So, a semi-popular youtuber known as Super BunnyHop posted a video practically bashing E3 earlier and made a lot of points I just don't disagree with. Here is the video if you don't know what I'm talking about:
I'll be listing out my counterpoints, so lets get straight into this!
1. One of his first points is that they are only showing the video games at their best. Of course they are going to do this, it is basic marketing, why would you show the more boring bits of the game first? You want to get consumer interest and showing off the more mediocre parts of a game isn't going to do this.
2. I can agree with him on the HoloLens, it is basically false advertisement.
3. The pipboy is just a cool little collectible thing, hence the collector's edition. Nobody is really going to use it for just the silly gimmick, it is a neat replica of the actual thing and a cool decoration, not something to complain about. Especially since there is no direct harm from the success of it. (Not to mention things like this have been around for the longest time).
4. The Last Guardian point was cherry-picking, yeah that one scene looks the same but why aren't you comparing the whole trailer? Plus, the fact that it is still being worked on is some nice clarification so there is not really anything to complain about.
5. He makes a point about how people just need to know something is coming to get hyped about it, but completely contradicts this point in a further statement. I'll get to that.
6. I agree with him on the amiibos, Nintendo has gone too far with them really.
7. He says that we should be surprised by the gameplay of the games, yet earlier he says that people shouldn't just be hyped about a game simply being announced. You can't have one or the other really. Not to mention how important it is to know what a game is before going into it for the consumer. THere is no reason to buy a game if you don't know what the gameplay is like and if no gameplay was shown prior to release, gaming would essentially be dead due to this marketing suicide. E3 helps games get out there and show what they are, without it, games wouldn't be as big as they are today.
Overall, he seemed like he just wanted to complain in this video, and while E3 does have inherit problems, he took it a bit too far. I tend to normally like his videos but this one felt really poorly put together. Lemme know what you guys think.
So yeah, my first blog post, kinda threw this together fast but I enjoyed making it, hopefully everyone enjoys it!