I first joined MLP forums on July 2015. And now i have been here for half a year now i guess. 2015 was a pretty good year for me. Even though i was depressed alot from october to november, i still feel happy that most of the members here do care about me. Most of the time i act like a guy who could get depressed because of my stupid head, but 2015 is the year that teach me alot of things and not get depressed that much.
Even though I feel happy in this MLP forums. Sometimes it's not. People sometimes judge me and tell me that I'm annoying here. And that might be true cause I'm a very sociable person and likes to talk a lot. But all of my times here made me feel better and worse at the same time. Even in my personal life most of my friends left school for a different and better ones. Most of my teachers that I care are in the hospital. I don't know that I should keep this up or not. Am I a good or bad friend?