288483 While you guys are all here, I just wanted to talk to you about a great game called Wc3. Some facts about it. 1. Wc3 is super old. It's like 13 or 12 years old. 2. This game is the reason why Blizzard took up Starcraft (and it bases most of Starcraft off it) 3. This was one of the first big RTS games (real time strategy) 4. This game takes a tiny amount of space (less than 1g) 5. This game has two parts, Custom Games and Ladder. Custom games are games created by players. Ladder is the games created when Wc3 was first created. 6. As of 2015 you can still buy this game at stores. I think the full pack cost 30 dollars, but I'm not sure. 7. Only around 20,000 people in total still play this game, and I'd love to add more 8. I've been playing this game since I was a youngin'. I have accumulated over 18,000 hours of play time. This game is great. If you're going to by it go onto the Europe Realm and add "Flappity-Boom"