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Everything posted by Kodiak

  1. Apparently, "Molestia" in Spanish means "to bother." Irony?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SrFrog


      I know spanish, and I hadn't even realized that.

    3. Klopp


      I'd hardly call it irony, the English word "Molest" has a less common meaning simply to harass someone. The more derogatory term just evolved from that, and eventually became the norm. So, no, not Irony at all. both the words just derived from the same origins.

    4. NewCalamity


      To bother....Bit of an understatement.

  2. Not until the prices drops. I picked up FFXIII for $30 USD; I'm not going over $50 for a video game. lol
  3. You know you're a brony if you don't even notice when someone says "anypony."

  4. That just crossed my mind. I'd love to see this as the grand finale of season three.
  5. Old video is old (August 2011), but it got me thinking: Maybe there's a full 3-minute version of the Friendship is Magic theme in the works? Guess we'll find out on the season two finale day or when the soundtrack is released. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKVs8k5N2Qo LYRICS: When I was young I was too busy to make any friends, such silliness did not seem worth the effort it expends. But my little ponies, you opened up my eyes... and now the truth is crystal clear, like splendid summer skies... and it's such a wonderful surprise! My Little Pony I used to wonder what friendship could be My Little Pony Until you all shared it's magic with me
  6. *breaks out the apple cider* Tonight, we gettin' BUCKED UP!
  7. First it was Fighting is Magic, then Equestria Online, now THIS? Dear Celestia, you bronies are just amazing at being amazing. As for the game, I'm almost as pumped for this as I am for Fighting is Magic. This doesn't look like some cheap 3D racing game that was slapped together with a few textures and sketchy Visual Basic code (personal vendetta, don't mind it). *raises a glass of apple cider* Here's to the creative and talented members of the community that never cease to amaze us!
  8. I've actually thought about this for a little bit. I think it's the same reason why a villain stops and gloats when they have the upper-hand (hoof). Maybe she just felt overly victorious? Also, Fluttershy is officially a beast at running. Just sayin'
  9. Pinkie Pie; that signature just gives me a sugar overload.
  10. Wow, I've just gotten past the first chapter and you've got me hooked. I especially liked how you notioned that there's no such thing as "murder" in Equestria; that it was just something make-believe. There were a few misspellings and puctuation errors that I noticed, but it didn't take away from the feel of the story. Great job with this!
  11. You know, I'm more offended of the fact that it's a show about colorful horses! It discriminates against the real ones who only come in some form between black and brown. While I'm at it, what's this whole "friendship" bigotry? Don't they know that there's lonely people out there too? Seriously guys, it's a character that wouldn't even be here if it weren't for an animation error. If you get "offended" by something that acts like it has mental deficiencies, then you need to start enjoying more things in life. Don't get caught up in being offended; it's just not good for your health.
  12. What's funny, my iPod actually autocorrects words like "anypony" and "brony" now. It's slowly learning our ways.
  13. ^That's the thread I was thinking of. lol
  14. Hey, anypony know any good fanfictions to read? Shippy or not, grimdark or happy, I'll take 'em all.

    1. ProjectRKA


      Fading Colors & Study Buddies

    2. pondus30


      Slender mane, cupcakes, My little dashie

  15. Thanks! I'm actually thinking of doing one about Twilight next, but I'll have to see if I have the time to sit down and work it. This post took me an hour and a half to think through. lol
  16. Wallpaper image: http://ponypic.com/i/klupv.jpg Linux Fedora, yeah?
  17. Ha, funny thing is, I'm taking the class at the honors level, and I'm a high school junior.
  18. I tell ya, there's a whole mess of things I can go into about the minds of ponies like Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, but that'll literally take me all evening. lol Awesome! I'm actually taking an official Psychology class next semester (week), so hopefully I'll be able to elaborate more clearly on any future psychology posts. Thanks for the reply. Honestly, I believe that Rainbow Dash has some emotional problems in her as well (whether it be something as minor as stage fright or something a bit deeper than that). Though, I can't really say much for Applejack since she isn't that well developed of a character. lol
  19. I'd say in the first half of the season one pilot "Friendship is Magic." In the scene where Pinkie throws Twilight a surpise Welcome Party, the song "Giggle at the Ghostie" is hinted at in the background music. That was the sneakiest bit of foreshadowing I ever saw in a cartoon. Well played William Anderson, well played.
  20. *Note: Something like this may have been posted here before, but here are my thoughts on it. Longest forum post, away: I was just listening to the new Everfree Radio episode (the one released with the Baby Cakes episode), and they brought up a theory of Pinkie Pie having self-confidence issues. This really grabbed my attention. It's much more likely that she suffers from some repressed self-worth issues rather than her being the crazy/psychotic "Pinkamena Diane Pie." Honestly, I agree with that idea. It would explain why she's CONSTANTLY happy in her every appearance. Granted it might just be how she is, that kind of over-the-top happiness is usually the sign of something deeper going on. Those who suffer from self-confidence issues or depression (sadness) want people to think that they don't, so they throw on a mask to hide it. Her displays of constant happiness and joy could just be a coping mechanism for her. Two episodes back this theory a bit. In Party of One, the cause of Pinkie's depression was because of her assumption that her friends did not like her or her parties anymore. Her insecurities cause her to jump to that conclusion. Let’s assume that those insecurities stemed from her days as a filly. One of Pinkie’s first friends could have gotten so annoyed by her that they just abandoned her (much like the events in Party of One). She reacted with a surge of intense sadness, seeing as how bad things can still happen despite her new lease on life (Cutie Mark Chronicles). Her new motto of “Happy happy, party party” kicked in and she decided to repress that inner sadness with an even more intense outward display of happiness. After feeling a bit less sad internally, she adopted a habit of dealing with drawbacks by going overboard with false happiness. The second episode is the more recent one, Baby Cakes. However, this example deals with more self-confidence than sadness. In the episode, Pinkie is in way over her head when she decides to take the responsibility of watching after two hyper-active foals. All of her attempts at calming them and keeping to a schedule seem to fail one after the other. It isn’t until Twilight Sparkle comes to the door with the intention on helping Pinkie with the foals that things begin to change. Twilight mentions how “some ponies just aren’t able to handle that kind of responsibility.” Pinkie takes offense to the statement and promptly kicks Twilight out, stating to herself that she can handle things on her own. She then goes back up to the foals and suddenly “lays down the law” in a stern manner. This is where the problem comes in. People with self-confidence/self-worth issues either think: A) They aren’t good enough for anything, or B ) They constantly have to prove/validate themselves to show others that they are competent. In this case, Pinkie clearly falls under the latter. All of this is more of speculation than fact, but I feel that there’s some pretty solid proof that Pinkie isn’t really the happy and bubbly pony that she appears to be. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter. ***** To those that made it all the way to the end of this, your cookie will be in the mail and delivered promptly, provided that Derpy Hooves doesn’t mess up the shipping and sends them back to me. In which case, I shall eat every last one of them.
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