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Everything posted by Bill_theBrohny

  1. so do you work with magic metals like myterial and mana steel or is that a whoel other pr0fSian
  2. Link to ooc:https://mlpforums.com/topic/141947-kings-and-killersooc/ (If you have a question about the lore please ask ooc) welcome to Equal a land of magic and tech of war and of love we have many races here to the lowlest changeling drone to the grandest of demon arch mages. So what are you a King or a killer This was the spech given to you as a greeting to the place you just arived in (insert town or city you just arived in) its time for you to go on an adventure
  3. Link to rp:https://mlpforums.com/topic/141948-kings-and-killershienationgrimdarkoccasionaly-light-heartedsandbox/ Rules 1.no harrestment 1 warning after that its a ban(if your oc is harraseing a charter plaese say its your oc not you in ooc) 2.no metagameing 3 warnings 4 a ban(with tons of exeptions) 3.keep it pg 13 M 4 mature only when oked it ooc 4.don't kill off plot important npc or npc with out haveing oked in the ooc by me or the said players pc charter sheet 5.max 3 charters per player(if you have mutiple pc please put witch 1 ye be rping with at the moment at the top of the comment 6.i can have a exeption at any time,place and dimenson 7.and add new rules at anytime Name: Race:(Alicorns are ok btw i may/can probaly nerf u) Age: weakness: powers: fractions in/allied with: presonality: where are you sarting in: family: bio:(keep it pg 13 please) i will play as most npcs sould you need them but you can use them if you use them corretly lore wise you could be anything unless i say no then NO so if you have oc send them in for some wacky rp
  4. so guys funny story i got a new computer and a new email and just got this account back up so what happened(free to yell)
  5. @, Devon has a map i was telling you what your ocs kown technical diffucties are over ps i was going for a cartoonish vibe in the sense that they will probaly never find all the tresure but if they do it will end cheesel like it was stolen so they have to get it back in the sequal
  6. @, go to the rp if you still have questions i'll anwser them
  7. link to ooc(i hope):https://mlpforums.com/topic/133526-devons-questadventure-rp/ STORY: Letters from a colt named davon where sent to pepole(pepaloe because there not all ponys) to find a lost treasue most of these beings had special powers some where metal men others where magic druids but the letter also told of many others who whated who would kill for it the treasure will you find this lost gold? The letter states if you wish to join meet at the trottingham plaza
  8. link to rp(i hope):https://mlpforums.com/topic/133528-devons-questadventure-rp/ RULES: 1.No god moding please(unless oked by me frist) 2.Be nice btw because there ocs a jerk does not mean there a jerk 3.keep it to a pg 13 level 4.try to post once a day 5.you will be baned for rule breaking 6.i chose how many ocs you can have at one time OC CREATION SHEET Name: Race: Powers(if any): Age: Backstory: Apperace: Or a link to your oc you can be a bad guy I will rp as npcs for the most part unless you wish to rp as that npc
  9. i am so sorry ever been locked out of your account i just did so sorry p.s could someone fill me in on wahts goin on i'm to lazy to read trough all of it aginz sorryz can i investifgate the gate with you?
  10. i would make the day last forever with magic do everything i can and then undo my spell lope holes 4eva
  11. just found my password

  12. hi i'm bill the brohny got locked out of my account for a bit just found my password in a notebook

  13. Red hated lines he went to see lace about the prison plans he sat on the floor waiting for Sylvia to be done takeing a nap and telling somepony to wake him up when it was his turn (decideing to be truthful due to they would prefer to be on his good side)when he awoke it was still not his turn he banged his head into the wall
  14. candeace is married (not that i like her in that way) luna llllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaa 4eva
  15. as red fang dismised his boys and went to his home shack/hovel thing and ate a depressing meal of mangos alone while trying to name the last day he talked a pony his boys don't count for they only talked to him during work hours a jerk decided to write '4ever alone'in his window
  16. i'm trying to figure out how the royal gurad work but it always ends up being they bunch of failures or going into headcannon turf have any ideas
  17. i just sent them a fliping off gif and spam them until i get baned or they get baned
  18. red relized something they were like 20 ponys some how keeping 5000+ ponys in line his ego grew.He also relized they did not have a police station/prison he would have to ask Sylivia Lace or one of the consturction teams about that he also sorted his future plans for law enforcement files.
  19. @@Ranger22, "Well bye i guess i'm off to find my humble shack is it a shack or a hovel nevermind see you tomorrw"he told xander one of his best gurads and went to his shack/hovel thing and ate his last mango.He felling tired decided to fall asleep when a new idea in his head "i have'nt heard the pony's gossip(about me)"and decided tommorw he would..............practice his snecking skills on unsuspecting gossipers.
  20. hey just an idea would it be good to have a ammbastor from equstria come to check on us but in a few months game time sorry if its a bad idea
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