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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Prince Midnight

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Everything posted by Prince Midnight

  1. welp, a few days ago i got into an accident....and this time, i may not have any help from the insurance company

  2. so, i finally got one, what you may ask? a Desert Eagle, i have always wanted one, when i read about it in a book when i was 6, i have always wanted one, and now i finally have it, i cant express enough how much i love it :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Something Floaty

      Something Floaty

      ...and your wrist

    3. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      ive fired the .50AE version, i know how much of a wrist breaker it can be, nothing compared to a snub nose .500 S&W, but still a kicker none the less.


    4. Fluttershyfan94



  3. its been awhile since ive been here.....why has the banner not changed ;_;

  4. i could care less about whats happening in the world anymore, my world is tearing apart at the seams and ive had enough

  5. getting kicked out of my home....after only what...4 months....this is too goddamn much for me to handle

  6. Deep depression all of a sudden, last few hours...i dunno what happened, now all i can think about is how worthless i am to everyone.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I was feeling this a lot earlier...Terrible feeling really. Something I feel at least once every day.

    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      something i feel every hour of every day.

  7. why is russia being a gigantic D*&k over ukraine? and now they test an ICBM which is an obvious threat, you really want to do this russia? because threats arent going to get you anywhere with the EU or the US.

  8. looks pretty good to me ^^ thanks i like new and interesting art styles.
  9. Electrobolt is my waifu, just thought i would state that.

  10. ughh....new job has been kicking my ass

  11. I also just discovered the best name for a US aircraft carrier ever: the USS Totally not gonna die.

  12. Well, i just heard the best news, NASA is going to gain more funding soon, and that means projects like the Orion, SLS, and WST will be fully funded, including rockets to the moon by 2020 ^^

    1. Dusty Soul

      Dusty Soul

      Yes! NASA is coming back!

    2. Delernil
  13. pfft sochi, more like suchi.

  14. The Saturn V rocket was the Pinnacle of human Spaceflight Achievement, nothing, and i mean nothing, can compare to what that man made beast did.

  15. Well....that went better than expected, the Midnight III-A rocket was a success, and considering the solid fuel we were using, (thanks to pinkey pie for finding THAT recipe....though sugar-cube corner will need repairs.) that is apparently VERY volatile, never exploded the rocket. Dusk and rough completed the first ever pony Extra Vehicular Activity, (gears tells me to just call it an EVA, and they will know what i mean.) which consisted of dusk (already in her space suit) to depressurize the capsule (nicknamed the Magic carpet by both crew-members), open the hatch, and float outside. She said it was the best feeling she had ever had, and that the earth below looked amazing without anything blocking her view. and soon, rough, (both securely tethered to the spacecraft) joined her, and both seemingly had the times of their lives, i had to admit....i was jealous, but i didn't have time to be, the huge success of Magic Carpet and the Midnight III-A paved the way for as many as 5 more missions, each more challenging for the astronaughts than the last, each one learning a new skill for the next mission to use to complete its objective. I was sitting on the roof of the VAB, when bubbly walked up, "Midnight, what are you doing up here? shouldnt you be downstairs celebrating with the others?" I smiled, "no, i dont have time to celebrate, i have alot to do." she tilted her head, "well....why are you up here?" I chuckled, "i come up here to breath, calm down, and get my head on straight," i looked up at the moon, and all the stars, then took a deep breath "i was in canterlot last weekend as you know, but i dont think i told anypony the reason." she sat down next to me "whats going on?" i smiled, "i poured alot of my heart and soul into this program, as your well aware, but in canterlot, the only ones aware are celestia and luna, they know it takes time to produce results, but some of the others on the parlerment, disagree." i shook my head, "they say were too expensive to maintain, with little to no results, luna and celestia have overridden their say, but they cant do it for long....we need a goal, something to shoot for, something to make it all worthwhile." i looked up at the moon, "and thats it, the moon." bubbly looked up, "are....you sure? the moon is an awful long ways away...." i smiled at her "space was an awful long way away a year and a half ago, but WE made it possible to go up there, and i know we can do it." bubbly looked back "but we dont even have a rocket to get there....the Midnight III can only get to LEO and thats it." i grinned, "you leave that to me...ill have something soon."
  16. how much would i have to pay somepony to get a comission of 10 ponies in a portraite style image?

  17. pfft, i dont think hes the kind of pony that likes being strapped to the top of a, what astronauts like to call, controlled explosion.
  18. as do i, since i really dont have it built yet XD, i have the Midnight IV which looks like a Soyuz, but the Midnight III needs to be built first.
  19. After reviewing the Midnight I, i got this neurotic itch to change and redesign the rocket, needless to say, each test rocket did a little better than the last, the Midnight I achieved a higher ballistic trajectory than the Twilight, thanks to its new fuel (Liquid Oxygen x Kerosene mixture) and rocket motor. Then the Midnight II was designed a little diffrently, with 4 long tanks surrounding the center tank, and each with a motor of its own, giving the Midnight II the ability to gain orbit. So we had the rockets, and the pony power to make the rockets in almost record time, but, we had one little problem, we needed more ponies to fly ON the rockets, at the moment, it was just Derpy and i, seeing how bubbly, gears, twilight, and jade had all declined. But trying to find ponies to be astronauts was harder than you think, plenty of ponies applied, but we only had 8 slots at the moment, so we had to make the rules stringent, endless medical tests, psyche tests, mock interviews, stress tests, Ect. soon At the end of 2 months, we went from 1000 to 8, 4 stallions, and 4 mares, each one excited, qualified, and ready to begin. (for the sake of record keeping, i will keep the list of all ESA astronauts here.) 1.Regal Masquerade, Male unicorn, Dark blue coat, Dark brown mane 2.Cobalt Charmer, Male Unicorn, Green coat, Dirty blonde mane 3.Rough Gunner, Male Earth Pony, Red coat, Black mane 4.Lightning Twister, Female Pegasus, Cream coat, Blue mane 5.Dusk Prism, Female Unicorn, Blue coat, Red mane 6.Thunder Flash, Male Pegasus, Brown coat, Blonde mane 7.Sugar Hooves, Female Earth Pony, Orange coat, Green mane 8. Lightning Chaser, female Pegasus, Red coat, White mane 9. Derpy Whooves, Female Pegasus, Grey coat, Blonde mane 10.Midnight Moon, Male Alicorn, Black coat, Black mane with silver stripe down the center (me) For months, we trained, how to use the capsules, how to use the RCS (a new invention by Gears, something to help us steer the craft up there, he called it the Reaction Control System) and the inner workings of the new suits the engineers had come up with, everything we did was in preperation for the next mission. Gathering together Luna, Twilight, myself, bubbly, gears, and celestia, we met in the conference room, and for hours, talked about who should go, and by the end, we had made our choice, and announced it moments later to the rest of the crew. the first Equined launch of the Midnight III would be crewed by Dusk Prism, and Rough Gunner.
  20. sure, id love to see what he would actually look like XD http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-moon-r121
  21. Colonel Chris Hadfield is best pony.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      And what did he achieve by being that? This guy gave hope to 5 nations and he was the number one guerilla in WWII. He united 3 factions under his banner, the Orthodox, the Catholic and the Muslim!

    3. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      Nothing it seems you care about. just go back to your history books.

    4. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      Ok go back to your space exploration maybe one day we'll get out of Earths orbit.

  22. thanks to jadefire, my laptop is working now, at least, so far

  23. im not dead, just unable to come here as often as I would like ;-;

    1. deleteduser12304978


      ;-; hearts and hooves to you friend!

  24. so my laptop is dead right now....just what I needed as a birthday present.

    1. CMQuickfireTK


      what's wrong with it? you can probably fix it

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