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Posts posted by Kerberossz

  1. Season 5 was something i would call a "meh" season, the first episodes of season 6 had the same problem. Personally, i can say i like every episodes, but you know the feeling when you watch something you really enjoy and in the end you say: "wow that was really good". Now the past 3 episodes, included this one, made me feel this way. For a long time, these episodes were the first (except the season finales) what i can call really enjoyable episodes. They were interesting, had good plot and I like the new characters as well. So congrats to the writers, again I feel pleased after I have watched it. 


    Oh and the song, man, was very well made.


    Oh and the Gordon Ramsey pony xD first i thought he will be the one who was called by Rarity.

  2. There is no way to achive world piece cuz every people thinks differently. Every nation has their own aspect, different cultures and rules. If you wanna world piece you have to unite all the nations and force them to obey your ways. Now this will never happen, there will be always people who will rebel against the law you would create.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I don't think that many of you knows what you are talking about. First of all, what is the situation when you don't have any opportunities but eating human flesh? In the desert? Arctic? I don't think in places where the climate is inmoderate the first problem of your's would be the food. There are always other possibilities to find food, so tell me just one extreme situation where you don't have absolutely any choice but eating your companion. Seriously it was hard to even read those comment where you stated that you would eat human flash without batting an eyelid.


    Let's separate two things:


    1: First of all, i'm not talking about how immoral or sinful to consume flesh, but just think about it, if you found a corpse(cuz you stated, that you wouldn't kill anybody for the flesh) how do you know how has it died? What was the circumstances of death? It's like eating a dead animal you have just found. So tell me what is the situation where you and a dead corpse are alone and there is nothing else and you are so embittered that you don't even try to find something else?


    2: Many of you probably just curious and don't think about it how this situation would look like. Have ever seen even a dead animal and thought "hmm how would a situation look like if I had to eat this poor thing?" But not just seeing it, smell the corpse's scent. Now imagine in situation where you are somewhere, there is a corpse you have just found, and you have to slice it up, remove the organs and chop into pieces, cook it(which has a really bad smell) and then you eat it? I know that a body after death is just a body but still. For those who said that they would eat their family, there are no words.


    Seriously if your friend, family member or anyone you know and love died in front of your eyes, would you seriously do the same I have described above? Not to mention where would you find fresh flesh? Do you think it's just magically appear in front of you or what?


    It's just gross. Don't tell me that you people wouldn't find anything else but flesh if you were a situation where you need food. You are just curious for any reasons.

  4. I believe in ghosts,because we have 5 spirits in our house. They used to open doors and move things. Just wanted us to acknowledge their existence. Nowadays,they're pretty quiet.

    Wow...I guess you didn't have that many visitors then. If i have experienced something like that, I would run away as fast as I can from there.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Good question! I have never played it myself, I'm scared to the core of something happening or if I'd ever do something wrong. It strictly says in the rules: You shall respect the spirit. You must not be scared but neither should you be taking things too lightly.

    I have no idea if it works actually, but I do believe that it's dumb to play with such things. Especially if it's "just for fun".


    If I want to know, I'd ask someone who's played it before. To watch videos of people doing it is not any way to convince me, that I know. Videos are usually aaaall fake and commotion.  ^_^

    I've heard a story about one of my relatives, who played that table game with her friends. Nothing paranormal happened to them but 2 of them had pets...a cat and the other guy had a parrot. Both died after a week one after another.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Have you ever played such games before..? And if you have, how did it go? Did you play it properly?   So many people do it without realizing the bad things that could come out from it.


    I have always wondered that these games are true or not. According to the people's opinions about it, it's 50/50.




    Right now, I definitely think I'm being haunted. It started earlier today when I was posting on my Lavender Town Discussion Thread. All of a sudden, a soundcloud page that I left alone for about half an hour just starts playing Lavender Town Syndrome and blue lines flicker across my screen. That scared me, but then later I had paused that song to take a break from writing my latest fanfic (Lavender Town Syndrome: MLP Version) to ask my brother his opinion on the first draft so far. He reads it on my iPod, hands it back, and the song started playing again. Any advice?


    I guess this is nothing to do with the Levander Town creepypasta...oh wait. I don't think you are haunted, the best possibility I can think of, it's a dead pikachu from your old tamagotchi in the attic, which you starved to death over the years and now it came back for revenge.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Who you gonna call? ... The Winchester brothers!


    I can't say I believe in ghosts but I don't hush away the theory of something we can't explain yet. There can be million possibilities what are the ghosts we are believe in (or not). Maybe it's just humanity's fantasy but how can you be sure that it'n not a complety different thing?



    If ghosts are real, why can't science find evidence of them?

    Well science can't prove everything. I mean, we couldn't even map most of our waters. What's in the universe? What is it? There is an end of it? We don't know. Maybe someday we will have the technology to understand what ghosts really are, if they exist.




    a product of overlap between dimensions / parallel universes

    This is what I think, but it's just my theory. :D


    I'm the person who believes in everything if there is a physical evidence of it. If somebody can prove that ghosts are real it's fine.

    BTW here's a creepy video of the most possible ghost activities that could be real ;)


    • Brohoof 3
  8. The first thing that came to mind is that the "full-anime-style" would be something like they attend to high school, we would have all the cliché characters and they """"accidentally"""" fell every single time, when the stallion protagonist who is the typical good-for-nothing character showes up, for a "flash".


    Yes, i know that not every anime is like this, but cmon, you know what i'm talking about.

    • Brohoof 2
  9. Like it was said above, antigonists like Diamond Tiara and Gilda can be reformed which doesn't bother me, but villains like Discord...well, he was my favorite bad guy, but since he was reformed he is just...boring for me. For the love of god, he is the spirit of chaos. At least he should do something chaotic not just laughing with the main 6 about...things. (Luckily the rainbow power wasn't powerful enough to transform tirek into a pony-lover).


    It was a relief to see the unreformed villains in the last episode. Seriously, I thought that Starlight remains a bad one, but the outcome was pretty neat i guess. She should be a teacher of magic, since she is more powerful than Twilight.

    Yeah, i think not every villain should be reformed, but some should. 

  10. In my opinion, people should have something to make them peaceful. For example this "perfect word" can be a sanctuary for those who seek composure, can clear their minds and forget the problems. Now, forgetting problems is not something that should have quotidian. If you don't care about the problems at all you have, well, they will mop up you someday. People should understand, this isn't the way to solve problems, but can provide temporary ease.

  11. There was a time when I could exclude the word and only focus the show(and the fan section) but I had never admitted it, not like I was depressed or something, it was just a very new thing and amused me. Now I just simply enjoy it but rarely check on the new pony stuff. Truth to say, it can be a way to find peace and don't worry about other things but I think it's not the way to solve the problems(if you have any).

  12. Well...this was quiet good, I mean I didn't like the prev movies but this one was fine. Finally a good villain and some explanation about the ponification...and oh boy Principal Cinch's song was pretty good, finally something different and darkish.

  13. I don't think that Rainbow Factory or even Cupcakes can be considered as creepypastas. They are Fanfics or short stories which sometimes show an alternate universe or a total different personality of a character. Well, Rainbow Factory is something I can say I liked, cuz it's very well written, dispite the fact that RD's character has nothing to do with the original. It's a twisted story but can be enjoyable and the the thrill factor is real. Now, Cupcakes is just bad, people only like it cuz it's gory but the write style, the story and the characters are badly written and the whole thing is just unenjoyable. There are good dark stories around there but it's not enough for a good story to be gory or frightening, how you write it is a very important criteria.

    • Brohoof 1
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