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Perish Song

Poniverse Staff
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Everything posted by Perish Song

  1. Hello friends, our update to 1.13.2 is finally here! So those of you who have not had your build saved for the transfer need to put the co-ords in this thread for staff. Example: x:12000 y:100 z:12000 You can find your co-ords by pressing F3. Some of you may have to press the "Fn" key while pressing F3 if it has more than one use on your keyboard. A minimum of 1000 blocks from spawn is allowed for transfers. Make sure you mark your build accordingly! WE WILL BE ALLOWING YOU TO TRANSFER ITEMS TO THE NEW WORLD! PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT ALL YOUR ITEMS NEED TO BE IN YOUR HOUSE. WE WILL /NOT/ MOVE FROM MULTIPLE HOUSES. Regarding heads- I don't think they'll transfer as the head they are. If you've got a large number of heads, please select 5-10 of your favorites! I unfortunately can't replace all of them, but will cycle them all through the shops again at discounted prices! (You're also welcome to try transfering them in a chest, no guarantees! In the past it's been VERY fickle.) One build means one! A build is considered one structure A build has a block limit of 1 million blocks (non negotiable) Underground builds will not be transferred due to underground block clutter If your build has a basement, we're only allowing a depth of 10 blocks If you try to lower the terrain level around you, we'll use the average height for that biome as our "surface height" A build is NOT an entire town Your build must be clearly marked on how you wish to have to moved; if you fail to mark it clearly, then your request to have your build move may be denied You must show an indication that you have reached the co-ordinates on the 1.13.2 map, like a sign or structure. X- ANY PERSON CAUGHT CLAIMING A BUILD TO MOVE THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM, WILL LOSE TRANSFER RIGHTS X- THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE SPAWNERS THEY WILL NOT BE TRANSFERRED. NO EXCEPTIONS. X- WE WILL NOT TELEPORT YOU OUT TO YOUR NEW HOME LOCATION YOU WILL NEED TO TRAVEL THERE YOURSELF. X- WE WILL NOT TRANSFER MOB GRINDERS This is how the red wool should be marked: We thank you for your continued cooperation and hope to see you in 1.13.2 with us! Note:Please only comment with the information regarding the transfer like this: Hello there! IGN:Perish_Song I would like to transfer my house @ 12345 100 -12345 to -26354 89 26432 (PLEASE NOTE NEW SERVER IS NOT UP YET. AFTER IT OPENS YOU WILL NEED TO COME BACK AND PUT THE NEW COORDS IN THE TO AREA. ) Thanks! Please be patient!
  2. I'm unsure why you're wanting to donate too the server while banned. What's your IGN?
  3. We stopped transferring builds over 8 months ago, that old survival server is officially closed, sorry!
  4. Hello there, I'm staff on the server. Could you please provide your IGN so I can look into this for you?
  5. ?? I'm guessing you've never been on the server. Players can use /back to go retrieve their items. We also don't allow people to grief or 'improve' other people's builds, and a lot of old structures have been removed. We also /have/ been working on making the server better. Maybe it would be better if you didn't judge too quickly and instead come check it out! The server is on the most current version.
  6. Server is still pretty okay! It would be a good idea to join the discord, if you haven't already! Most of our stuff that's currently happening is posted on there. <3
  7. It wasn't 'allegedly'. There are logs and everything. You also need to go put this in the ban disputes section and follow the instructions there.
  8. Oh no, sorry! I was just confused because I wasn't sure why they were bringing that up and tagging me in it, lol. Ya'll are welcome to talk about games here. ^^
  9. Pardon? I'm not looking for game suggestions, thank you though.
  10. As of now, minecraft is the only game in PoniArcade! Not sure why there are people in here trying to say otherwise!
  11. Perish Song

    request shop Free Adopt OCs

    Cream Fizz, they'll be the owner of an ice cream shop in my alt universe stuff. c: Also, I'd like to think so! I enjoy building ocs and developing them.
  12. Perish Song

    request shop Free Adopt OCs

    I'd love to get 22! They're super lovely looking, and I've been looking for a toned down oc for art studies. She's VERY gorgeous <3 Tysm for the chance.
  13. No, they shouldn't! Sometimes updates to the server may cause a little 'hiccup' in claims. If you find anything of yours griefed, please contact staff! We're happy to fix things up!
  14. I wasn't there for your ban, but I do find it rather curious that you've chosen to paint yourself as being completely innocent. You've been passive aggressive, belligerent and downright insulting to staff on multiple occasions since your joining. You chose to get very aggressive when a command was removed temporarily since people were spamming with it, a command you yourself didn't even use. This is a private discord server, that a group of unpaid people run. You are not entitled to anything. You also left out how you apparently were ranting and raving to another member after being kicked, and that person wasn't comfortable with you doing so. Maybe you need to take a good hard look at your 'sense of humor' and stop fucking with other people for sport, yes?
  15. Hey Robobro! There is still time to save your build, if you haven't already. You can port one build over! You'll need to downgrade to 1.8 in order to rejoin /survivalold any staff mod and upwards should be able to help you move over! Welcome back!
  16. It always strikes my fancy that some people seem they should be allowed to over-ride the rules, even though they're all put out in black and white for everyone to read. What's even MORE curious, is when people DO read the rules, yet somehow think they're -still- not obligated to listen/follow them because they're 'silly'. Also, I've rped for many years. If you'd like some suggestions, focus first on your grammar and vocabulary! Read some stories, see how they flow. Look up information on character development and scene-setting. I'm sure you'll do just fine in the future. c:
  17. Funny you should mention that, as the past few days we've been on the server mentioning it's getting close to being up! We're even testing out the bugs. I understand you're frustrated, but I'm pretty positive you'd want it fully working, rather than us just throwing it up and having to constantly fix it. C:
  18. -Glances at the date- Wow, people are still doing the 'Fluttershy is a background pony' joke? yikes.
  19. I think it's gross that people are actively defending that sleezeball, but hey! Since they're a good moderator, that tooootally makes it okay, right? Thanks for the topic, hope people realize just how cringey they're being.
  20. You're right! I'm no longer going to indulge this any further, and as an added note, neither will the rest of staff. We have already said our point on the matter, and there isn't anything further to discuss. Best of luck on other servers!
  21. There is a HUGE difference between a player having a polite conversation about the reset/being curious about things/asking an occasional question, and someone borderline insulting staff, carrying on for HOURS at a time about something, and refusing to accept an answer. Sometimes you get told 'no,' and you need to accept that. I know for a fact, from both staff and other players, that you BOTH have been asked MANY times to please keep commentary on the announcement post. The server isn't a message board for you to complain about the reset. You literally run no risk of being banned, unless you continue to complain and whine on the server. My staff are not required to sit on server all day and debate with you about the reset, they are there to fix grief, help players and supervise possible situations.
  22. This is a minecraft server, and does not run based off the constitution. The reason you both received warnings is because you have been BOTH consistently complaining about this on server, even after being asked multiple times to please keep any questions and debate on the announcement post. Being 'warned' doesn't affect your in-game play. EDIT: As a side note, multiple players have messaged me regarding the constant complaining. You're welcome to not believe me, but it's true.
  23. I was just sent screens of this conversation, and would like to personally extend an apology. There was zero reason for any of that to be said, and is honestly the first time I have heard about it. I know you knew that diamonds wouldn't be transferred, and the updates to the rules were NOT made solely because of you. I also don't think you were stashing away diamonds, as that would ultimately be silly. Unfortunately there were a few members of staff that led people to believe this, and I promise it isn't accurate. Stockpiles were banned as a ton of people started doing it. The purpose of the 'one build' move was just that, one build. It wasn't supposed to include any piles of resources, etc. The limit was set in place due to people wanting to port over some very ludicrous sized builds. I promise you weren't the only one with a multi million sized building. The members of staff that were involved with this have been spoken too, and set straight about what actually happened. I'm worried a lack of communication helped to spread a bunch of lies, and for that, I apologize as well.
  24. Hey Hey Tom! As we mentioned yesterday, (quite a few times actually!) Flicker was actually one of the first people VERY excited to head onto the new server. She even was planning to NOT come back on to server until 1.9. I'm a little confused, as yesterday you seemed to understand this, but today you seem to be just as confused. o.o Not sure why? I promise you she's very excited for the move, and I'm glad to hear you are <3
  25. What a bunch of deranged suck-ups. Just kidding, I love you all. <3
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