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Violet Storm

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Posts posted by Violet Storm

  1. Because our  society believes it is bad to be considered feminine. Women are allowed to dress as men but I cant walk around town in my skirt and stockings without being stared at like im a bad person. It;s stupid, and we supposedly have gender equality but we still see this bias towards men in simple things such as clothing.

    TL;DR don't listen to them, and don't let them get to you. there is nothing wrong with being a brony and that is that.

  2. As a person who wants to join the army in a few years I have to give it to the camo helmet. Personally i find a lot of the more...extravagant stuff rarity wears to just be to tacky. but the simple things like the french beret fits her quite well. Now I'm just waiting to see rarity in full camo. Won't happen though. :( she's to pretty for the mud.

    • Brohoof 3
  3. I had never thought about the tree of harmony like that. I had always just assumed that it was part of the elements in a way. Like how a violin's case is an important part  of maintaining the instrument. so the tree holds the elements in order to protect  them from corruption or being used by the wrong person. The tree reacting to discord would be some sort of auto immune response i would think. If it is a living tree that is.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. i think it would be interesting to see a darker MLP. im not sure how hasbro would make that work with their target audience and still be suitably dark for an older audience. (I mean c'mon guys you remember what happened with Derpy...)

    But no, i would not leave the show if it is dark and full of terrors. I might scold it a bit for any crappiness which is present, but i will still love and tolerate the shiz-nat out of it. Because it is ponies.

  5. I think the show has matured a bit, as demonstrated by some of the more serious episode. But watching season 4 and 5 for the first time these past few days, I've felt like they show is still very childish. I don't know if this is because of the enforced ban I had from MLP (due to a misunderstanding and a lot of shouting) for about 2 years. Or maybe i've just gotten older.

  6. I just saw this and I really want to get into voice acting, only that i currently have no equipment or previous experience. and due to the fact that I travel quite frequently, I may not have internet for a week or two.

    Also, skype does not agree with me, is google voice/hangouts alright as well?


    EDIT: So it turns out a family member of mine has some old recording equipment

  7. If you want to do voice acting for the fandom the easiest way to get notice/into it is if you sound good for a pony you can redubb scenes or if not you can still try and get a group together to do an abridged series. I guess a third alternative would be to voice act in a fan animation or a fan game, both of which require higher level of voice acting. So go for which ever you think you can do.

    All of those things sound like something I would want to do, but I just don't know who to talk to about such things

    • Brohoof 5
  8. So I've been interested in doing some stuff for the brony community, and I'm thinking about doing voice acting. Does anypony know where I could get equipment, or a gig, or directions to places to find this information?

    Many thanks!

    • Brohoof 6
  9. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie

    How did you find MLP Forums?:

    A desire for a sense of belonging drove me to google

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:

    I cant even remember, but twas the olden days of mid season 2...

    Hi there everypony! Just managed to wander my way into this forum. Thought I'd say hello. So... Hello!

    • Brohoof 7
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