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Everything posted by Velcorn

  1. I'm now sitting naked in front of my PC... just kidding, still wearing the same stuff... Do you have any plushies? Pones or not
  2. Oh, God, I have so many. I'll come back some time and list some of them. For now, go with these: "The purpose of life is to take joy in life" - Dolphin Way: Rise of the guardians "Don't trust every random quote from the internet" - Abraham Lincoln
  3. I'm pretty photosensitive and tend to get migraines from directly looking into fire or light and also dislike the warmth, so no... Same
  4. I don't know, wood and magic? You tell me Favorite flavor?
  5. I don't know why, but I tend to feel way better at night, more relaxed and more motivated to do stuff :/
  6. Not, that wasn't what I implied. I've not really listened to my psychologist and kind of felt bad for it, being nervous when I went to visit her again. They are not supposed to be angry, disappointed at you, or even hate you^^ They are there to help you so it seems irrational to feel nervous or even anxious but well, the human mind is weird
  7. Well, but they are trying to help you, giving you tips on what you can do and it doesn't make it easier for them if you ignore everything they suggest you
  8. I'm probably a mix out of Flutters and Twi being a bit shy and socially awkward not keen on being around too many people and also pretty science-loving^^ Mix in a bit of Dashies affection to competition and winning and you got me
  9. Thank you <3 However, the backstory was actually meant to be a little bit lacking in certain details but since some people have mentioned that I will probably fill the backstory some time ^w^
  10. Not really sure, I guess I look, speak and act pretty much according to my age. It's always hard to guess people's age online thus it may happen to be mistaken for either younger or older. I don't have many people telling me that they guessed me to be younger or older or even make guesses about my age. I'm 20.
  11. I've already asked for ratings/help in a thread but I'm curious to what you think of the revised version https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/night-rain-r8785
  12. Pretty normal right now, bored as always nothing to with my life, not motivated to do a single thing. I need to go see my psychologist again has been like >2 months now and I always feel reluctant to deal with stuff like that. I don't really think she can help me so it is probably best to get a different psychologist, but I kind of don't want to tell her and tend to procrastinate stuff like that. I mainly just wait for time to pass until I feel better or feel that bad that I can't wait anymore which is more likely to happen but still not anytime soon... Meh.
  13. If it breathes, I ship it No, seriously, I can ship everything that is cute together or just fits. Like FlutterDash or LyraBon etc. Also my OC Night RainxSea Swirl :3 Same
  14. It's rain but how did I get here and why is it raining in your bed?
  15. Funny coincidence, another MLP shirt just arrived today So yeah Do you have much pony merch?
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