My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?:
I... Google? Sorry, I really don't have a story behind this.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:
A bunch of my friends became fans before I did and started talking about the show. A lot. I was still initially skeptical, however. After I saw the art style of the show, however, I was a little more intrigued. So I decided I'd give it a shot.
Long story short, I loved it, and I've stayed hooked ever since.
Hello, hello, and all that jazz.
You can call me Raeligath. Maybe just Raeli. Or maybe something more pronounceable and pony-ish if I can ever figure out a cartoon horse for my self. Whatever works for ya.
I fancy myself as a bit of an artist and writer, though I've been far too busy and/or distracted for the last month or so to be that productive at either. Still, when and if I can get in the mood for it, I like to draw and write about ponies. I used to do quite a bit more, but then college happened and I figured it was kind of important to focus on that while I could. I'm hoping I'll find some new "spark" of inspiration, motivation, or both soon that will get me all creatively productive again. Especially if it's the kind that means I just have fun creating, no matter what comes of it. That's just the best.
Or, you know, I might just need to make myself take a break and come back to it. I don't know, I'm no expert on these sorts of things.
For most artstuffs, I've got a Tumblr blog thingy.
For most writing stuffs, I've got a (still pretty bare) FiMFic page.
(One day, I will update these with some sense of regularity. Unfortunately, that day is not today.)
Anyway, the main reason I'm here is to try to be social and get to meet and chat with other pony people. And hopefully to get a little more involved with the goings-on of the general pony community.
So once again, hello everypony! Hope I can find some things to do, people to meet, and friends to make while I'm here!
And of course, I hope you all have a wonderful day ~