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Posts posted by Zyfer

  1. I have a friend that posts about these amiibos everytime he gets one which is kinda often. They look like nice figures. Didn't know they was made by Nintendo I thought they was just licensed out to a lot of things.


    Someone mentioned games with these.. Umm wut? Sry for my stupidity. ^^ I don't keep up with gaming news like I should out since it's getting to be like World News.

  2. Can anyone tell me what ethese atomic compounds are called?

    Placement order please


    Thank you!


    Had chemisty in high school while it was and imo still is interesting we didn't learn much. Teacher useless and talked to different groups 3/4 of the time. Lot of days it was pretty much free time to do w/e. Read so many mangas and played lots of pokemon in that class. Still not as fun as Spanish class which I took to the extreme in time wasting. :D


    Never even seen these models before. So with that I'm frankly just going to guess.


    1. C2O3H4 (this comes up as Glycolic or Peracetic acid in google but the models do not match the picture)

    2. I want to say C2O3H6 but because there are long greens and short greens this is probably incorrect

    3. Water H2O





    Green - Hydrogen

    Red - Oxygen

    White  -

    Black - I'd like to say Carbon

    White -

    Yellow -


    Other posters might want to considering thus format to make it easier on completing these problems. :)


    There is Wolframalpha.com but I'm unfamiliar with using it.

  3. Just curious but has anyone had any good luck with Taco Bell? I only eat from one that is like 200 miles away because they have larger tacoes for some reason.

    The one taco bell around here has been shut down a couple times for pretty bad health hazards.


    Remember another one Microsoft / Xbox


    EA, Activation and a slew of other big gaming companies but that's more hate and not enough hype. But maybe they do belong here because they have enoumous hype machines. Not sure....

  4. McDonalds!!!!!!!- I have a huge McHate for them!


    Subway - It's a sandwich shop, possible even a fancy deli, also never been.


    Starbucks - Never been but it's just coffee. I also don't like coffee.


    Any type of mainstream or luxury clothing brand - Why?! most of everything they sell is average with really fat price tags. Oh wow! a pair of pants for 250$ then you go to a store and find it like 70$ then another lower price store for 20$ then junk stores for like 3$.


    Pass that umm there isn't to many stores I can complain about since there isn't really many stores where I live :(


    Bestest store - some kind of Dollar General where i pick up MLP coloring books.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. The first set of .Hack games.. they was 4 of them, very nice and a lot of stuff seemed interesting and fun. Even tho a lot of the stuff is limited compared to nowadays the systems felt more balanced and unique.


    Wouldn't mind playing Metal Gear Solid 2 where they have the ship and the giant ocean rig complex. Both of them are very memorial. I remember getting Metal Gear in the after noon after school and accidentally played to 1AM on a school night, it was just so addicting.

  6. I'm already pretty lost. Played minecraft here and there and got bored. haven't really tried any mods since the good ones are big and seem to need dependancies and then others aren't compatible.... just confusing :(


    Are we allowed to post links?

  7. @@Zyfer, thanks for that, haha.  ;)


    Umm, multi-crossovers are admittedly fairly rare. The ones that stick out most in memory though are the Summoner (human transported to equestria with the power to summon minions, starts throwing in Starcraft's Zerg, Tonberries from Final Fantasy, etc), and some story with four humans from the real world playing video games and being transported to Equestria somehow with the powers of the game they were playing (Minecraft, TF2, etc). Though, I'm sure I've found several others, and there exists many many more I don't even know about.  :wat:

    To be honest, I think crossovers are easy-ish to start with, given they naturally have an interest boon if you happen to find readers who like both series and the character's you're using, but harder than average to get right as you now have even more cliches to avoid, and very different elements to blend together in a believable and interesting way. Multi-crossovers get even worse with this, and it just becomes too hard to follow in my own opinion--even the appeal of each additional story line seems blunted by them now having to share the spotlight and draw on multiple worlds/settings/histories at once.

    Like you said, there seems to be an issue with replacing/melding two stories together then basically just doing the same thing too.  :derp: Even if they mix it up and get away from that a good deal, I feel like too often they don't get far enough away from what each series originally was like?  :huh:


    Multi-Crossovers: Basically 3 steps forward 2 steps back


    In a lot of movies when they mention something like EMP or even Zombies they usually explain or simplify it. I find this quite annoying since I already understand the basics and some of the advances but wouldn't that help merge them better then saying something that 1 or both fandoms already understand so you could get non-fans into it?


    Like instead of ||| Ash throwing Ponyball and screaming, "Pika Pie! I choose you!" ||| maybe something along the lines of ||| Ash throws a red and white spherical object and demands that Pika Pie comes out by incanting the not so magical words, "Pika Pie! I choose you!" ||| ?


    Or would that still be pretty bad?


  8. Speaking as someone who's gone through over a hundred MLP fanfiction stories by now, crossovers included (but admittedly in the minority)...


    I wanna share this one bit I heard (but paraphrased) before I go into my personal feelings and experiences with crossovers: a crossover author is someone who not only limits their audience to fans of a single series, but limits it again to fans of an entirely different series.


    ........... lots of text here............

    Sorry to all who had to read through all that.  :sunny: ...That wound up being way more text than I intended.


    Read it all :D and I don't mind since you described what you feel pretty good and accurate... and that usually takes a couple lines...


    Have tried a couple cross overs and not just MLP based ones and I kinda get the same feelings. You end up having same characters doing their own things really and it's kind of like water and oil, same glass but no mix.


    I think if you can add in or completely replace the main cast with OC's (which can be similar but not clones) that helps more then anything else. I also do not like seeing basically a history or plotline completely replaced with similiar history. Example would be a seeing a pokemon-sonic or pokemon-MLP cross over where they basically repace Ash, Misty, Broke with cross over characters and then procedes with normal pokemon story. This is highly annoying!


    I've seen a little bit MLP-Doctor Who. Like the ponies but nvr did like Doctor Who.


    Also are cross overs really hard to do? It seems i've nvr seen a multi cross over (Example MLP-Sonic-Pokemon).

    In fact, I've finished gathering the data for this study. With the permission of the original poster, I could figure out whether stories marked with a "crossover" tag in MLP fanfiction actually are less viewed or lower rated.


    :o that seems interesting and I'd be interested in knowing! (I like to know stuff and find interest in boring things.)

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I like Twilight.


    I honestly don't see how alicorn Twilight differs from Unicorn Twilight. She gets wings which she barely uses. I think they played a minor role once to transition from places in a hurry during 1 episode and thats it. Since her wings don't really come into play much you can just mentally replace wings with no wings or vice versa. If I remember she might have used her wings during the battle with Tirek at the end of Season 4 but even then you could copy and replace the wings citing over abundance of magic and that she was using magic all the time.


    With that in mind I'd really like to see an episode with Twilight and more books :>

    Possible future problem/episode:  Twilight runs out of books to read and has to go on an epic book hunt over all of Equestia. Also with new Castle (this being the thing I don't like since I think living in a giant tree library was cool) Twilight has more and more room for books. I would imagine a lot of people kind of don't really like the castle but as in Castle Sweet Castle we need more episodes featuring the castle as a place. I'd actually wish the design was a bit different tho so it could fit in with the rest of Ponyville. Seems like it came from Crystal Empire.


    As for reckless magic use... umm Element of Magic, unicorn/alicorn, gifted student with lots of books and probably some that's considered forbidden or extremely limited. Eventually the student will want to try out some of these. Least she hasn't tried casting any Megaspells leading to Fallout Equestia or some other Equestia Apocalyse.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Umm.. seems like forums are kinda slow today (then again it's always slow).


    1. I'd be jealous and hurt if Fluttershy loves Rainbow Dash D:

    2. It's a fanfic story and not canon making it a lot easier to be liberal and creative.

    3. I think it's kind of out of place for Rainbow Dash to cry in most situations since she's the tough one. Granted she did cry in S05 E05 "Tanks for the Memories" but the way it was written was much like one of those "Dead Dog Stories"

    4. Never being in a relationship I'm sort of confused with this part:


    "Rainbow Dash gets a bit embarrassed, and asks Twilight for help with her "Situation". Twilight agrees to help and takes Rainbow dash to her parents who help pick out some outfits. But realizing what was going on, she flies off crying; she wasn't in love with Fluttershy, she was only trying to help Fluttershy."


    I can understand why Rainbow Dash is embarassed and I can understand the not in love with Fluttershy part. Don't understnad the "situtation and the takes Rainbow Dash to her Parents part.


    5. Curious how your gonna be able to isolate Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash from the Mane6 since I would assume Twilight would invite them to her parents.


    6. Love pic


    (just seen post 9 minutes in and I type slow :( )

  11. Different CPU architecture so it can't happen. Most consoles are x86 (32bit). PS3 was some kind of custom architecture that isn'y widely used or available.


    Future tech is moving to ARM for mobile and Intel pretty much dominates PC. Most consoles use AMD processors because consoles can't be cutting edge.


    I haven't even seen any PS3 Emulators either which is probably because you'd need either hyper threading or go AMD with lots of cores but a lot of ppl don't like AMD because they are generally slower.


    Recompiling the game is really the only option and this usually is done before for different platforms or done much later with extras like all the HD remasters/remakes/collections. Recompiling usually entails different problems and bugs that needs to be fixed. With extras being added in and some models/textures being HDified it might be too expensive with little profit.


    Go PC master race!

  12. Fluttershy first! With all the Fluttershy love it might even be a challenge who hugs her the most. >.>


    I would also like to hug / cuddle sleepy Rainbow Dash because she just sleeps so often.


    Lyra cause she's get a human hug. I'd like to hug Rarity but Rarity will probably be extremely afriad of my clothes!! D:

    Twilight because hugging her is easy. Give her a book and she'll just ignore you allowing you to hug and do other things. Now that I think I need to google for pictures seeing if there is a basic trap for Twilight. :>


    Can't forget about Luna!


    All other ponies must be hugged! If needed we shall take the giant tenacle monster potion to distribute hugs at rapid pace!!!

    • Brohoof 1
  13. It could be minecraft style. Nice and flat much like how most of Europe thought it was because of the technology and ideas being censored by the church.

    It could be round planet where they turn the planet or are powerful enough to actually move stars and such.


    It could possible be a fake mini moon and sun. Some superman comics references him make mini Suns for a pet sun eater along with other uses.


    It could also possible be a multiverse/multidimensional type deal but that would be much more complex.


    The Friendship map ins season 5 is nice but it's flat. But it could just be localized. Maybe later in series it'll transform into a globe so they can plan Total Friendship Domination!

  14.  you're heaping a whole lot of other popular cartoons into the same category at the same time. 


    I honestly see nothing wrong with the cartoons airing today. Pfft. I mean, come on. Anyone worth his salts would just ignore it and move on to something else. Unfortunately this is what the majority prefers.


    It seems like 1 producer or manager (whoever is in charge) puts out a couple cartoons with similar styles but with slight variations. Almost like a gut shot hoping it hits a target audience and makes it successful. They then take the less popular ones off the air, extend the more popular ones and starts a new scatter shot project possibly recycling ideas hoping to hit big again.


    Cartoons today seem about the same if inferior... most of the stuff appears to feel watered and dumbed down for the new worse generation of kids. Worse in a multitude of aspects with education and getting things easy. We should be making better things! Not things that need to be recycled regularly like appliances and cars. This really doesn't apply to just cartoons but a couple other things such as TV series, Video Games, Movies (especially with all the remakes).


    Sry for this generalized rant. I tried to keep it brief (tho i could have easily got more detailed).

    • Brohoof 1
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