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Posts posted by Swifty

  1. I've left several times for one simple reason: People are jerks, and sadly, the fans of a show about friendship are no less inclined to be.


    I keep watching the show, though. I'm always going to enjoy that. I've just gone for long stretches trying to avoid bronies.


    Yup. I think people just try their hardest to not reveal their true jerkiness, because this fandom is supposed to be about friendship and tolerance. I mean, i've been called a moron for just being on the side of Lauren Faust. And i'm not better with calling someone a asshole for permanently giving bad names to one of my favs. :D

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Boredom and no alternatives brought me back, tbh. And the hope that things get better. Though theres's actually no hope anymore and if Season 7 sucks again (especially for Celestia) i will call my quits the last time, because i already predict that the movie isn't worth watching.


    There's nothing better right now and i'm neither into anime nor other cartoons like Adventure Time. Nothing really piques my interest anymore. I was into the AVP fandom once, but this interest kinda died, even with Alien: Covenant next year and another Predator movie one year later.

  3. Solar flare in season 7 please. 




    Under following conditions i would agree.


    The fandom feels sorry for Celestia and starts to hate Luna. Then Celestia defeats Luna two times while everything Luna does is running away and hiding. Later Celestia gets two episodes for herself and Luna is absolutely absent. Celestia gets one or two song parts. She is the better singer anyway :P

    • Brohoof 1
  4. The beginning of season 6 wasnt promising at all, but then Flutter Brutter, Buckball Season and Viva Las Pegasus happened, which gave Fluttershy time to shine and positive character development. Something that Celestia apparently can only dream of.


    I'm with you if we are talking about season five. This was a complete season of shit for Flutters and i hope that season seven wont fall back to that.






    I think the plot of the movie was originally Celestia's evil brother that tried to steal 3 elemental stones from the land. That was a LONG time ago though, so its possible its changed completely and there's a different villain.




    That's why i'm not optimistic at the movie from McCarthy.

    This sounds like the same  flaws she did in the two parters. Too rushed, things happen because reasons, new characters out of nowhere....


    Not sure where you can see she has the possibility of winning.


    There she couldn't win, because of the love of one single unicorn. This love of Shining Armor was so special that.......pfffffffffffff


    They never grow tired to find reasons for Celestia's failure.....now even changeling drones are enough. As i said, Pipsqueak could beat her because reasons.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Animator aren't that strict with that.


    Sometimes Twilight suddenly get much more mane when it flows in the wind. Applejacks unfurled mane is hardly longer than Rainbow Dash's. Fluttershy 's mane covers one side of her face and later it's not much more than Pinkies front curl. Raritys wet mane seems to be longer than anyone else, being styled she looks almost bald like Trixie.


    I think Pinkie has the most hair or maybe it just deludes the eye. :D

    • Brohoof 1
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