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About Medlight

  • Birthday 1991-07-21

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    London, United Kingdom

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  1. I can't choose between Twilight's Library and Sugarcube Corner. There's just book books and more books in Twilight's Library for me to explore and it be peaceful most of the time. But think of the food and parties at Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie Pie! Cake, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, chocolate, muffins, milkshakes, crepes, chocolate, waffles, pastry... something tells me I have a sugar problem...
  2. Princess Celestia Princess Luna Princess Twilight Princess Cadence I have an enormous respect for Celestia. Her wisdom and hardships she faced alone when Luna was banished. She's demonstrate regret and also a fun side too. Luna likewise has had to go through enormous difficulties. Walking in Celestia shadow and become Nightmare Moon has left her with deep scars and her own regrets. As for Twilight; we saw her develop, grow and become who she is now. Cadence is the only one I don't feel any investment in. The others I've seen them struggle, grow and become the pony they are now.
  3. I would freak out excited, then actually go to a mirror and see if they're real and if I can use them. Then I would freak out panic as I try and figure out how I got it before calling friends and going on the internet to look for answer. I would then freak out awesome. I may wear a hat initially to hide it on the first day but it's something different something special so I would defiantly want to keep them.
  4. Happy birthday today! Have a great time and a great day. =)

    1. Medlight


      Hee thank you! *passes cake around*

  5. Happy birthday! =3 Hope you have a great time~ ^.^ https://derpicdn.net/img/2014/1/13/523650/large.jpeg

    1. Medlight


      Hee thank you! *passes cake around*

  6. happy birthday =)=)=)=)=)=)=)

    1. Medlight


      Hee thank you! *passes cake around*

  7. Do you want us to sing the whole song or just what you've posted in the instructions?
  8. Doing some holiday shopping (yes holidays - woo hoo!)...however what is more likely to happen is for me to become sidetracked at either the ice cream shop for some ice cream, the waffle shop for some waffles, the cake shop for some cookies or the Japanese shop for some Chicken Katsu Curry! Hmm...there's a pattern there...
  9. Likewise. Puella Magi Madoka Magica had a lot of heart wrenching moments where I just stopped and cried. Other than that - I'm struggling to think of any more.
  10. Mine would properly be a Rod of Asclepius with a white / silver shield and white / silver wings behind it and a blue/silver/gold/yellow sun behind that and a slight black shadow behind the sun. The Rod of Asclepius is a sign of healing and medicine. The wings would be a representation of transport, moving, flying. Together it would symbolise my calling as a "paramedic"; delivering healing and medicine out in the field, wherever the patient is and on the go. The shield would be a sign of protection. The sun would be to represent "light" which has many interpretations and is a sign of my personality. It could mean bringing light to situations, representing "the light" / "good" (and all the moral paladin like traits) or a 'neverending source of light in dark situations" etc. The slight shadow behind the sun could be a contrast to that "light", the conflict the two arises or the darker history / hidden side etc.
  11. I do a lot of stupid things. Almost every day. Trips, falls, walking into stuff, being gullible. Only one I remember fondly. First scout camp. First ever time camping. I was aged about 12. We were on a large scout camp in the forest and we needed to fill up an empty water barrel. I happily and stupidly volunteered to fill the barrel at a standpipe by myself. It was only one I had fill the thing up that I realise I had no idea how to get back to my scout group. My little torch wasn't very good so I couldn't see very well. I'm in the middle of a dark forest with long shadows that I've never been in before. It was the first time ever I've been in a wood by myself. My little torch wasn't very good so I couldn't see very well. Eep?! I had to wait there in the dark forest with my little torch by the standpipe until someone else came along. In the end I was found by scout from another scout group who was able to bring me back to my camp.
  12. Manual (except when I'm driving to emergencies on blue lights in which cause automatic so I can concentrate on everything else). Manual is the standard for the UK and if your a learner driver - no matter what country your in - it's good to learn manual. The reason being if you learn how to drive a manual car you can do either. In the UK especially, automatic drivers licences are restricted to automatic cars. Whilst manual drivers licences can drive either cars and it's a requirement for bigger vehicles like vans and lorries. I've know a few people who have wasted money on automatic drivers licence and have had to redo their whole car licence to get their van / lorry / bus licences.
  13. Yes I had a huge crush on my best friend. Took a long to for me to work out I was bi. Eventually I told him and he was very nice about it but told me he just wasn't into other guys. But we've still really good friends - we've been through a lot together and we still treat each other like brothers. He's got a girlfriend now and is happy. For me is was also the first time I came out about being bi - because he took it well it eventually convinced me to tell my other friends too.
  14. Most likely a unicorn. Magic makes everything fun. You can do almost anything with magic too. Did consider a pegasus - but if I wanted to fly I could always do what Pinkie does and use balloons / hot air balloon.
  15. Thanks for all the welcome! I'm still getting used to this enormous place. *offers cakes and cookies*
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