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Posts posted by Finia

  1. Yes. I agree with you, don't feed Seagulls or Pigeons, it can make them very angry(well greedy). But I still like Seagulls, they make going to the beach feel familiar. Even if they aren't the most beautiful animal in the world. 


    What happens when you feed a seagull. 


    They want your fish and chips and go ''Mine? Mine? Mine, Mine, Mine!''.

    That video right there... Perfect summary. This is basically what i see everytime i see those birds. I mean sometimes they just stand on top of their guardposts aka "Street lights" You can basically use the "MINE MINE" quote when another gull tries to retain its spot from another bird that stands on there. If they spots someone dropping food in the animal park or wherever, they will shriek to tell off the other birds that its theirs. They really go MINE MINE MINE. "

    The way the movie clip portrays it is so spot on :dash:

  2. Well at least seagulls aren't pigeons.

    Wait.... whats wrong with pigeons. All they do is bop their heads back and forth and just making those "crruuu" sounds, almost purring like a cat. Shitting on the streets is a low price to pay in comparison to an aggressive seagull in my view :)

  3. Crows are awesome, but they hold a damn large grudge. If you tick off a crow it WILL remember you for the rest of its life. They can even somehow communicate with other crows what you look like, so they'll never forget you either. They can even pass it on to their children, who can pass it on to their children and so on.


    Look it up if you don't believe me. If you piss off a crow, you're pretty much doomed to an eternity of crow attacks.

    I am ok with that. I would never harm a crow ^^, crows are so cool. I remember that part in "Clock Tower 1995" game, where a bunch of crow came to attack Mrs.Mary (I wont say the reason why since its very brutal), so i searched it up and was surprised that crows can remember you and tell that to the other crow community to attack you if they see you, i wonder if they will be tricked if you wear a mask. But still interesting. Although i've heard dogs also have this ability, not sure if they can tell other dogs, but it will remember you if you have been mean to it or something, even though i generally am scared of dogs. It is interesting how clever some animals can be.

  4. The English word is senior or mentor, not senpai though.


    Anime mostly is bad i think, although some are ok. But nope, i'd be weirded out to call someone i knew a senior. I may admire people i like. But it got nothing to do with age in any case, its more on what they do.


    Although mostly i find this to be a suck up word. I am learning Japanese but i would never use this word honestly. I'd pick the more mr, mrs which would be san. Atleast thats more reasonable

  5. They might seem harmless. But thats because you haven't seen their bad side. Basically they are greedy, and can be aggressive if they have a chance to it. I believe they can soar over you if you are at their territory, usually they make a living by nesting in a city and picking out garbage to eat and if people drop food they soar down with greedy aggressive behavior. Although this might just seem to be an attitude thing. Well... if you happen to be around the city when the eggs are hatched, they will likely fly down, flax over and scream at you if you happen to be around a place where the chicks might walk.


    I mean i can't think of any type of birds i dislike other than the seagull. Another type of birds i like better are crows, they are intelligent and much better bird species than seagulls.


    But i just want to hear your opinion on it?

    • Brohoof 2
  6. I vote for this guy. To be frank i am not good with economy. But i imagine welfare is good incase people have trouble getting jobs etc so that they won't end up on the street, but capitalism is also good in terms of building a business and have an open free market where its a win and lose situation.

  7. @@Finia: Sexuality is supposed to be lived between two, a man and a woman, so masturbation is a selfish use of it. People have the inclination of doing many things they should not, this is called concupiscence, and it is the reason we should stay alert against sin.


    Being normal or not does not change whether it is wrong or not. This is probably the most common excuse for sin, but Christian life is not easy, it demands sacrifices. But in the end the results are better than anything this world can provide.


    I will leave a quote of C. S. Lewis, who can explain the subject better than me:


    “For me the real evil of masturbation would be that it takes an appetite which, in lawful use, leads the individual out of himself to complete (and correct) his own personality in that of another (and finally in children and even grandchildren) and turns it back; sends the man back into the prison of himself, there to keep a harem of imaginary brides.


    "And this harem, once admitted, works against his ever getting out and really uniting with a real woman.


    "For the harem is always accessible, always subservient, calls for no sacrifices or adjustments, and can be endowed with erotic and psychological attractions which no woman can rival.


    "Among those shadowy brides he is always adored, always the perfect lover; no demand is made on his unselfishness, no mortification ever imposed on his vanity.


    "In the end, they become merely the medium through which he increasingly adores himself. . . . After all, almost the main work of life is to come out of our selves, out of the little dark prison we are all born in. Masturbation is to be avoided as all things are to be avoided which retard this process. The danger is that of coming to love the prison.”


    - Personal Letter From Lewis to Keith Masson (found in The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume 3)


    @@Steel Accord: In order for something to be considered a sin it is needed both knowledge that it is a sinful matter and a consent of one's will. In other words, you must know that it is wrong and even them you still want to do it. Not having much control of your will can attenuate the guilty, or even eliminate it if there is no control at all. However, saying "I can do it because it is normal and there are nothing I can do about it" counts as a consent, so it is still a sin.


    It is not a sin when you make everything within your reach to prevent it, but fails. If you purposely let your lustful feelings flow and do nothing about it, then it is a sin. Regardless of some action being a sin or not, it is not going to change whether it is harmful or not. So even if a specific case is not considered a sin, it still may cause harm and should be combated if they do so.


    Well i liked the analogy of the prison. I mean addiction itself is awful. But what i mean is... think of it like eating. If you don't eat for a certain amount of time you will eventually die. Now, this is not the same with this. But eventually, if you dont do it from time to time it will come out by itself (Talking due to experience)


    Or well if one is very zealous about it, then Frollo is what comes to my mind. Although i really did like your analogy though, to not let it hurt yourself in terms of that.

    • Brohoof 2
  8. I was thinking about something. Is masturbation itself a sin? Or is it more about thoughtful adultery when you already have a wife. I mean sexual immorality i can understand, because psychologically it can hurt you that way.


    I mean i get the idea that life itself is better when you refrain from it hurting yourself. But its the old saying, what comes in must come out. Thats the idea of masturbation, if it was normal to not do it, it would be easier to refrain from it. But its like a biological effect that exists on your body no matter what in a way.


    Just kinda wondering what you think? I just interpret it to mean concrete lust, in terms of wanting more and more, and that you basically have an impure way of life to not wish to settle with a person you want to be with forever and have that person in your heart, in terms of relationship. Atleast if one looks at "Matthew 5:28"

  9. I just find it to be a really difficult system?. A hypothetical reason to keep it is for cultural and historical reasons.


    But hiragana already does it good of writing Japanese words down, and Katakana can be used for foreign words. So it seems like such a much easier writing system by just having a word mean a word, and learning what the word means as you grow up. In the same way latinized alphabet only have certain amount of letters. Like the ones i am writing and you learn what they mean due to being told what they mean. Learning plenty of signs just sounds so unpractical.




    I already know some japanese and can understand somewhat, but i just have really hard time with the Kanjis? But its mostly that they can have different readings aswell, which is what i find to be difficult about it. Like that i can't understand what the words are unless there are some small Hiragana to help me. So i basically just have to memorize it based on what the kanji context mean...



    Either way. Wondering what you guys think?

  10. Soda is like the devil's drink. I mean sure, you don't get healthier by not keeping active, by not moving around i mean. But drinking that.. You really get a belly from it, and is really bad for you. I mean snacks and candies is also bad in a way. But Soda is like the prime of just being friggin awful, and fast food hamburgers are awful too. Although i am not too complainy about Ice cream, i dont like them either that much. If i guess right, they are like frozen vanilla covered with chocolate most of it. Basically if you eat fruits thats kinda like what you need thanks to nature, you'll feel fresh and new everytime you wake up to say the least, water, breakfast, bread and stuff, dinner, and fruits at times.


    I also have suspision it was the germans who made the hamburgers, while USA just popularized it.


    Making it home though like bread and burgers isnt that bad to make for dinner, aslong as it isnt sloppy fat sauce or something. But if you buy them at some fast food.... well its really a bad idea. Put them in the oven, have some water. And its much better nourishing food for you


    I mean companies make these and profiting of it, but its really a bad eating lifestyle. Its sad that it exists to be honest. I mean some are lazy to not wanting to not make their own food, but the fast food usually are bad in general. So its much more beneficial to make your own food that is good for you.


    Although i dislike most soda, and coca cola company in general for promiting this stuff all over the world!


    Either way. Just wondering what you think?

  11. girly boys.


    Everybody seem to be doing fine. The series dwell much into the psychological part. I usually skip the intros though and endings. But the opening 1 i am kinda ok with.


    But basically, maybe Kishimoto have been catching up on J-Rock/J-Pop and Japanese fashion and was like... thats too gay. So he made Sasuke a depressing non likeable character just for that part. And he's not as good as the 18th century brother Itachi, who's much more excellent and talks with excellence and has grace in his manners.


    Although that Star Wars episode was like the best lol.





    Wondering what you think?

  12. Oh yeah, the entire history of Rome is fascinating and really important considering that basically all of Western civilization, for good or ill, was touched and influenced by the Roman Empire.

    There's a good reason for that.



    Although its also greek culture, romans just kinda developed from that, taking greek culture as its influence and developed it further. One can call it greek-roman culture that has influenced the west in most of western world history.


    Also the fact that the dominant form of christianity back then was roman catholic type of christianity, the only other branch that wasn't heretical at the time was orthodox christianity. Protestantism became more of a norm at the end of medieval period with Martin Luther.


    Basically ebionites, which was a form of jewish christianity in the 1st century didn't have as much significant results in terms of converts. Paul being a roman citizen had more influence, and manage to develop more churches etc. Pretty impressive to say the least.

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