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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Velcorn

  1. Never heard of it. How many plushies do you have? How many of them are pones?
  2. Don't really have one either, too many Favorite music genre?
  3. Very nice example, I'm main support and that is the reason I got so frustrated in the game yesterday. Sivir flamed me after taking 5 towershots because she preferred to take the tower instead of an easy kill and cotinuuos lane pressure so I took the kill so I wouldn't die. She kept flaming me how I didn't know the basics of the game and how we didn't have an advantage now... She was Gold V 0 LP with a 30% winrate and lecturing me how I have to play the game... After that, I was done with the game From my experience, ADC mains or the randoms I have to play with suck that hard at playing ADC and/or are very arrogant assholes thinking the game evolves solely around them. I got a message for those people: Season 3/4 are over and in the tank meta you as an ADC are the most useless role in this game. Can't tell you, I like the game but starting to learn a new game always takes a lot of work and time so you have to see if it's worth it for you. Also, if you don't have enough friends to play with you in the early stages, it will be very frustrating. I don't know if I want to recommend it
  4. Takes some time to get used to Favorite OS?
  5. You are the last man on earth and hear a knock on your door I don't know, being alone on this planet seems kind of boring. But if there are still animals, I'd go somewhere to visit dolphins Would you rather be blind or deaf?
  6. Banned for not having your cutie marks yet.
  7. Large, I prefer looking like a douche or whatever is associated with wearing a large shirt than having to be pressed in a small one. Favorite CMC?
  8. True, but I don't flame or write anything most of the time, it takes some serious effort to piss me off like that. I tend to not flame anyone who doesn't flame me.
  9. Yeah, not an option for me, I'm very stubborn and if people annoy me or mess with me, I can get pretty toxic and tend to tilt in rankeds I wanted to win before.
  10. I always think I've seen everything in League but some people surprise me... I can be very childish in such situations and tend to show them that they won't be doing that with me if they care to win, may it be a normal or a ranked... I mainly play rankeds just as casually as normals because I don't really care anymore so I mostly play rankeds right now.
  11. Well, I mainly play Rankeds usually but when I decide to play Normals it's mostly when I'm really bored and most of my friends aren't online or busy...
  12. It's more like it made him stronger, overcoming the force of natures/weather and still having learned something due to his curiosity I might eventually dig deeper into that but it doesn't seem to be that important as of now. It's more like he isn't used to living on the ground in general but it's utterly possible that earthbound culture is unusual for him causing him some trouble. After all, he keeps coming back to Ponyville for Sea Swirl :3 You got me there, corrected that^^
  13. I've thought about changing it but I particularly liked this since it goes well with his name and I simply liked it visually. Also, being a pegasus who is also working in the weather factory, it kind of makes sense to me to give him something related to that. I've tweaked the description a little bit to make it a bit more fitting. You're right, I've changed the background accordingly. I didn't really imply them still being in contact and I've revised that part a bit. Seems that he turns out to have a really similar backstory to myself I didn't intend to make him more like my Ponysone but whatever^^ Thank you for your precise input.
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