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Everything posted by Grtxkkyz

  1. Somepony to watch over me: The Chimera sisters. I find their relative lack of fanart disturbing... Yeah, I know everybrony loves the Timberwolves because of how creepy and ominous they are, but these girls are charming in their own way too!
  2. Quite decent! Certainly the Celestia/Luna episode we were all waiting for. It's quite welcome to see Celly portrayed as someone who struggles with her own flaws rather than the utterly flawless idol ponykind loves and respects, and her evil counterpart, Daybreaker is glorious!. My only issue is that the presence of Twilight and Starlight seems kinda unnecesary, but oh well, it's good to see they recognize Glimmy's explosive temper as her biggest flaw and that is pure potential for decent character development.
  3. Eh... whatever, while i'm glad to see Yakyakistan in its full glory, this one just seems pretty meh... The show already dealt with the "Don't be so skreeonking stubborn and accept some help when necessary" lesson all the way back in season 1's "Applebuck Season", so i didn't really see much point behind this episode. Not bad, but a kinda lackluster way to dive into the skreeonking hiatus. The folks at Australia got luckier, though.
  4. It was great to finally see Rainbow's parents in the flesh, but RD being portrayed as the bad guy for angrily yelling at them because of their constant over-doting ways was quite off-putting. She had all the reason to call them out on such behavior, but i do admit she could've been somewhat less furious over it. Also, i liked to see Lightning Dust and Cloud Chaser among others as fillies in that montage. Opens up plenty of possibilities for fanfic writers. So does Scoot's reference to having no support as a younger filly.
  5. Sorry, but no, just no. For starters, it's pretty obvious that Applejack doesn't have a very good understanding of fashion, yet Rarity picked her up anyway. And while i can see the episode wanted to deliver a lesson about how brutal honesty can be rather hurtful at times, Applejack herself pretty much behaved in a quite unsympathetic way with her judgement. Yeah, the main moral is that you should not judge something too harshly because of all the effort and work put into it, but this episode failed to deliver that gracefully. I gotta admit, i do like Rarity's completely unexpected guitar solo. Currently a low point for the season.
  6. Well, while most CheeriMac, and MarbleMac shippers are obviously upset, i kind of like SugarMac. It feels a tad more realistic and refreshing, not to mention it doesn't feel as forced as the former two pairings. And that Feather Bangs guy was pretty hilarious too, glad to see even Hasbro can't resist making fun of Justino Biberón. Those bimbette mares were quite a treat as well. That being said, the whole thing got downright cringe-inducing at some moments, but frankly, this is one of those episodes you can enjoy if you don't take it seriously because, obviously, the episode doesn't take itself seriously. It's pretty much an affectionate parody of sappy love stories and stuff like that.
  7. I have evily resurrected this post just to say, yes, there will be another hiatus... https://www.equestriadaily.com/2017/05/discovery-family-confirms-mid-season.html But we won't be alone this time. The three Equestria Girls specials which aired on Poland will air sometime late in June. https://www.equestriadaily.com/2017/05/equestria-girls-specials-coming-to.html Hmmmm... Seems like the guys at Hasbro and Discovery are testing the water to see how well a possible EG series would fare with the public.
  8. A decent one, seems like an answer to season 2's infamous "A Friend in Deed". You just can't force friendship to random people. Anyway, Maud was sweet as always and it's great to see she's bonding with Glimmy, but i really wanna see more development for the rest of the Pie family. Glad to see the quarray eels making a cameo, but i still hope we get some more new monsters for the bestiary. And nice world-building with that secret, underground lost world, hope we see more of it.
  9. Eh, so-so, most of it felt like a rehash of "Baby Cakes" for me, but it's not without its redeeming graces. Flurry Heart seems quite reasonable for a baby and has grown up quite a bit as a character, being more empathetic for example. Also, Shining's friend, Spearhead, is rather interesting and i wish we get to see more of him later on. And most of all, DAT GROGAR REFERENCE! As much as i want him to show up, though, i'm afraid this season's final enemy will be Chrysalis once more, considering she's out to get Glimmy's flank. Anyway, not a bad episode, but not too great either, the whole thing could've been solved easier if Twi left Spike in care of Flurry, considering he can be the show's Only Sane Man at times. ("AM I THE ONLY SANE ONE IN THIS CRAZY WORLD OF TECHNICOLOR PONY WEIRDOS!?!" )
  10. Well, i was able to catch up with the latest season after a while. Let's see what we've got: *Celestial Advice: Pretty sweet way to start the season, we got more Celestia characterization and darkly hilarious doom scenarios only Twi's mind can cook up. But it's kinda early to have Starlight graduate from her Friendship lessons. Might be mitigated by Glimmy not getting sent away, but i'm sure something big will happen to her eventually. Whatever the case, let's just enjoy the season. *All Bottled Up: Hmmm, so Starlight's magic is fueled by her emotions, huh? Pretty interesting, and the Sith Order would approve. The Jedi Order, would disapprove. Jokes aside, it was a bit nice to see Trix getting bitten in the flank for such egotistical behavior, but she sincerely apologized for it and that shows she's developing as a character. That pleases me. And it's good to see Glimmy's apparently taking her as her padawan, too.
  11. Godzilla and Star Wars were this ever since i watched their movies and i can proudly say i'm still part of their respective communities. Other fandoms i've been in for quite some time are Metroid, GTA, Silent Hill, Dragon Ball, Digimon and of course, FiM.
  12. Favorite color: Blue Favorite food: Mexican, Italian and Japanese cuisine Favorite pony: Bat ponies, who sadly have had only one appereance. (Flutterbat doesn't count, she's more of a vampire) Favorite item you own: My plushie dinos Favorite animal: Extinct and marine animals Favorite thing to do: Surf the net, play emulated games, drawing. Favorite sport: Swimming Favorite word: Whatever... Favorite season: Winter, Rainy summer. Favorite book: Anything horror, fantasy, adventure and science fiction. Favorite dog breed: Pug Favorite cat breed: Ragdoll Favorite superhero: Batman Favorite power pony: Flutterhulk
  13. Eh, maybe that i can be a surprisingly quick learner for certain things and lessons, it's rather useful and makes up for my clumsiness. That and the fact that i have a natural talent for drawing which i keep polishing.
  14. Grand Master Yoda: His wisdom and his amazing quotes are greatly inspiring! Chirrut Imwe: He's quite charismatic and his mantra always comes in handy when things aren't looking so bright. Godzilla: He's always ready to kick some ass and show who's the king of the kaiju. Goku: I totally grew up with this guy, what more can i say? Batman: A truly magnificent vigilante born from grief and despair. Samus Aran: She's so badass and is always ready for whatever adventure she can partake Asura (Asura's Wrath): He and Kratos are huge inspirations for all of us with short temper. Nariko (Heavenly Sword): Her dialogue, impressive design and story make her awesome. Pretty much any major protagonist from the GTA franchise.
  15. A pegasus, but i'd prefer to be a bat pony. They've got a cool design and should really show up more often. Or a chimera, to spend the whole day talking with my "brothers", which would technically be extensions of myself. As a goat and a snake, respectively.
  16. Gotta admit it's made me less judgemental towards new shows and movies, but otherwise i'm still a dead-serious guy who enjoys simple pleasures and talks like a robot.
  17. Go around the whole world looking for monsters and sapient races before i finally meet my end at the jaws of some hungry beastie.
  18. They better have minor references to Gamora and Neytiri. Just imagine that... But jokes aside, the cast is looking pretty good!
  19. Personally, i believe the movie will be the opener for a new era having Starlight and her friends as protagonists. Let's face it, the stories of the Mane Six are wrapping up and there's nothing much you can do with them. But whether they manage to pull that off is another story, taking into account that Starlight and Trixie are rather divisive characters among the fandom. On the other hand, the Humanverse may continue for a while, considering there will be three more EG specials and that Disney currently has its own take on the Monster High concept, Descendants and its upcoming sequel.
  20. Well, it'd be nice if the movie paved the way for some sort of spinoff having Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, Discord and Sunburst (and whatever new buddies they meet) as the main protagonists while the Mane Six act all as mentor figures for them. Either that, or maybe Luna and Celly ascend to a higher plane of existence, leaving Twi in Celly and Luna's place or whatever happens.
  21. Finger snapping, which i often do when i feel stressed, uncomfortable por just plain unsure. There's also chewing bubblegum, i've finished whole boxes of them. Chewing it just makes me feel less nervous.
  22. Papaya, zuccini, certain colognies and perfumes are just plain unbearable for me. Plus, i smelled beer and wine on some ocasions and couldn't comprehend why some people love that stuff so much. Papaya, zuccini, certain colognies and perfumes are just plain unbearable for me. Plus, i smelled beer and wine on some ocasions and couldn't comprehend why some people love that stuff so much.
  23. Mine is my temper. I can get angry or agitated easily, and have trouble keeping it under control. Ironically enough, i'm also awfully shy in new environments. I do have my fair share of real life buddies, but i'm better meeting new people on Internet.
  24. A new smartphone and some sweet-looking shirts, a couple of pants, sneakers and tomorrow we'll go look for the stuff needed to make a desk PC.
  25. Just the usual, eating dinner, watching the same Christmas specials and spending time on the Internet. When it comes to christmas, i'm on a rather "Grinchy" mood, heh heh heh. Nonetheless, i hope you guys and girls had a sweet Christmas with lots of fun.
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