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Prince Midnight

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Everything posted by Prince Midnight

  1. ill have to look into this when i come back from work, mabey improve my signitures X3
  2. then the world would most likely end what if i portal was real and it was a biography disquised as a video game?
  3. considering i dont know what either is, ill choose Decay WYR speak in Skyrim dragon for the rest of your life, or have to speak a language that nopony except one could understand
  4. known for....honestly i cant come up with a reason, .....Hunger Games refrence? (ninja'd) known for being.....a phoenix
  5. banned beacuse i didnt have those words in my vocabulary, until now RAGGLE FRAGGLE
  6. 5/10 i see you in RP and a few other boards
  7. Screencapped this from the new episode, i had paused it on the perfect moment XD
  8. just took my new shotgun shooting today ^^ it was awsome

  9. no, its a video game all its own STALKER: shadow of chernobyl X3, and thanks for the rating i made it in paint XD 10/10 beacuse sometimes no sig is the best sig
  10. ahh, the inquisitor x3 banned for being electric
  11. oh shaun connery, you never fail to make me laugh, espically when i read that in your voice
  12. IVE GOT PLENTY *hands bottle* just remember to save some, our tanks need gas http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC5NFZZkVv0&feature=fvst edit: oh my, i have been looking for that song EVERYWHERE, its on WoT and a mod for C&C and ive been wanthing to find it, thankyouthankyouthankyou
  13. wanna hear a dirty joke? boy falls in the mud wanna hear a clean joke? boy takes a bath with bubbles wanna hear another dirty joke? bubbles is the girl next door
  14. for the glory of the sovie.... oh god i cant keep a straight face, but no really, i like the music X3
  15. is a gamer, and intelligent....
  16. banned beacuse im not mary sue...whats that mean?
  17. welp, goodnight everypony, its been fun

  18. beacuse soviet union things are fine the way they are
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