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Everything posted by Minute_Man

  1. So, a semi-popular youtuber known as Super BunnyHop posted a video practically bashing E3 earlier and made a lot of points I just don't disagree with. Here is the video if you don't know what I'm talking about: I'll be listing out my counterpoints, so lets get straight into this! 1. One of his first points is that they are only showing the video games at their best. Of course they are going to do this, it is basic marketing, why would you show the more boring bits of the game first? You want to get consumer interest and showing off the more mediocre parts of a game isn't going to do this. 2. I can agree with him on the HoloLens, it is basically false advertisement. 3. The pipboy is just a cool little collectible thing, hence the collector's edition. Nobody is really going to use it for just the silly gimmick, it is a neat replica of the actual thing and a cool decoration, not something to complain about. Especially since there is no direct harm from the success of it. (Not to mention things like this have been around for the longest time). 4. The Last Guardian point was cherry-picking, yeah that one scene looks the same but why aren't you comparing the whole trailer? Plus, the fact that it is still being worked on is some nice clarification so there is not really anything to complain about. 5. He makes a point about how people just need to know something is coming to get hyped about it, but completely contradicts this point in a further statement. I'll get to that. 6. I agree with him on the amiibos, Nintendo has gone too far with them really. 7. He says that we should be surprised by the gameplay of the games, yet earlier he says that people shouldn't just be hyped about a game simply being announced. You can't have one or the other really. Not to mention how important it is to know what a game is before going into it for the consumer. THere is no reason to buy a game if you don't know what the gameplay is like and if no gameplay was shown prior to release, gaming would essentially be dead due to this marketing suicide. E3 helps games get out there and show what they are, without it, games wouldn't be as big as they are today. Overall, he seemed like he just wanted to complain in this video, and while E3 does have inherit problems, he took it a bit too far. I tend to normally like his videos but this one felt really poorly put together. Lemme know what you guys think. So yeah, my first blog post, kinda threw this together fast but I enjoyed making it, hopefully everyone enjoys it!
  2. I always get INFP when I do this test, though I'm pretty borderline on most of the stuff it seems.
  3. We all have done ridiculous things in video games, what are a few things that you have done? My first was the Pajama Puncher, a playthrough I did in Fallout 3. Using only their fists and the sexy sleepwear, my character wrecked havoc through the wastes, killing practically everybody. And yes, I managed to punch a deathclaw to death once. Here is what they looked like: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/525015346380522718/70C890FFC22D39DE142D2A5C8A21C4312E2F8058/ There was also the time in TF2 where I went on gamebanana and found the stupidest/silliest mods and installed them all into my tf2, this was the end result:
  4. I tried making fried oreos at home the other day, they were amazing! I should cook more often, haha.

    1. JonasDarkmane


      You cooked? Awesome :D *Hugs*

    2. Attack of the Pwns

      Attack of the Pwns

      Those sound awesome-I might have to look into making some of my own XP

    3. Minute_Man


      You should! They are relatively easy to make and come out delicious!

  5. Just saw the fallout 4 trailer, looked way better than I thought it would! Then again, I'm a huge fallout fan so anything new & fallout related is awesome to me :P

  6. I didn't go on the forums for like a day or so and now I have 53 notifications :v.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. Attack of the Pwns

      Attack of the Pwns

      Wow, 800! I already feel bad for skipping over some of them if I have more than 10 or so. I'm always a tiny bit afraid that someone will be offended, or that I'll miss a "I'm leaving the forums" or "I'm having a lot of stress and mental issues" or something else really important, but there isn't much I can do about that. I think my record's in the 40s, I've never been off the forums for more than 2 or 3 days.

    4. JonasDarkmane
  7. Starlight Blossom
  8. My school was recently built like 4 years ago and honestly kinda looks more like a prison than a school on the outside. Inside it looks pretty nice however, besides the boring white walls (seriously like every wall in this place is white!) Besides that though, its an okay school.
  9. I have a similar issue when my friends are talking about what they find attractive, they are all describing what they like so I just sorta sit there confused, though I don't necessarily have a problem identifying when something is supposed to be sexual or not, some of the more subtle stuff tends to stump me though. Also, an annoying thing about being asexual is trying to explain it to people who have never heard it before, a lot of my conversations go like this. "So do you find girls attractive?" "No." "Okay, then you are gay, right?" "No, I'm asexual, I don't like guys or girls really." Then I get like one of these 4 responses. "So are you like a tree???" "Yeah, no, you just don't wanna admit you are gay." "Dude, how can you even know if you haven't had sex?" "You just choose to be asexual because you can't get a girlfriend." (This one really irks me the most.) All of them are kinda understandable reactions to somebody who hasn't heard of it before, but man is it kinda annoying.
  10. Fallout 4 has got to be there, its been awhile since the last bethesda developed one was made (since New Vegas was a spin-off developdd by another company). It'd be silly of them to not at least acknowladge it in some way. Though in general, I feel as if Nintendo is going to be reviving some old IPs this year that people have been begging for. There is also a slight chance the US could be getting Mother 3 officially translated, to go along with the soon-to-be realeased Lucas smash bros DLC(plus they even mentioned it last year at E3, sure it was a joke but it was still something.)
  11. Sure thing! Can't go wrong with more friends, which is something I also happen to be looking for myself (I have a few close friends but not much else). Feel free to message me as well as add me on whatever you want!
  12. I used to have a very bad temper when I was younger, I'd get mad very easily if something bothered me, sometimes to the point where I would even scream. Now I have cooled down a lot, it is very hard to get me to scream, but when I do, you know you screwed up. Other than that, the most I get is annoyed, which is relatively easier for such a thing to happen as some things just really bother me. For example, I cannot stand at all the sound of people eating.
  13. Well, here we go! Gonna start streaming some bad fan fics now! Tune in if you want! www.hitbox.tv/rustygears

  14. Did my first live stream last night, I was reading horrible fan fics and it was actually really fun and I thinking about doing it again later. If anyone wants the link, lemme know :v.

    1. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      ...*Slowly hides his MLP fic behind him.* XD

    2. Minute_Man


      haha, don't worry I'm currently stuck on an 8 chapter long bad smash bros fan fic... fun ._.

    3. Minute_Man


      Actually... I was wrong. 14 CHAPTERS... kill me.

  15. Came across this song in the background of a youtube video and now I can't stop listening to it for some reason.
  16. I'm so glad that the old team for Banjo Kazooie was able to get back together and make this, its like the biggest "Told you so" to all the people that denied them from making such a game. I'm definitely following it closely and getting it once it comes out, and hopefully it leads to more 3d platformers coming out as well, it is a genre that needs to get revived!
  17. Yup, I'm part of it. I'm asexual and transgender, not out to everybody yet but I'm working on that!
  18. My Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031619767/ I'm always looking for new people to play with so feel free to add me! Mainly you will see me playing TF2 but I will gladly play pretty much every game that I own, with a few exceptions.
  19. These two were basically the highlights of my childhood, fantastic games all around (until they were bought by microsoft that is...) and I still go back to play them at least once a year. I'm so glad that the spiritual successor on kickstarter got backed, it looks like it will be everything that made Banjo great! (If you don't know what I am talking about look up Yooka-Laylee, old Rare devs are teaming up to make a new game like Banjo Kazooie!)
  20. I'm asexual but not aromantic. I wish people around me would stop thinking asexual means I don't want a relationship at all.
  21. Twilight would likely turn it into a history show or show about magic. Rainbow Dash would make a show where she does all sorts of dangerous challenges and other such things in a competition. Fluttershy would probably make nature documentaries. Pinkie Pie would probably make it a prank show. Rarity would probably make a fashion show. Applejack would likely do something similar to rainbow dash, though maybe a bit less extreme and more in good fun that everyone can participate in. Or, they would all decide to keep the show as it is or maybe even alternate every episode who is in charge.
  22. I'd say I'm very passionate about writing. Though generally I don't write specific stories and I like to focus on a fictional world more in general. For example, I will create a world and a complicated lore behind it, but I will rarely ever utilize it to make a story. By now, I'd say I have made 4 different unique universes that are completely finished for now but I've yet to utilize most of them. I did make a tabletop rpg out of one for me and my friends to play though.
  23. I just remebered two other stories in which I looked like an idiot. The Swarm of Kids My class was pretty weird in elementary/middle school as a whole (town was small so it went k-8). One of the more memorable things was one of my friend's little brother. This kid was like the mob boss of little kids, his entire class would do anything he told them to and he always looked pissed. Anyways, one day during recess me and some other people are chilling under a tree when all of the sudden him and 20 other kids walk up to us and he yells "GET THEM!". All of these kids start charging towards us and we bolt for it. My first friend got lucky and managed to avoid them by using the slide to his advantage. The other friend, who was the older brother of the mob boss tried to tell his brother to stop chasing us but instead of that working out he got swarmed by the kids. I ran away from these kids for like 15 minutes until they finally got to me and the same happened to me. Now, it may seem laughable but when you got 20 kids attacking you it is nearly impossible to fight back, especially with the teachers around. After getting swarmed they completely went ham on me punching and kicking me. After a teacher finally intervened the mob boss gave me the dirtiest look I have ever seen and ran off. None of them got in trouble and one even stole my pen. This is only the tip of the iceberg of weird stuff that happened at this school too. Obama Panic For some reason back in 2008 my group of friends hated Obama and thought he would ruin America, we thought he was Osama Bin Ladin in disguise and we thought John McCain was our only hope. I honestly couldn't tell you what was wrong with us. Keep in mind that this was during elementary school. So during recess one day we decide to pretend how Obama will be defeated and for some reason I remember it clearly. I ended up being the guy to play the role of John McCain. So it started with me giving a speech about how I just became president when out of nowhere Obama comes in and attacks me and says that he and the terrorists will take over the country. Then we ended up chasing each other a bit with general stupidity going on the whole time such as Obama saying stuff like "Muhaha! You will never stop me!" and me saying "You'll never get away with this!" Fast forward a bit I end up being cornered so I pull out a finger gun and shoot Obama, saving the day. After that for some reason the area was going to blow up so I had to run and jump for the helicopter(the monkey bars) and escape. After managing to do so I then yell "America has been saved!" Like I said, don't ask me what was wrong with us because I don't know.
  24. Honestly, the problem that I have with the opposition to cursing is the fact that there is practically nothing to be offended about most of the time. Curse words generally are used to express emotions, such as to show you are angry, shocked, or even happy. Why should we have to apologize for feeling these emotions and expressing them in our own way, especially when there is no real context behind them to get offended by. Of course, this doesn't apply to insults, which are obviously always rude and offensive.
  25. Personally, I prefer the digital look due to how much cleaner it generally is then hand-drawn stuff, but ultimately it is up to you to decide what you like better.
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