-5 years and then finally....you have it.
  14. I can't wait for all of the book-styled fanart, fimfics, and video parodies. You just know that shenanigans are gonna go down.
  15. New episode? A great time! That's my verdict. ^-^

    1. Jeremiah


      that's it? oh well, i give it an A

    2. BlackWater627


      So did I. Looks like lots of people did down in the episode poll. :D

  16. What I want. Well, on top of a truckload of other things. @@Envy, is that Moondancer or a hippo? Oh G1.
  17. I get what you're saying. I never got into praising or hating Larson because I never got into praising or hating any of the other writers. I loved this episode but I don't know what that means for whether I like or dislike the writer. I'm a little curious now to look up my most loved and hated episodes and see who wrote which ones. Never paid too much attention to it before. Then again, I'd imagine there are many factors that play into how the episodes are made (i.e. the writers don't do the music).
  18. Like the preceding song in the livestream. Sums up how I feel about this episode too.
  19. Oh dear Celestia! As for this episode, Loved it with a capital L. Great message and great BG ponies. My only disappointment was the lack of Lyra. Then again, she was probably too busy spending quality time with her wif- I mean her best friend Bonbon.
  20. Transform the world's major energy systems so we're using renewable sources (which entails drastic improvements to current renewable technologies). Hey, reach for the stars, right?
  21. I'd have to say I put them roughly 20-22 because they don't seem to be teens in relation to other ponies in their own world. They seem more like young adults. Maybe it has to do with their somewhat independent statuses. I can't imagine them being older though. When I first saw Twilight I imagined her as that perfectionist college student that decided to go on past 4 years honors and all. I think part of the poll results has to do with the ages of bronies themselves. The statistical peak for our ages is right in the 16-23 range if I recall the last census data correctly. So blame age projection.
  22. Oh gosh. I don't even know how this is going to go, which is one of many reasons I'm so excited. I'm going to deny right now that I really want there to be serious interaction with Sunset and Twilight. And I don't say that because I'm a Sunlight fan. Totally not. Seriously though, there's plenty of strangeness and feelings that will happen with the human Twilight and the Mane6 (Sun-version) because of obvious reasons I need not state. -_-
  23. My town is close enough that I can see them from my house. Also, sparklers! Yay! Happy Fourth everypony!
  24. Immediately goes to derpland to check for 4th of July art. xD

  25. Word. Moments of family and protection and going in harms way really get to me. I've teared up on several episodes. Like Castle Sweet Castle when Twilight hugged Spike because he was sad about the library too.
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