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Posts posted by CluelessLlama13

  1. Haha ok, that sounds fun. However, you should probably find somepony else more qualified than me. I can sure as hay design something good, but executing it would take me some time as well. I draw ponies just fine, but I'm a picky perfectionist and don't have any fancy computer programs for it or anything.

  2. We're pretty friendly around here. I'm relatively new myself, but everypony I've met has been really nice. Like Dashin' said, we'll be here for you ;) At least I will.

    Welcome to the forums B)

  3. Eureka was pleased to see she could count on McLightz to step up that way. He was loyal and hardworking, just the pony to stand at Ivy's right side. Eureka watched him trot faithfully behind their chief.

    "Come on, Cumulus, I'll be your hiking buddy."

    She guided him after their leader through the trees and fallen branches, occasionally using magic to slide a log or two from his path.

  4. "Alright. In that case, we should probably find high ground or something we can climb in order to see which direction the ship is."

    Eureka picked up her dagger, corralled the other two, making sure Cumulus knew what was going on and had a way to follow them, and trotted back to Ivy at full attention.

  5. Eureka twisted her head around uselessly, surveying the deep wood around them. After a moment of complete silence, she stepped toward Ivy. "Well what do you suggest we do, chief? We have to at least find someplace safe to make a shelter or something. Goodness knows how long we'll be here and what dangerous things lurk in this forest." She glanced around again, a little more nervously this time.

  6. Eureka sighed heavily. "Well that's just lovely. I'll bet you anything the marks I made on all those trees are gone now."

    She looked around for anything that might be familiar to her. "Does anypony recognize any of this? Oh, sorry Cumulus. Um, we're in a big forest that is doing strange things apparently."

  7. "YEAH!! Way to go, Cumulus!!"

    Eureka hugged the clever pegasus enthusiastically. Then, realizing that may have been a bit much, she stepped back and patted him on the back.

    "Ahem.. Uh, good job, buddy. You won us some soup."

  8. "Oh for the love of Celestia, I am going to have that stuck in my head 'til I die.. Which may not be very long.."

    Eureka kept her mouth shut, however, and simply pretended to doze off as the sun began to sink behind the trees.

  9. "AH! Well, uhm.. Yes, this is clearly a protected wall.. We uh will not be climbing this."

    She shook her hoof and gave the wall a nervous yet irritated look as if it bit her and was possibly going to attack her.

    Eureka hung her head, defeated and said, in no more than a whisper, "I guess we're stuck here for the night. I hope we make it out of this alive.."

    She curled up on the ground. "And now we wait."

  10. "Well done, NearPaw!" Eureka had educated herself as an earth pony for the most part, so neither flight nor magic were her strongest points. She walked over to the teepee aimed her horn at it and set fire to the leaves at the bottom. Eureka laughed to herself. "Well there's one helpful thing I can do using magic. Now just keep an eye on that fire and make sure there's plenty of smoke before we lose our sunlight."

    She walked back over to the wall and cautiously touched it with her left hoof.

  11. "Toys.." Eureka furrowed her brow. "That's just sick. And now we're trapped here."

    She turned abruptly to McLights. "Alright soldier, here's the scoop, the sooner we are reunited with the other survivors, the sooner we can hopefully get out of this freakshow game of his." She began pacing in front of him as she spoke sharply, using a firm tone as she habitually did when giving commands.

    "Thankfully, I still have some of these branches and logs I was gathering to build a fire. I'd say that's still our best bet in hope to attract the attention of somepony nearby." Eureka gestured to the pile of wood she had dropped when Cumulus startled her.

    "You set them up with some kindling, these leaves should do fine, while I check out this wall. Let me know when you're through; I'll provide a starter spark for you."

    She moved on to Cumulus, resting her hoof on his shoulder again. "Alright pal, you just keep your ears open."

    • Brohoof 1
  12. "Oh, it's fine, Cumulus. I'm glad I found you too." She patted him on the shoulder and smiled.

    "McLightz, I heard that too. I think the god, Striker, is angry, but I feel like he's anticipating some serious entertainment from us.. None of this feels right at all.."

  13. "GAH!!" Eureka jumped back, hyperventilating. "Well good.. Jeez, you scared me.. Uh, firstly, we're stranded on an island, I think. There was a storm or something and the ship grounded on the beach here. Secondly, you are way too close to be the pony I heard shouting a minute ago..."

  14. (singing) "Come on now, Eureka, smile smile smile! It's not as bad as you might thi-ink! Come ohn nah da da da, la la laaa..."

    Eureka was dragging her hooves through the fallen leaves and needles. She was running out of poems and songs she knew the lyrics to. She was about to start back for the beach when she heard something.


    Her ears perked up at the sound of the voice.

    "What the hay?!" Eureka's eyes darted in all directions as she searched frantically for the pony she heard calling out. She couldn't see anything through the thick forest, but she was determined to find them. By the sound of it, they couldn't be too far away.

    "HELLO?!! WHERE ARE YOU??" Eureka wished so badly she could fly right then, but there were too many risks in taking her armor off and possibly losing her trail.


  15. "I wonder who else actually survived that wreck.." She couldn't see the ship from where she had washed ashore, but Eureka knew what remained of it couldn't be very pretty. She determined that the best thing to do at this point would be to prepare for the worst. Eureka had no idea of how long she would be a castaway here, nor could she guess at when she would find anypony who had crashed here with her. she didn't want to consider the possibility that she wouldn't find them.


    "I guess I'll start with the basics then." She spoke aloud to herself as she picked up her dagger, took a branch from the closest tree and planted it firmly in the ground. She rationalized that it would be better if somepony she knew heard her talking than if she were to stay silent while she worked and risk the chance that they would pass by her, them being none the wiser.


    "Clock: done," she announced almost proudly after she had drawn a line in the dirt marking the edge of the shadow created by her stick. "Now to start a fire!" Eureka hoped the smoke, especially from such green wood, could attract another soldier's attention. She trotted into the woods to gather more tree limbs, making marks with her knife on all the trunks she passed by.

  16. Eureka trudged across the shore and shuddered at hearing Striker's voice. She kept her eyes down, knowing it would do her no good to try to see where it was coming from. It worried her that he was referring to it as a game. She glanced around in hopes to spot somepony else nearby. "Great," she thought, "We're all scattered."

    She shook the salty water from her mane and tail as she tried to remember exactly what had happened. Eureka thought back to the chaos on the ship as they were tossed around in the sea. She recalled the rush of adrenaline she felt whilst shouting out orders in hopes to regain control of the vessel.. There had been a huge wave that hit them with more force than she had felt in any other storm she'd sailed in.. But, after that, she wasn't sure what had happened.

    Eureka knew one thing though; she needed to find her fellow travelers before something really bad happened.

  17. Umm.. Hi. I've never done RP before.. Would this be a good place for me to start? I'll be honest, I was just looking for something simple, and this is the best thing I found that didn't have 20 other ponies involved already.. This is the first "forum" type site I've ever been a member of, and I just want to contribute if I can..?


    (sorry for going all Fluttershy, btw.. I'm more of a Pinkie Pie personality IRL, but I'm really unsure of everything to do with RPs.. I just don't want to get in the way of everypony who actually knows what they're doing here)

  18. I'll admit, from the outward appearance I'm getting from your description of yourself, you seem like the kind of guy I'd call a dork. But from what you said and how you said it, I'd classify you as a goodhearted person. You're clearly more humble than your stereotype suggests ;)

    I applaud that. And you. After reading this, I can honestly say I'm impressed.


    I, too, am 17. Besides that common trait, however, I can only say you seem like the kind of opposite I'd enjoy being friends with.

    I'm homeschooled, female (though far from girly), lazy (for the most part), yet still a beanpole, somewhat anti-social (more like meaning a homebody in this case), and I don't particularly care for sports, though I am fully supportive of friends who are involved in them.


    Nice to meet you, and I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here! :D I hope to see you around the site a lot in the future!

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