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Applejack's Wonder

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Status Replies posted by Applejack's Wonder

  1. How do I change my background and profile pic?

    1. Applejack's Wonder

      Applejack's Wonder

      Oh thanks! :) Like post status updates or like big posts where everyone can see them?


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Thank you for the friend add! Look foreword to seeing you around the forums :)

    1. Applejack's Wonder

      Applejack's Wonder

      Your welcome! I look forward to seeing you around the forums too!

  3. What is your FAVORITE Applejack episode?!?!? Mine is Over A Barrel! LOVE IT!!! :) <3

    1. Applejack's Wonder

      Applejack's Wonder

      I agree!! She needs a solo song so BADLY! She can sing, so they should make an episode that is surroded around her and she sings!!! I also agree with you Aureity! It is just REALLY hard to choose between them!!!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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