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Prince Midnight

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Everything posted by Prince Midnight

  1. i don wanna

    1. Jadefire


      I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you're gonna have to eat your broccoli.

    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      i don wanna go to work


      wanna get some food?


  2. screw today, screw the internet screw my life

    1. Jadefire


      What's wrong?

    2. Spartan


      Im sure life could be much worse buddy. Think of it like this, you live in a safe country.. whereas others fear that today will be their last day

    3. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      spartan, whoop de doo


      bifrost, im going out

  3. farcry 3 is really fun, but mine seems to be glitched or broken

    1. Jadefire


      Just that Molotov glitch, or are there any others?

    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      this current mission im on, i restarted it 5 times but when it says i grabbed the log of all the soldiers planning against hoyt it dosent tell me i grabbed the manifest


  4. midnight pulled his hoof back and frowned, "interesting...." he looked back as arianna landed and galloped over, "hey...you okay?" he held out his hoof to help her up, "did you fall for the same thing i did?" he tried to move his wing, " trap surprised me...and schiesse it hurts" he shook his head.
  5. so i pick up my snake, and everythings going well, until he takes a big old crap right on my shirt -_-

  6. oh cracked.com, everything you say needs to be taken with a grain of salt....but i still love your antics

  7. far cry 3 is AWESOME :D

    1. Smarts


      I know. Quite fun to play :D

  8. you are one strict son of a bitch but isnt that why we all love you :3) "well shit...take the liquid.." he drew and nocked an arrow pulling it back to full draw, finding a opening in the shields he let the arrow fly, skimming between the shields and into the side of one of the creatures causing it to shreik "and take my life into my own hooves beacuse i certanly dont know what it is...or.....kill or wound all the beings and get the buck out of here....god why do i have to be so caring..." he nocked and drew another arrow, the remaining creatures closed their shields together. "they learn fast dont they..." he looked around "unlucky for them, archery is one of my obscure talents..." he drew the bow to full draw and raised it a bit, and released it, the arrow sailed over the ones in armor, who turned back to midnight and grinned, midnight on the other hand was smiling himself, and pointed. the guard turned and their eyes widened as a bunch of barrels came clobbering their way, and with no way out the heavy barrels of cider collided with the tentacle guards like a bowling ball with a bunch of pins. "that was simple.." midnight avoided touching the guards slowly approaching the pool, poking it with his hoof (beacuse tempting fate is fun)
  9. (oh you love it thunder and you know it, what is that clear liquid anyway, PM me about it plox) "Oh....fuck...me with an eggbeater" midnight swallowed and drew his bow, he returned the growls, causing the ones in armor to stop and chirp at him curiously, confused if he was friend or foe, this gave midnight a chance to look around, one way out and back up to the city hall, through the mutants, or through the liquid that would either kill him or change him, or was an escape route back into the tunnel. "fuck fuck fuck..." he frowned, "what do i do...."
  10. My boyfriend and i have been together for 1 year and 5 months x3, and its thanks to this forum that we met, thanks feld0 :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jadefire


      You'll need to do something to celebrate your 1 year 5 month anniversery.


      I suggest throwing a pie at him.

    3. Jokuc
    4. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      jade....your a jerk >.>

  11. whats with all the pictures of the guy in the blue shirt?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zerrodo


      He's like eighteen. He doesn't really look much older in the photo if you were to ask me.

    3. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      I was told he was like 15-16

    4. Jadefire


      He was 16-turning-17 when I joined about a year and a half ago. He recently turned 18.

  12. Baby, when you get this cool, you don't bother with the details.
  13. (i have no idea what were looking for or supposed to find) Midnight scanned the bookshelves, he didnt know exactly what he was looking for here, but mabey if he looked through everything he would find something. As he moved deeper into the archives, the years got earlier and earlier, he then stopped at a book that didnt seem to belong there, "huh?" he tilted his head, "a history of marelin....what the hell is that doing here?" he shrugged and took the book in his teeth and started to pull it out until he heard this mechanical noise, then the ground started to shudder underneath him. "Thats...not a good sound.." He was about to yell for help when the floor gave way, he had his wings out in case he fell, but the floor opening was so sudden he didnt have time to prepare and the only thing that happened was a loud crack coming from his left wing. When midnight hit the bottom of the shaft he felt like the pinball in a pinball machine, the shaft took so many left and right turns and so many sharp drop offs, who in the hell built that thing? If he ever found out, he would fucking kill them. he looked over at his bat wing, it lay limp at his side, "Oh fuck all kinds of duck." he growled, "This couldnt possibly get worse." he heard a gutteral sound nearby followed by growling and chirping, "I just had to say that....didnt i."
  14. hey there....wanna...buck some apples, if you know what i mean?
  15. ahh grammar nazis, doncha love em.

    1. Drago Ryder

      Drago Ryder

      I was just kidding.

    2. Drago Ryder

      Drago Ryder

      I was just kidding.

    3. Crispy


      *Ah, grammar Nazis, don't you love them.

  16. my OC sometimes appears as an alicorn beacuse it was forced on him by a cult of nightmare moon worshippers who used him as a vessel for nightmare moon herself. But, after celestia defeated the cult and all was right in the world again and stuff, he was stuck with the horn, and his magic is unpredictable at best so he never uses it, most of the time when he tries to use it, things tend to get....explody XD
  17. hello my delightful foo....i mean subjects.

    1. Drago Ryder

      Drago Ryder

      You misspelled Cocoon. Anyway, kill it with love.

  18. i give up on trying to change my display name.....

    1. Nohbdy


      We've had many users complain about that. It's a known issue, but it shouldn't be permanent.

    2. Dsanders


      lol me too


  19. Midnight nosed the filly's cheek, "hey..love you." he smiled "fen, if you need to rest, theres a couch over there you can sleep on." he smiled, "were going to be here for a little while so if you need to sleep or rest, ill be watching over you:" he looked over at white rose and nodded, "alright, everypony spread out, but stay within eyesight.
  20. midnight looked back then shook his head gently setting fen on the ground "sorry fen," he rubbed the fillies mane gently "nothing personal." he smiled, "just stick close." he looked at the spot fen had been sitting on, "hmm..." he shrugged, "not the worst thing thats happened to me." he frowned, "so.....what are we doing here exactly....?"
  21. (i dont know what your talking about....) midnight looked around, frowning, no stairs...which meant the door was the only way in, "hmm.." he looked around the room then up at the device, wondering what was in it, he approached it and blinked, pushing open the door and poking his head inside "huh...
  22. Midnight looked back at fen and nuzzled her gently, "my illusion did cut out, its weak right now...." he frowned, "i dont want to kill them, they could still be saved..." he sighed, "theres got to be another way in that dosent include the front door...." he paused "come with me." He turned away from the city hall and towards the outskirts of town, avoiding patrols as they went, either skirting around them or waiting for them to turn their backs so they could quietly cross the street and into the shadows. Midnight slid into the ditch near the destroyed bus and smiled, "in here, this is the tunnel fen and i used to get out of city hall the first time." he grinned and pushed into the pipe which led into a tunnel, "there should be a door..." he looked around then saw it, it had a star shaped emblem with multiple other stars around it, overgrown with moss "here it is," he pushed it open "we should be underneath the city hall right now."
  23. midnight looked back and nosed the filly "dont strain yourself dear." before nodding at white rose and moving slowly down the street, looking around "strange we havent seen...." he paused "well speak of the devil.." two tentacle beings appeared in the street ahead, "alright, here goes nothing..." his horn started glowing, but rather than a sickly green color, it glowed a blueish sparkily color, and suddenly the 4 of them dissappeared, the two beings passed them by, chirping at each other before turning a corner, "alright, lets keep going, hopefully i can keep this up till we reach the town hall."
  24. midnight smiled and got in beside arianna giving her neck a light nuzzle before smiling at white rose, "alright," he pulled out his notepad and flipped to the sketch he made of the town map, "knew this would come in handy...if only we knew where we were." he lowered his eyelids then looked at the others, before noticing a broken statue about 10 feet away, it was very feint with the mist, but still close enough. "alright..." he pointed to the leftmost side of the map, a sketch of a pony statue sat there, "were here..." he then pointed to the center of the map, " we need to get here......" frowning he looked up, "alright.....lets go," he smiled and started down one of the streets, "kinda odd we havent seen any beings yet..." he looked up at fen, "your connected to them right? do you feel any nearby?"
  25. Midnights ear twitched as fen licked it, and midnight looked around "alright, into the city we go." he smiled and pushed into the black soup of fog, and before he knew it, he was standing on the edge of the city. turning around he looked back making sure arianna and white rose made it through.
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