Hello there!
I have decided to use my skill in After Effects in making a PMV. I am currently working on two and I would like for someone to collab with me for two reasons:
1. Im kind of running out of crativity here xD
2. I'd really love to meet another brony who is good at making PMV's (using Adobe Flash, After Effects, Sony Vegas...etc).
The PMV's im working on are as follows:
1. [PMV] Find You
(about 50% complete and ive even made a teaser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuRDW6MzP3A )
2. [PMV] Fly Away
(havent officially started, but i have it planned on paper)
I'm open to ANYONE with any experience what-so-ever. Even if they dont know what they're doing (not really xD)
Since to having very strict parents, if anyone answers this before 18/6/2015, i wont be working 100% as my parents only allow me 1 hour of computer time (sucks right?) and i cant skype during that one hour (REALLY SUCKS RIGHT) but after that date (when my vacation starts) ill be working 24/7.
If any of you are willing to collab with me, just say in the comment or skype message me!
My skype is shadowblade7536
Stay Brony! /)