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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by cwhip9

  1. As she would try to struggle through the grip of the muscle would lessen for her more as if by fate, will, or something. Yet she was close enough to tell the action wasn't made by the pony's will more like he was...controlled?....forced?...the pony had shown no sign of what was said about the grey phantom but something was their that effect the muscle pony to let her have enough room to speak. would she take that chance? would she risk her neck as the grey pony in front of her seemed to be doing as well?
  2. @@Blitz Boom, Cresent was glad to see the youngster giggle, something he had a feeling he would need more and more how ever and where ever this quest would take them too. Remembering about the brush he made a mental note to give the youngster a sketch book for the jorney, something to distract him from the worrys and such. As the feline made his comment on his plans before rest, having a hunch the feline needed meat with the pasta it was another mental note he made on what to bring. Along with having cover up get use to being around meat....that would be a challenge, but the youngster wasn't a vamp. Which in an ironic way made things easy for cresent as the young are surpringsly less scared then the adults when it comes to the revilaction of vamponys and such creatures. Once the food was done being eating cresent spoke up "feel free to help yourself to seconds a full belly is easy for sleep, ill set up the beds for all of us, um zin" he asked the cat "what would you sleep on exactly? I have 2 pop up bed in the house here but I don't know what a cat would call a bed to be honest" he said
  3. The speaking starteld the batpony making him fall off his chair with a cluter of papers following a curse. Seeing the mask fly around the house the creature seemed to scowl at the flying mask half anoyence half confusion. the blinds to the windows shut then silently but quickly a fog seemed to have surround the treehouse. Making it hard or the mask to see around the house and even inside it, Grin would no doubt notice this as well as it seemed to surround him. A booming voice came from the tree "IDENTIFY YOURSELF" the voice echoed in response
  4. @@The Cerberus, Pending on how sharp of a sight your mask has (rolling dice....19 wow so a lot hope that's not breaking your OC) The mask would see by the water fall it would see what looked like training dummys by the water fall and behind the fall what would aper to be a chest. Locked obviously with a odd mark not with a bolt lock more like a seal. As the would fly over the tree house signs of life in the tree house as the said batpony would look like he was looking over a parchment with odd map like squiggels here and their as he drew off what looked like a sea of note paper around him humming a tune.Then dropping the quill in his mouth annoyed seeming to notice an erroe with his notes, or probably the map itself?
  5. @@Mentis Soliloquy, The leader smiled "your squeeze here has a good idea Mr. phantom even better" he said slamming the grey pony onto the seat with one hoof raising his other hoof up "you don't hurt me, my boys will hurt her" he smiled a not so friendly smile that would rival a puppy killers. One of the muscled pony's grabbed ambers mane roughly putting her in a head lock at the leaders prompted command. "I don't know her leave her out of this" the grey pony said "then lets see what you got, MR Phantom" And slugged the grey pony hard in the face "what you going to do now huh?" he said continuing the punching. A hoof stopped the punch monetarily, the leader didn't notice but as the gray bat pony glared at the body guard who had handled amber. The muscle seem to freeze in place as he held her not by orders of his leader but amber could possibly feel the muscle shaking....in....fear? The grey bat pony blinked hen closed his eyes letting go of the raised hoof getting hit by the leader, then started counting for each hit it was at the 8th hit that the leader paused. "you keep counting making sure your still awake?" he said bringing the bat pony close to his face "just...waiting..." "your going to die the more you wait" the leader said as he continued his beating of the batpony...was he what he said or would he crack?
  6. (on Mobil/break) "You wouldn't understand" the pony said. Not in anger, not in rage, more sounding tired. "Look if I'm" the pony began but was interrupted by the door bell ringing. The ones who came in aproched the pony. They were 3 ponys all of them in suits. "I think Youv caused enough trouble eh?" said the leading pony. The other two were muscular earth ponys. All of them had shades on. "Last I checked noodles ain't much of a crime" the grey pony said "well your in our spot which is a crime so think we can be resonibul" the lead pony sneard. He didnt smell bad more fancy like more then anything else. "I'll be leaving then" the grey pony was going to stand up but was shoved down by the leading pony. "wait a minute...I've seen you before" The grey pony sighed "I'm sure your mistaken sir" "no, I think not I never forget a face, I think you were on a poster of some sort right boys" The muscle behind him grunted in agreement. "Maybe another bat perhaps look are you going to let me go my noddels are getting cold" The lead pony laughed "well we could help with that" he then shoved the grey ponys muzzle into the bowl of ramen noodles. The patrons all watched or just was too scared to do anything. It was clear this pony owned the restaurant and possibly more. As he pulled the bat from the bowl his face was reveled for all to see "some phantom" the leading pony snered. "Call the pigs boys looks like we just got our retirement"....
  7. @@Orange Sparks, (thanks and just his love for yoyos really, and pokemon) The youngster blinked at the photo a bit "they look so cute" he said smiling at the picture "I don't know much about timber pups though, I mean. don't they eat ponys? I know dragons rarely do from what spike has told me but timer pups I honestly don't know what to make of them" he said scratching his mane By this time they would be in front of a book shelf labeled "history" with books on cults, realms, and other mysterious places.
  8. going to head to work will post after tonight all hope your having a good holiday :)

  9. cwhip9

    Entry 74

    (bro hugs) im still here bro, been really busy but im still here for you ok
  10. cwhip9

    Entry 75

    your brother is still being an ass and your mom is easly confused, don't take it hard from your mom. I et she's more confused then angry or anything like that at you. Its better then drugs or crime or ect. you got this bro keep your head up
  11. your brothers an ass ignore him, that or hes probably jelly he dosent have a plushi too
  12. @@Randimaxis, hope the move gos well boss and I will have a post up by the time you get back cant wait for it also happy holidays all if I didn't say so yet
  13. Her feeling was understandable yet there was a note on the bottle of sake I have answers about last night that will help you A # and address was below the writing of the note, she would then see the stallion walk away from his table and leave the resteraunt instead of inviting himself over to her. In the booth behind her a voice spoke up "sorry about last night, I only meant to help you" If she would turn around she would see a gray pony with a hat covering his head along with a trench coat looking into his menue trying not to draw attention to himself. His back was to her but she would probably see a bit of red and white mane under the hat, it was the bluer from the previous night. "don't look at me just focus on your menu please" the pony said.
  14. As she would find her seat at the restaurant and such chatter would be herd around from the other patrons, some about gossip others trivial things like hats, and somehow the discussion of the attack last night came up by some. "The grey phantom you know news papers are running out of ideas when they get into properganda" one patron said "you really believe that conspiracy idea, why would the gov bring out something that harms its own people willingly" his 2nd said "crime wave, experimental weapons, its the big pony you never know" said the first " 'hey celstia I have a weapon to test on pony's know a good spot?' like that'll happen next thing your saying its a vampony rebellion or what ever you read in the tabloids" the 2nd said disgusted. One of the staff brought over a drink of hot sake for ember "your drink madam, from table 7" the pony bowed and continued his work. If she were to look at where table 7 was she would find a white stallion with blue hair and a green scarf wave friendly like. Then continued to eat his food.
  15. wants to post but nothing is hitting me right now ill post after work

  16. @@Blitz Boom, Cresent was feeling a bit teary eyed hearing the yougnsters story but knew better the to show it, after the coltfinished he sighed. "dang, going through all that its amazing you can smile. I see why zeccora needs my help with this, and you shall have it cover" he said getting up to hug the colt "we'll find out what happened and your home I promise" he said letting the youngster go from the hug the sitting to be his eye level. "now then no more tears from you ok, they don't tastes well with pasta" he joked going back to his seat to carry on eating. "after this its best for you to sleep, we got a busy night ahead of us with packing and such we'll head out at sunset tomorrow" he said confidently.
  17. As he would fly over the forest it could take anywhere from a short to a long time to find the batpony painted on the picture, yet the problem with looking for one specific pony in the woods it could be a challenge do to who or what is being looked after. He would probably pass a water fall never seen before in the forest, it could be where the bat be or maybe nothing their. Yet farther away from the water fall would be a tall tree, similar to the rest but not in a way. The tree was about 3 story's high, and it was in a clearing with a shed nearby, a training dummy, and a small headstone. The tree was modified for living as evident from the windows in the treehouse along with what looked like a patio focused on one branch of the tree made with great care. Could this be the place or just some abandoned tree house?
  18. @@Orange Sparks, String shot beamed at the compliment then hearing the news about the case his ears perked up "is that true uncle a case, can I help please? there's been no pony in here all day" he wined "maybe next case bud, actually maybe you could show our gust to the mystery's section of the library?" coolwhip said his ears deflated a bit " I can do that" he says sounding disappointed then began leading the mare down a hallway of books "Ill be just a second then we'll be on our way" coolwhip says going to the desk then to an office near by. "so what books your into?" the colt asked leading the mare down the hallways of books labeled from many authors some she would recognize and other she probably never herd of.
  19. As the night began the rain was absent which relived most of those coming and going or just having a night in the town of it all. Yet even though it was decent night whether wise, the mood in the city was more tense then the usual crime and such being around the streets. In the newsstand the front page was ablazed with THE PHANTOM STRIKES AGAIN with a paper pony calling it out "extra extra read all about it phantom killer strikes again baffled police. Is this a cover up or simply a mad pony? extra extra!" the young colt called out. Seeing Amber he offered the paper too her "2 bits mom?" he asked With the crime scean of last nights strange attack photo'd on the front page that happened around ember. The papers were more covering the lone drunk who survived then any mention about amber being their when it all went down. Yet nothing on the creature she saw the night before though.
  20. (will sleep after this as well) As the next day would come around the hunter paced back and forth in front of his bounty board. The hunter was a red stallion with a blue mane, and a broken unicorn horn. On the board had the batpony from the previous night with a high reward underneath his picture of 5 million bits, or the "retirement" as some would joke. "how in the hell did he get away, we had him we HAD him!" The pony slammed his hoof on the bounty board in anger. The door opened to his office as the gryphon entered. "boss I got a phone for you" "I swear to Celestia Bones if its another crappy job..." "no its actually the academy" the gryphon called bones said The pony raised an eyebrow "the academy?" The unicorn picked up the phone "ya?" "Why are you going after retirement" a mares voice said on the phone "cuz your too lazy for it, now unless you have some actual information for me your wasting my time" "Streak your the 7th hunter who's trying to get him right now the first 5 died chasing him seriously he's not worth it" "I'm hanging up now" Streak said "noodles! try the pasta shops, all the notes say he loves noodles when he's not feeding hit up a pasta shop" The unicorn called streak blinked "thanks" he sighed "look dark just" "I know, just don't be ok." the mare hung up he sighed sitting down in the chair. Streak looked at the picture on the board. "tonight cresent, your mine come sun down" he swore to the picture.......
  21. The drunk pony got up and began to gallop his way out of the ally, as the mare screamed the grey bluer stopped moving looking at the mare in an annoyed look. The creature was a familer batpony with a red and white mane, blue eyes, a now blood covered muzzle and bat wings that extended. The batpony looked like it was going to say something to her but then police sirens were herd. The creature blurred then seemed to vanish in the dark as the sirens got closer. Some pony's that got out of the car galloped pass her "its over here!" shots rang out from the cops, but to no avail as the creature disappeared.
  22. @@Orange Sparks, "feeds of fear, would give most changlings a run for their bits then" The pony mused over, soon they were at his library. Not as grand as twilight castle or library more simple then anything else really in terms of the style of the building . With a stair case leading to a door that would lead into an open lobby with a desk with a board looking colt behind it paging through a comic, he beamed up seeing the stallion and the mare, the colt must have been around 10 or so years old. "welcome back uncle and welcome miss" he said, the colt had a blue coat and white string like mane "helping my uncle out or looking for anything mam" he asked.
  23. @@The Cerberus, The speaker chuckled "glad too see your smart" the gryphon back off from the pony "consider them your incentive to do it right the first time we'll speak again when your job is done and as much as you want to blast me and my boys right now. Next time will be a happier meeting" "you have until the end of the month to kill him, cut his ear off then come here and we both leave better in our lives" She nodded towards the gryphons who ushered the pony out with less then welcoming grace. As he would be out of the room he would see the place deserted and the mare wipping the counter for closeing.
  24. The lead drunk pony laughed "what makes you think were asking?" At the end of his sentence the 2nd drunk rushed forward to the mare to try to hold her down but to her shock or surprise a grey blur moved in front of her pinning the 2nd to the wall opposite her. The leader trying to work out what was happening didn't realize his comrade was dead by the time he hit the ground. The grey bluer moved behind him going for his 3rd comrade meeting a similar fate.... Turning to where his 3rd was, or where he hopped his 3rd was his drunk confident smirk turned to horror as he saw a spray of blood hit his face. He stumbled backward against the wall opposite the mare seeing his 2nd comrades neck ripped open "b...brick?!....Heavy?!!"
  25. @@Orange Sparks, The pony shrugged at the menction of her adopted brother "adopted, blood what have you, 7% chance your brothers cult has anything to do with this. Now then Sabbath ka dose ring bells" As they talked the and walked the library coolwhip menctioned was off in the distance but not a days jog for sure. "Easter god if im not mistaken, you think they are trying to bring him into equestrian? Celista might not like that but at this point im not surprised our belovid princess's didn't lock horns again. definitely not luna and cela but the others im not so sure about." he mused at the end of that.
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