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My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

MrKoalala's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. Hello, Is it okay if I joined this rp with my stallion?
  2. Well they would probably be arrested for talking to me so I would laugh...
  3. I will bring... 0-0 don't do dis to me *hides in a corner* Take them back I don't want to choose
  4. Well first I have to chime the bell, everyone loves it so much they shout! Then I'll hang out with my bff Craig he's a cow pony like me! ((Sorry for late reply btw ))
  5. Episode I'm in a show! coolio! Where's the camera? (If you want a serious answer just ask )
  6. ((Sorry I can't reply with a voice I can't figure out how)) My favorite colour is gold, like bells! And of course I like cookies!
  7. MrKoalala


    Thanks everybody sooooo much lovelovelovelovelovelovelove
  8. How did you feel when diamond tiara made fun the cutie mark crusaders?
  9. Could I use my oc Called King Malum (Evil in Latin) He basically committed multiple accounts of pony endangerment he was then revealed to have split personality disorder, one is A kind fatherly figure, The other a pony with a craving for danger
  10. No one's getting a medal for being honest in real life
  11. Ask her anything and i'll try and reply with a voice :3 Even if you're just searching ask anything! She'll reply to literally anything (That is kid friendly)
  12. This would be reeeaaallly cool
  13. That would be..... flippin' amazing
  14. I don't know how to make them but more Luna Emotes would be nice
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