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My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. Same thing with me, except that my friend and me are both huge bookworms, so people will be like "Why are you sitting there reading and not talking?"
  2. I say weird things, but i swear i'm not crazy. I just obsess over a two-hearted alien, a sociopath, ponies, two twins investigating a supernatural town... Also that i'm a hellenic polytheist. That doesn't mean i kill sheep. Or i involve myself in anything incest-y. Religions can change. :okiedokielokie:
  3. Hope we focus more on Sunset Shimmer. Also the idea of Human Twilight before friendship meeting Human Twilight after friendship would be cool, i think it will be like sorta like when Twilight met up with Moondancer, except at first she will be freaked out. And there will be 2 spikes.
  4. This show helped me make some friends, and its just awesome. Also it is actually part of the reason i watched Doctor Who.
  5. KITTENS FOR HOOVES! Shoot the heck out of bill cipher the Tantabus
  6. I literally only have a doctor who plush. I plan to get more stuff though. I also have 2 shirts.
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