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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by redaxted

  1. Hello! How is everyone today? :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SolarFlare13


      I'm doing really good :3

      How about you? :3

    3. Johnny1226


      I'm doing good thanks

    4. redaxted


      Thanks! :)

      Nice to hear from you, I'm doing pretty good myself. :3

      And that's good! :D

  2. @@PonyOfWar @@Blitz Boom "Well, this pony seems to have set his morals straight," Golden Spell remarked quietly, so that only Cyan Flare could hear him. Cyan nodded a little. He silently wondered why War was confined to Ponyville, but he decided not to ask after a swift gust of wind buffeted the cottage. "How long do you think we shall have to shelter here for?" he said instead. "I do hope that this problem is solved soon." Cyan shrugged and replied, "Who knows... Depends if anypony is even trying to deal with this; we wouldn't have a clue."
  3. Hey everybody, how are we all today? Sorry I haven't been online much, I've been at a family event. :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Hello wolves

    3. Unicorncob
    4. redaxted


      Nice to hear!

      Hi! :)

      And yeah, it was cool. :D Enjoyed the food. :P

  4. (Don't know why I didn't see a few questions before anywho...)I don't know. Life is a... Strange concept. Depends whether or not they're all Bidoofs. I completely freak out! I'm startled easily. Then I grab the nearest non-electrical object (hoping that one doesn't come to life too) to defend myself.
  5. As far as I know, Shadowclan have not yet left the gathering. You can go with them.
  6. "Hmm, that's very strange... At least your alright," Kitestar remarked. "And don't worry, it was find. You didn't cause any trouble; besides, it wasn't exactly your fault." Kitestar was slightly startled when she heard a rather unfamiliar voice behind her. Whipping around, she was instantly reminded of who that voice belonged to."I can see that... But I bet you tried," she growled. She was a little surprised when the rogue asked how the gathering went, and added, "it is not your business - but it went alright." She felt a sense of discomfort at practically lying, even to this cat, but she kept an unreadable expression etched across her face. Spying Owlheart nearby, Kitestar could see he was looking at her in such a way that suggested he was waiting to speak to her - or for her to speak to him."Owlheart," she greeted him with a polite nod. "I see you got Slumberfur back here safely. Well done..." "Do you expect me to mention you talking with the Shadowclan deputy?" she added quizzically.
  7. Kitestar spotted Slumberfur over by the Warriors' den, and walked over to him to ask him about earlier."Slumberfur! First and foremost, are you alright after that strange passing out?" she began, stopping next to the warrior. "What happened? That was very unusual."
  8. Thunderclan territory/camp @@Pripyat Pony @@Unicorncob @@Summer Breeze @@Sunset light @@The Cerberus @@EquestrianScholar @@Kankuro Checking that every cat she had brought with her to the gathering was following her back across Thunderclan territory to the camp, Kitestar anxiously bounded forward. Maybe she was overthinking it, but that rogue may have done some damage and she was praying that everything was still under control. Entering the camp with a nervous gait, the Thunderclan leader glanced around to see that things seemed alright. Hesitantly, she breathed a sigh of relief at noticing just a shaken up apprentice and two sleepy warriors. Something had gone wrong - she could sense it - but everyone was okay. The first thing Kitestar did was head over to the medicine cat den. She soon noticed that Moonshine was asleep, however, and so glanced back at Owlheart, who was in the clearing.
  9. Ocean let a sigh of relief escape her when Zeke, who had turned up late, offered his answer. But she once again fell silent when she was asked for another example.'This should be easy...' she thought to herself. 'When we see lightning... Based on past experiences we expect thunder next?' "Um..." she began nervously, shaking it off. "When we spot lightning, we've learnt to associate it with thunder coming afterwards, and so we anticipate it?" She hoped this example was alright, seeing as this form of conditioning was completely natural, unlike pairing the thought of a fire alarm with danger. Where was her best friend for some encouragement when she needed her? Savannah had promised to always be there to support her, as she got anxious at the slightest of things; but the wolf was nowhere to be found, presently.
  10. Moontail walked over to the Riverclan leader as he called his cats together to go back to camp. She caught his hostile glance towards the Windclan leader before she took her leave first. By the way he stalked across the tree bridge from the island, the medicine cat could tell that he was not going to let the opposing clan claim the horseplace as their own territory as easily as he had let on during the course of the gathering. Nervously, she flicked her tail and followed him off the island, looking over to where she knew Jinx and several others were hiding from the view of other prying eyes."What are you looking at there, Moontail?" Moontail was startled slightly when her leader suddenly spoke to her after appearing by her side out of the blue. "Nothing... Just thought I saw a mouse," the medicine cat replied. "Why don't you go and catch it, then?" the leader tested her. "Technically speaking, it's on our territory." "It ran away; I watched it," she gulped anxiously and prayed that the Riverclan leader hadn't caught sight or smell of Jinx and the others too. Kitestar observed as Silverstar left with a glint in her eye, yowling to round up Thunderclan and heading towards the tree bridge. With a sudden pang of worry, she recalled how Darkfur left in a hurry without appearing to actually be injured, and wondered if Slumberfur was alright. She silently hoped that the rogue hadn't hurt any of her clan while several of them were away. Featherfur followed Silverstar hurriedly, calling to Lavenderpaw and watching her over his shoulder as she carefully picked her way back across the fallen tree after him. Once she was across, he bounded ahead into the night. Entering the camp, Featherfur muttered 'goodnight' to Silverstar and awaited Lavenderpaw's return. She soon arrived and padded over to him, excited to discover what they would be learning tomorrow. "Like I promised, I'll be teaching you how to hunt birds," Featherfur assured her. "You'll be catching an abundance of sparrows in no time."
  11. I am unsure of what this is, but it's certainly not Peter Griffin... Draw a... Squid kid!
  12. I have never dyed my hair, and I can't really picture myself with an entirely different hair colour; I would, however like to try highlights. A soft blue, maybe? Or pink? Or both... Then I could be just like Cyan Flare!
  13. Hello everybody, how are we all today? :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. redaxted


      That's great to hear! :) I'm doing okay, thanks. :P

    3. SolarFlare13


      So did you manage to play some LOE? :3

    4. redaxted


      Played a little, but it didn't run very well on my computer for some reason. :P but it was really cool! :D

  14. The gathering @@Summer Breeze, @@Ruby Splash, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Unicorncob, @@Missklang, @@Kankuro, @@EquestrianScholar, @@P-Jay, @@The Cerberus,@@Sunset light Kitestar glanced around, then her gaze rested upon the Riverclan leader for the final word. He, too, looked from cat to cat, then claimed he had nothing of importance to announce save the fact that one apprentice had been given her warrior name. Kitestar nodded a silent congratulations, then looked to Midnightstar. "I do think we are done here, yes," she said. Casting a glare back at Silverstar, and at the rogue, she added, "I'm surprised we made it through the whole gathering without clouds covering the shining of the full moon." Kitestar hopped down from where she sat above the rest of the clan cats with the other three leaders, then rounded up her clan. "Midnightstar, I assume we'll be taking the rogue - Omen - with us back to camp?" Twigblaze asked, approaching her leader and lowering her voice. "I do think we should keep a close eye on him..." Moontail watched as the Riverclan cats all headed towards their leader, forming a group to head back to their camp. Craning her neck slightly to see over her shoulder, the Riverclan medicine cat swore she caught a glimpse of more than just Jinx the kittypet. Sighing, she hope they moved before the clans left, or they were likely to be spotted. Almost mirroring Silverstar, a look of disdain at Thunderclan's agreement with Shadowclan adorned his face. But that was not any of Windclan's business, as it would not affect them in any way, he expected.
  15. Hi, I'd just like to say that if I'm getting anything about this university wrong then please notify me; I don't have any experience with this sort of thing - yet - so I'm not entirely sure about how it works, and what goes on. Like, I assumed my character was in Kerrigan's class, but I'm unsure as to whether that was the right move or not. Sorry for joining this RP without properly taking into consideration the fact that I'm rather unsure about several things.
  16. Goodnight everybody! :)

  17. @@CocoBunny, Hi, welcome to the wonderful MLP Forums! It's awesome to have you here, thanks for joining this amazing community, and I hope you love it here and meet plenty of sweet friends. I'm sure you will! And if ever you have any inquiries or would simply like someone to talk with, then feel free to send me a quick profile comment!
  18. @@Compeador, Hi, welcome to the awesome MLP Forums! It's great to have you here, thanks for joining this amazing community, and I hope you love it here and meet plenty of sweet friends. I'm sure you will! And if ever you have any inquiries or would simply like someone to talk with, then feel free to send me a quick profile comment! Hope the game you're working on turns out well! Sounds cool.
  19. @@FairestMoss, Hi, welcome to the wonderful MLP Forums! It's awesome to have you here, thanks for joining this amazing community, and I hope you love it here and meet plenty of sweet friends. I'm sure you will! And if ever you have any inquiries or would simply like someone to talk with, then feel free to send me a quick profile comment! Awesome art, by the way. You're great! Your ponysa sounds cool, too.
  20. Hi everyone! :) How are we all doing today?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. redaxted


      Nice to hear you're all doing well today! :) I'm doing alright myself, thank you. :D

    3. Flutterstep
    4. Rikifive


      Now I'm doing kinda worse ~ I've been at work for 13.5 hours straight. D:

      But it always could be even worse! :D

  21. Goodnight everyone. :)

  22. Hi everybody! How are we all doing today? :) And, I'd like to ask: does anyone have some video editing software suggestions? I've been wanting to make some awesome PMVs etc. for a while now, but I want to ensure I get what's best... and possibly the least expensive. XD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. redaxted


      Nice to hear, and that's fine! :)

      I've tried out Sony Vegas but apparently it doesn't like audio files :P I gotta try Adobe. :3

      Thanks for the advice! I do want to try some more advanced stuff, so I'll have to evaluate more prices.

      Good to hear! :D

    3. Rikifive


      Hello! Doing great! =3

      Personally I'm using Sony Vegas and I can't complain ~ it supports various video and audio files ~ never ran into any issue, besides few crashes, but I think that's just my computer. I plan to buy a new one soon, so everything will be great! =3

    4. Rikifive


      By files I meant formats! =3

  23. "So I assume that is why you intended to meet me at the border?" Kitestar said. "Alright... you can collect herbs on our territory, but of course that is it; and your medicine cat wouldn't mind sharing the remedy to keep death at bay, surely? As aforementioned, Thunderclan is also struggling with the illness." Kitestar was twitching her tail slightly, thinking about the rogue with a supposed cure back at camp. She would not tell any cat about him, especially considering that they did not even know if this elixir worked yet, and while they figured that out they would need some way to keep sick cats alive.
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