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Posts posted by Emperor_Z

  1. I say between 16 and 22. Four of them hold down jobs. Heck, two of those run their own businesses. I'd say those two are definately adults. I don't consider the mane 6 to be too far apart from eachother in age, so I don't think of the other four as being any younger than 16


    I also believe they age at the same rate humans do, both because it makes sense from a biological perspective in respect to their intellect, and because I simply prefer it that way.

  2. I like Spike. He's snarky, loyal, and down-to-earth, usually. He teases a bit, but it's all good


    It was like with Zecora. Whenever she came into town, twilight wanted to talk with her.... BUT SPIKE STOPPED HER.

    I am starting to dislike spike.


    Are you positive? I don't remember Spike doing that

  3. Art of the Dress, hands down for me. I adore the tune. Lyrics aren't that great for part one, but I find the theme of part two appealing.


    You guys ever notice the additional vocals in that song on just a few of the lines? Look up the karaoke version of the song, and you'll hear a somewhat nasally sounding voice that was unable to be removed.


    You will never be able to unhear it while listening to the normal song.

  4. Not if you have friends who make them.

    I have a friend who makes plushies at my school and she sells em for like $30. they are really cool. I just can;t afford it :C


    All but one of my brony friends/acquaintances are comp sci/networking/mathematics majors, that sort of thing. No toys coming from them. The one who isn't is sorta-kinda an artist, but he was too lazy to live up to his role as my artist for the pony game I was trying to make, so I doubt I'll even get anything out of him either.


    So my desk remains barren of pony for the foreseeable future

  5. I have no money to spend on ponies, and even if I did, I'm only interested in things that can either be worn or used to decorate my room a bit. I'm not interested in brushables though, so that limits my toy choices to that one gift set and nothing else. So as much as I want to have the Mane 6 atop my shelf, my room will remain ponyless until Hasbro released some more show accurate merch,

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Tough one for the main cast. Rainbow Dash looked awesome, Pinkie Pie did very well getting into "character", and Twilight's was great for nerd value. Spike had meme appeal, but that's about it (seriously, what was he thinking?) I think I'll give it to Pinkie, just for the mannerisms


    As for background ponies, I'll go with Colgate. It's amusing to see what it likely a subtle but legitimate shout-out to fanon after people constantly crying wolf on references last week

  7. I'm not usually the type to make threads like this, but there's kind of an implicit invitation, so I guess I'm doing it anyway.


    Been a fan of the show since early June, love to discuss. I'm a regular on Ponychan, but I've been banned for the day. Seeing as it's Saturday, I NEED an avenue of discussion, lest I shrivel up and die from lack of pony talk. I imagine I'll still pop in here from time to time beyond today though.


    To give this topic some purpose, anyone know why I can't upload an avatar? When I try, it just say "Failed to set a new avatar"

  8. Well if you didn't like it, there's nothing wrong

    I never said that i LIKED what happened. I did not like it at all. But I am not complaining about it.

    I wish it ending a little stronger.


    Well if you didn't like it, there's nothing wrong with expressing that. Topic's titled "Episode 4 Discussion", not "Episode 4 Homogenous Praise"


    Like I said, I did enjoy the episode, quite a lot. Just thought it has a narrative weakness

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Again, you are not saying everything that happened in that scene, only ones that contribute to your favor. You forgot whenever she scares them, she turns to twilight and says "I don't think that had the right affect I want"

    And she said "Just wait."


    So... she waited, that's all? I guess there were no moments previous where she just stood around doing nothing, so there wasn't as much of an opportunity for it to come up before. So I suppose the events make sense, though I still don't feel they were very satisfying, and could have been executed better

    • Brohoof 1
  10. As much as I was hoping for a Halloween themed song, it's not so odd that we haven't gotten a song yet. Winter Wrap Up was the first major song of season 1, and that was episode 11.


    There is a lack of Pinkie songs though. We had two already by this point in season 1.

  11. I think that this kind of show what it was like for Luna back when she first became Nightmare Moon. She just wanted to be noticed and appreciated, but no matter what she did, she couldn't get the ponies to love her night (like how now she can't get them to stop running from her). She eventually snapped, and let her anger and jealousy take over. This time she was feeling defeated and rejected again, but Pipsqueak showed her kindness and friendship. That shows that times are different now. I liked the ending.


    I don't have a problem with the realization that people liked Luna for her scariness being the resolution, but the way in which it was framed didn't really work. Twilight acted like she had a plan, but didn't actually do anything to affect the outcome, and Pinkie outright stated that it was fun to be scared before Pip, making his part sort of redundant, at least to the audience.

  12. But if you think about it, a lot of life's problems are solved through pure dumb luck.


    Yes, but life also doesn't always make for a good narrative. Deus Ex Machina (sudden, unforeshadowed event that fixes everthing) occurs in real life too, but it's not something we like to see in our fiction

  13. 1. Twilight Sparkle

    2. Pinkie Pie

    3. Rarity/Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash

    6. Applejack


    Despite Applejack being the last, after a three way tie, I still like her. She's just not as interesting as everyone else.


    Twilight is definitely best pony based on a description of her character traits. However, season 1 had a lot of occurrences where she just wasn't written very consistently, which left a bad taste in my mouth. She was #2 for a long time, but Lesson Zero has gotten her back on top, and I'm hoping the frienship report change will allow her to stay there by allowing her to be written more consistantly, since she doesn't have to be phoned into every episode.


    I'm reserving a solid judgement until she's been in at least two episodes, but Luna's poised to jump high in the ranks, maybe even the top.

    • Brohoof 2
  14. I loved Twilight's despair scene, where she greyed out and shed the heart shaped tear. Heartbreaking.

    Correspondingly, the scene where she read the friendship reports, regaining her color and drive. Very heartwarming.


    Atomic Rainbomb and Fluttershy "killing" a bear, just for awesome factor.


    Twilight's Gollum impersonation.


    Luna having her sort of semi-relapse into Nightmare Moon. Floating into the air, eyes aglow and surrounded by lightning. It's very easy to see how she became what she did before.


    Of course, Luna's "The fun has been doubled" and "Huzzah!". Her big entrance was also pure badass. I wonder, does she always ride a black chariot, have guards with bat wings, and wear a cloak composed of bats, or was that just for Nightmare Night?

  15. I loved almost everything about this episode. The characterizations were great, including Luna. It was funny and seeing all of the costumes was entertaining.


    The conclusion felt kind of weak though. Luna didn't really do anything different during the middle and during the end, she just kind of got lucky that Pipsqueak decided to come over and compliment her. If he hadn't done that, she would have gone along thinking that she was hated just as before. So it was just kind of dumb luck that resolved the plot. It's made more obvious because Twilight acted like she had a plan, but unless she told Pip to talk to Luna, then she didn't actually do much of anything. Additionally, if the resolution was purely the realization that people were having fun with Luna's scariness, then Pinkie already revealed that, making Pip's scene kind of redundant.


    That's just my nitpick for this otherwise great ep, though I hope these narrative stumbles aren't going to be made into a habit. I felt Return of Harmony was also anticlimactic.

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