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Posts posted by IAmArtsDesire

  1. Hey y'all! I've been gone for a good long while. But I am seriously gonna try to be on here more. Figured I could share some of my favorite works I have done recently.... so... hope you enjoy!

    All characters belong to me, except the one tied to Artsy with a scarf. That is my friend GamerFun. 









    • Brohoof 3
  2. Woah, I really, really like that style, it beautiful! Great job!

    Thanks! I'm Glad to know ya like my style. :)


    Oh i love the side proifle headshots. Nice work, sir!

    Thank you, I was quite pleased with those as well. I'm glad ya like them. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Hey y'all. I've been busy and haven't been on here in a while. But school is finally out so I'll try to be on here a bit more. Anyway, I've got a good few pieces to share today. I'll just share some of the highlights. The first 4 were commissions the rest Gifts or just for fun. I hope y'all like them!






















    • Brohoof 4
  4. These are all very nice. I like the style in which you draw ponies!

    Please keep up the great work. I'd love to see more from you in the future!



    Thanks! And I shall defiantly try!

    You may want to make the highlights on the eyes opaque instead of showing the area of iris and pupil underneath them. I would typically defer such a detail to a question of personal style, but since the highlights are supposed to be external phenomena on the eye (and not simply an arbitrary matter of anatomy), they should function the same way they do in the show, so consider making them completely white so that one can't see the parts they are supposed to obscure anyway.


    Apologies if this sounds too prosaic or critical, it's just the monotone, accusatory filter provided with Internet communication. :P

    Alright... I'll give it a go. I usually think of it as light reflecting off the eye, so in my mind they would not be completely opaque, and thus I decrease the opacity a little. :P 


    The very first one "Backlash and Yew Longbow" is so adorable. I like how you portray them as touching noses like that. It's very cute! The stylized Celestia is really nice too. I like how she's framed by her mane and tail.

    Thank you. Backlash and Yew Longbow were commission. It was enjoyable and still one I really do like personally. The Celestia was just an experiment, as we had just learned how to properly shade in my Visual Art class, figured I'd give it a try digitally. I think it worked out okay. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I really do stink at titles, but I'm here with some more art, so... yeah. Alright, I got a few commissions, fun thing, fanart, all that stuff. Only 9 images. Some have speed-paints as well. There is also 1 or 2 line-less in there I was experimenting with. So, here we go. I highly appreciate feedback, so feel free to give constructive criticism. Thank y'all!



















    • Brohoof 5
  6. I love the Celestia and Luna, and that crew at the bottom. Great work all around.  :D

    Thanks! I'm glad ya like them!! 


    The second picture is pure cuteness.

    XD Really? Well, I'm glad ya think so!!! That was a challenge. I was worried it would crash and I'd lose everything. twas my biggest image ever.


    I wish I was in a position to find some critique to give you but they are fabulous, especially  Luna :love:

    XD Well, thanks. I'm very pleased that you think that.


    Quite an impressive variety of work here. Very little I can fault about these pieces at all. ^.^


    Drawings of your OC and the one for your sister are particularly nice. Great job and keep at it! :)

    Thanks! And I shall try.


    Wow this is amazing, keep it up! Love the 2nd one. :D

    Thanks, I'm very glad!


    Super adorable art!


    Really nice job on them all. ^^

    Thank you!! 


    Very nice work here!

    Keep it up!

    Thank ya very much. I shall certainly try.


    first two made my dawh meter go to 10 and the rest is just amazing well drawn

    XD Yayz! Thanks! I'm glad ya like them!


    I like all of them :) If i had a free time like you have :( '''

    Thanks. And I tend to draw instead of doing the things I actually need to do.... Not sure it's a good thing. :/

    Trying to fix that this year. My New Year's Resolution! XD

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Right, seems I got a relatively nice list to share today. Yup, seems I've been busy these last.... what... 8 days I think it's been. Hmm... 8 days and 16 drawings... I'm going crazy I think.. and I can't post them all at once, so here is 10 of them. Well, anyways, I hope y'all like them. And feedback is much appreciated. I build on the constructive criticism I receive. So, here we go. Some gifts, collabs, commissions, and free time.







    I began experimenting at this point.


    My Part of Collab (There is a Speed Paint)











    Free Time (Random Drawing Of my Oc, Artsy. There is a Speed Paint)











    • Brohoof 8
  8. They all look great!


    Nice work. ^^

    Thank you!


    Excellent work! The contrast between the full sized ponies to more chibi styled down the bottom is well done. I especially like the third one. :) Keep it up!

    Thank you! I'm glad ya can see the difference. And I shall!

  9. So cute!  /pinches all the cheeks of the many ponies/

    XD Thanks. Glad ya think they're cute!


    Great job on the ponies!  They lookin' so stylish.   :D


    Keep it up!

    Thank you! Glad ya think so! And I shall certainly try!


    All of these are actually quite cute. Very nice!  :kindness:

    Keep up the awesome work.  :grin2:

    Thank you! I shall! 

    Welcome back my friend. Happy holidays :)

    They are all so good. Brohoofed ;) '''

    Thanks, I'm happy to hear that you think so. :) Happy holidays!


    My thoughts exactly. Great art style and adorable!!! :)

    Thank you! I really happy to hear that!


    Looking great over there :D :D. Great job, you have been working hard ^w^

    Thanks! I am certainly trying hard to improve. XD


    Yo man these are all dope!


    Though I find it strange that the manes with individual strands of hair don't follow the bold guiding hair.

    Thank you. And yeah, that is something I need to work on. 

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Okay, I'm back. I am gonna try to be on here more often then I am. XD I have a lot of art this time round... Many of them were commissions, some gifts, other just for fun. So, as usual, let me know what you think. Feedback is always highly appreciated. Oh, yes. And Happy Holidays y'all!

















    • Brohoof 10
  11. Lovely artwork, as always :)

    Thank you! :)


    all of yours art work is so great and cute sig-4263350.rirp80.jpg very nice job sig-4263350.2lxaseh.jpg

    Thank you! I'm glad ya think so. :)


    They all look Awesome :grin2:

    I especially like how you styled Dash's hair in the last one ;)

    Thank you. :) I really liked Dash's hair like that. XD

  12. These are absolutely amazing!  Very, very nice indeed.   :pinkie:

    Thank you! Glad ya think so!


    They're so cute! Very nice work. ^^

    Thank you! Happy to hear you think they're cute!


    Oh noo they're all too cute~ <3

    XD Yayz! Thank you!


    These are great, you make me wish I could draw :)

    Thank you! Glad ya like them!


    Loving that second one the most.

    Thank you. I loved that episode. XD

    • Brohoof 1
  13. How are you now?! I'd kill for skills like yours 

    I don't really know. I am not really confident in any case. That is something I kinda need to work on. XD I have definitely grown more confident over the past year though. Art is a great confident boost for me.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Oh wow! These all look great!

    Very nice :)

    Thanks! I'm very glad ya think so. :)


    Wow, this is so amazing!!! sig-4199682.24yz5f6.jpg great job and very nice!!! sig-4199682.rirp80.jpg

    Thank you very much!


    Holy....these are simply amazing! Well done!

    XD Thank you! I'm happy to hear you think so. 


    They all look amazing great job!

    Thank you. It's wonderful to know that you like it. :)


    These are amazing. Just wondering,what paint tool did you use to make these?

    Thank you. And the program I use is Paint Tool SAI.


    Very beautiful! I really love  your art style!!!

    Thank you. I am happy to know you like my style. I'm not always confident with it. XD


    they... are... SUPERAMAZINGFANTASTICILICOUS!!!!!!!! i just love your style and the collors and i love everthing about them!!!

    XD Well, thank you very much. I am really glad ya like my style. I guess I should become a bit more confident with it. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  15. I have no idea what to put for titles... oh well... I have a list of apparently 7 pony drawings today. I have 4 YCHs completed, 1 Work In Progress, 1 stream request, and a pumpkin carving. All character drawn are not mine, but belong those who requested them. And of course Celestia belongs to Hasbro. Also, little note. I am currently not open for requests, I am busy with a list of things to draw as it is and then there is school as well. I only say this because people have been asking if I could draw a character for them. The answer is no, not right now at least. Anyway, hope y'all like what I have drawn! Feedback is most appreciated!















    • Brohoof 12
  16. A lot of effort and details ^^

    Yeah, trying to improve, so effort and details are good thing. Thank you!


    Super cute!! :D I have a pumpkin pony too!! hehe. 


    I love the Luna picture, it shows a lot more than words can describe. and I really like the colors of your first pumpkin pony! Super adorable! :wub:

    Yeah, I really like the whole pumpkin pony thing. And the characters people have me draw I really fun and unique. XD Thank you!


    Very cute

    Thank you! Glad ya like it.


    OMGosh so cute!!!! Are you on deviantart? Do you  do commisions? GAH the cuteness is killing me.....

    XD Thanks! And yes I am. And I do have commission open on Deviantart. I also have a smallish list of cute ponies to draw. XD


    All of them are awsome and youtube animation is great too, keep on my friend =)

    Thank you. And yeah, I love watchen that animation. I want to do something like that one day.


    That Lullaby for a Princess moment there is looking awesome :o. It is marvelous :D. You did a magnificent job :)

    Thank you! I am glad ya think so!

    • Brohoof 2
  17. Right, I got to more YCH (Your Character Here), Pumpkin ponies that have been done, still have one more of those to draw. Again, not my characters! And then I did a "Lullaby for a Princess: Animation" screen shot redraw, because why not? That has a Speed Paint as well.  So here we go. I hope y'all like them. Please let me know what you think. Feed back is always appreciated!







    • Brohoof 6
  18. Punkin Pones R adorable.

    Yayz! Thank you! I am glad ya think so.


    Those drawings of the ponies popping out of the pumpkins look great! :D

    If I had to say one thing negative about it, though, it'd be how the forelegs look a little long, and I think they should be pointing inwards when they're connecting to the body, not outwards. :/

    Thanks! And yeah, I see what ya mean. I'll keep that in mind next time I do something like this.


    They are all awsome, i like all of them especially the mirror scene Diamond Tiara in =)

    Thanks! XD I am really happy you like them!


    Aww those pumpkin ponies are so cute! :wub: Splashing job! :D

    Thanks! It's wonderful to know you think they are cute!


    Looking great over there, you have done a marvelous job :)

    Thank you! I'm happy ya think I am doing a good job. I am really working hard to improve, so seriously thank you. 


    Good job! Pumpkin ponies are best! :)

    Yes! They are so much fun to draw! Thank you!

    • Brohoof 5
  19. So, I have a few drawings to post today. Some episode art, so possible spoiler there, and a little completed Pumpkin YCHs I did on Deviantart. So, hope y'all like 'em. I highly appreciate feedback, so please go right ahead.


    First is the Episode Art for Season 5 Episode 18











    • Brohoof 10
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