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Everything posted by Bart1002

  1. Hello fellow Bronies, I'm trying to determine if Twilight intentionally stepped on Star Tracker's hoof or if it was an accident. After she attacks him, she says in an angry voice: "I'm sorry, but maybe that wouldn't have happened if you weren't practically standing on my tail; not even my real family stands that close!". Twilight was a small distance away right before she approached Star Tracker, and the attack occurred the instant she approached him, directly after she missed the opportunity to view the Northern Stars (she was looking forward to this the most out of all the events of the cruise ship). Her angry words following the attack can be interpreted as Twilight claiming that the attack was accidental as a result of Star Tracker "practically standing on [her] tail" at THAT SPECIFIC MOMENT or intentional as a result of ACCUMULATED ANGER due to his excessive adulation for her throughout the duration of the episode shown by chronically standing next to her. That is what I'm unable to determine, as this nuance in the angry text by Twilight makes a big difference in analyzing this. As someone who adores Twily (essentially to the extent of Star Tracker xD), I find it absolutely repulsive that she would attack an innocent pony, as she's so adorable and kind , not to mention the Princess of Friendship! That was very out of character of her, which is actually comprehensible, as the writer for this episode is new (I think, but I don't feel like looking through the whole list of MLP authors ). So what do you think? Was Twilight's physical attack against Star Tracker intentional or accidental? Let me know by voting in the poll and/or a response - Bart1002 OUT!
  2. I watched a fanfic by StormXF3 called "My Little Dashie" that is very sad. It can be found on YouTube; just search "My Little Dashie".
  3. That date is accurate; the official MLP FaceBook page announced that date as well.
  4. Bart1002

    general questions "Fallen members group" ?

    It is just a Halloween (Nightmare Night) thing. Everyone has it, including me.
  5. Cadance's child will probably be a female alicorn for the purpose of selling toys to the target audience, regardless of the fact that Cadance was born a pegasus, and Shining Armor a unicorn.
  6. My favorite MLP songs are a 3-way tie between "This Day Aria", "You'll Play Your Part", and "Let the Rainbow Remind You". Diamond Tiara's singing in the latest episode was great though!
  7. We don't see Zecora very often anymore because Twilight is now a princess. As someone previously said, Zecora was a mentor to Twilight and others in Ponyville (mainly the CMC and the rest of the mane 6) who need her assistance. However, because Twilight is a princess, she doesn't need her help anymore, and the CMC/Mane 6 mainly go to Twilight for assistance now.
  8. I would consider myself a mix of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash.
  9. I would consider Twilight Sparkle and Spike to have more of a mother/son relationship. In "The Cutie Mark Chronicles", we learn that Twilight used magic to hatch Spike from his egg. That implies motherhood over sisterhood. In a less literal perspective, we see Twilight raising him like how a mother raises her kid. In "Owl's Well that Ends Well", Twilight is scolding him for his jealous behavior, and assuming a role of authority while doing so. That is displaying a mother/son relationship as well.
  10. Did you watch the whole episode? The CMC receive their cutie marks at the end.
  11. 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Rainbow Dash 3. Rarity 4. Fluttershy 5. Pinkie Pie 6. Applejack
  12. The show would be better off with Cadance and Shining Armor not having a foal. However, the summary for "The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows" from the MLP Wiki strongly suggests that they will. What other secret could be significant enough for a whole episode (while still being appropriate for the target audience)? Also, Hasbro would make millions selling the toy version of her
  13. I'll be finishing the crap-load of homework I have due Monday
  14. As far as I know, the only Equestrians that know about the human world are the princesses, Mane 6, Spike, and Sunset Shimmer (she is originally from Equestria).
  15. Friendship Games. I hope this is the last Equestria Girls movie they write, for the sake of more pony. I can't wait for there to finally be a movie focusing on ponies in 2017 instead of high-school drama...
  16. I wasn't expecting human Twilight to become evil . I think the creators of MLP should just stick with FiM; I am personally not a big fan of the Equestria Girls movies, and this seemed like a great way to end the Equestria Girls series.
  17. Bart1002

    technology iPhone 6S!

    I ordered an iPhone 6S+ today! It was out of stock where I am; I won't get it until October 15
  18. I was posting in a thread on the MLP forums!
  19. I agree with your point that the CMC shouldn't be major characters in the show, they take screen time away from the Mane 6. However, I thought those Spike episodes were good. In Princess Spike, he has good intentions. He is trying to be helpful to Twilight Sparkle by letting her catch up on sleep. He was trying his best as a second-in-command; however, he didn't possess the wisdom to deal with problems requiring authoritative intervention like Twilight Sparkle did. Thus, he caused some mishaps. Despite abusing his authority toward the end, he learned a great moral, that we all play a part in society, no matter how big or small. Also, Spike appears to possess wisdom of a higher degree than Twilight in some areas. The whole conflict in Boast Busters would have been resolved significantly quicker if Twilight had taken Spike's advice to assert her friends and her town. Also, the episode Lesson Zero would not exist if Twilight had taken Spike's advice to be chill. In The Best Night Ever, the Mane 6 would have had loads of fun together if they had listened to Spike's suggestion on how to spend their time at the Grand Galloping Gala. It is late currently where I am, so I'll stop there, but I wanted to show that Spike is a good character. There should be more episodes of him IMO.
  20. Bart1002

    gaming Console Vs. PC

    I personally cannot stand those XBOX/PlayStation controllers; all the games I play are in first-person, and it is a lot easier to aim with a mouse and keyboard than with an XBOX/PlayStation controller. PC gamers and console gamers should stop being jerks to each other over what platform they prefer IMO. My best friend irl is a PS4 gamer and I am a PC gamer, but I don't call him a "console peasant" or assert my "PC Master Race" status on him....
  21. If I were to introduce somepony to the show, I would show him the Season 1 intro (Friendship is Magic). Part of what makes this show great is seeing the characters develop and grow over time. Thus, I strongly recommend not to show the season 3 finale (Magical Mystery Cure) or anything that released after that, as Twilight Sparkle has already become a princess after then. Anything from the rest of season 1, season 2, and season 3 episodes 1-12 should be fine (you can pick it based on what you think he would like, as someone previously said). Although anything before Magical Mystery Cure would work, I would recommend you show Friendship is Magic, as this introduces the adventure, morality, animation, overall concept, and the musicality of this show. My friend showed me Baby Cakes as my first episode when it came out on that Saturday, and I hated it. It was difficult for him to convince me to watch the season 1 pilot, which got me into the show. Thus, it is from personal experience as well that I recommend the season 1 intro for a first episode(s).
  22. I think you meant to say 345000 xD. 345001 will be next.
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