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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by redaxted

  1. @@DwhitetheGamer, Cyan Flare heard a pony nearby, presumably one who would also be performing, asking who would go first. Golden Spell had noticed, too, and moved a few steps to answer him. "I am not entirely certain, however it looks as if everypony is being allowed to go and get some food and possibly souvenirs and the like before the real show begins," he answered. "I am sure there must be a set-list around here somewhere, as well." Cyan Flare, meanwhile, was talking to the animals she would be performing with encouragingly, assuring them that they would do well. It seemed that they had more confidence than her!
  2. This is so awesome and cute, thank you! Love it!
  3. Sending my prayers. I never really knew this amazing guy, but it's so sad to lose him nonetheless... I send my condolences to his family and friends; he seemed like wonderful person, and may he rest in peace. This is such a shame, but I'm glad that he got to be part of and contribute well to a community he loved. ♥
  4. @, Cyan Flare watched the opening ceremony from backstage, in awe of the amazing performances, wonderful announcer, and beautiful fireworks shooting up into the blackening night sky and exploding in colourful bursts. Golden Spell, too, gazed up at them along with the twinkling stars. "Well..." he declared. "So it begins! Our first ever Shining Star Festival!" "Gosh... I'm so nervous," was Cyan's reply, as she sat shaking with nervousness. "I had no idea it would this big of a production. There are so many ponies here!" Golden Spell placed his right hoof gently on his sister's shoulder comfortingly. "I'm sure all will go well," he told her, beaming with excitement and encouragement. "You have dedicated the last five moons to preparing for this night. Training, day in, day out. You know exactly what you're doing!" Cyan smiled at her protective brother and then once again looked at the stage. She was nervous, but determination to do her very best welled up in her heart.
  5. I don't mind what kind of pose, maybe something to do with his love of nature (particularly trees and flowers), or anything that you think suits him and/or his personality. Here's his profile: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/golden-spell-r9577
  6. I don't ship any pairs in MLP, not really. I suppose I kind of like Soarin and Rainbow Dash stuff, and I find plenty of ships and art cute, but I'm not personally too interested in non-canon relationships. I do have quite a few episodes to catch up on, though, so my opinion may change later - who knows? The same can be said regarding most of the fandoms I'm in, though; there are only one or two couples I properly ship in other media, too.
  7. Heya! It's me again. Loved the last pic you drew me, so, if you can, could you please draw Cyan Flare's protective brother, Golden Spell? It'd be awesome. <- By Pripyat Pony
  8. redaxted

    request shop Taking Request (Close)

    If you aren't taking on too many requests, then I would like to request a picture of Cyan Flare (and her brother, Golden Spell, if possible) in any kind of pose and setting? Thanks in advance, love your art.
  9. Hi, how is everyone today? :)

  10. @@The Cerberus, @@cwhip9, "Morning, Miss Cheerilee," Cyan replied to her teacher shyly. She then smiled in a similar manner to Scar, who had nodded his 'hello', and trotted after Cheerilee into the schoolhouse. Quickly, she rummaged through her bag to double-check that she had everything, then took out the latest issue of her favorite comic book arc to read while she waited for the other students to arrive.
  11. Completely random thought... But what purpose do laugh tracks in sitcoms serve? Are they meant to remind you to laugh? Are they meant to make you feel more secure about laughing at an unfunny joke?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. JaySplash
    3. Flutterstep


      It's to create the allusion that a joke is funny. Usually unfunny shows use them :P

    4. PacificGreen


      I think they're meant to sort of cue you to laugh.

  12. Wow. Think I just discovered one of my new favorite bands.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      I listens "My demons" and "Carnivore" from them. (:

    3. Catpone Cerberus
    4. redaxted


      Nice. Just listened to those ones, so cool :)

  13. Happy birthday! :)

    1. Batbrony


      Thank you kindly! :D

  14. @@Unicorncob, @@Glitter Glue Cyan Flare followed Cipolla's pointing hoof and swore she saw a small shadow flitting about on the roof, too. She sighed with relief, almost. "Phew..." she said. "I'll go and get her..." She watched as the other mare placed a note onto the table saying that she would be gone for a while, and assumed that the caterer would be going to watch the performances. Of her own accord, Cyan left the tent and flew slowly up to level her gaze with the tent roof. Surely enough, there was Stripes, moping about. With one swift movement, Cyan had her firmly in her tight but gentle grip, and was flying down to land on the ground. "Stripes!" she scolded the lemur. "You can't do that! You were going to steal some food, weren't you?" Stripes lowered her tiny head, looking sheepish like she could understand every word her owner uttered. "No treats for you today," the pegasus continued. "Unless you perform well in the show. But you're obviously hungry. Regular food it is." Trotting back to her tent, Stripes sitting meekly between her wings on her back, Cyan spotted her brother ushering the other animals into smaller cages so that they could be wheeled over to the performance area. "I do hope that the animals are not confined to these awful cages for too long," Golden Spell remarked as his sister approached. He smiled when he spotted Stripes accompanying her, then continued, "but I suppose we cannot let them roam about." The two worked together to quickly get all of the fellow performers over to the backstage preparation area, awaiting eagerly the beginning of the show so that Cyan could show off what these amazing animals could do, whilst having great fun at the same time. Cyan kept a closer eye on the mischievous lemur.
  15. Whoops, sorry about that, suppose I didn't read every post well enough. I'll just edit my post a little, but Cyan will still think she was going to be late. Who could have altered her clock, I wonder...
  16. 9/10, pretty well-known around here, I suppose.
  17. That's difficult... Certainly a bird of prey of some kind, a friendly falcon or a kite most likely. Great for a pegasus who loves flying nimbly and gracefully.
  18. I like pretty much everything about the animation, save some of the repeated background ponies, as aforementioned... But the 3D animation on the Timberwolves is something that greatly bothers me. Compared to the 2D ponies and backgrounds, they look quite out of place in my opinion.
  19. Hoi! How is everyone today?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Good morning wolves

    3. Flutterstep


      Hello Woves! Doing good, thanks :)

    4. redaxted


      Morning! :)

      And hi! Nice to hear.

  20. HowToBasic. Not really sure what the videos are... about... but they're strangely entertaining and funny. R
  21. @@cwhip9, Cyan Flare awoke suddenly with a start, as an annoyed call sounded from the doorway of her room. "Cyan! You'll be late!" he mother said. "Get up." Cyan flinched and looked at the clock, as it was ticking away, on her bedside table. She was late! Rapidly hopping from her bed and packing her schoolbag full of everything she would need - pencils, pens, notebooks, and one or two comics - she hurried downstairs, quickly said goodbye to her family, and flew out of the open door. Beating her wings as fast as she could, Cyan rushed towards the school and was thankful that she could remember the way. She assumed that she had missed the bus, as it was not waiting at the stop nearby, and silently hoped she would not be too late and get in trouble. 'I can't believe I slept in...' she thought, angry at herself. 'Guess I was tired from hanging out with Fudge and Sundae.' Thinking of her new friends suddenly made the thought of school that bit more bearable, as Cyan Flare screeched to a halt outside of the main door and trotted down the hallway. She nervously poked her head into the classroom, only to be greeted with no familiar faces. It seemed as if everypony was outisde, for one reason or another. Spreading her wings once again and hurrying out onto the yard, she spotted Miss Cheerilee standing with some students surrounding her. "I'm so... sorry I'm... late," she said, struggling to breath after her dash to try and avoid just that. But when she glanced around to see that not every pony was here yet, Cyan realised that she was, in fact, on time. 'I must've flown faster than I thought...' Feeling slightly sheepish now, she joined everypony else.
  22. @@Unicorncob Cyan Flare hurriedly shuffled towards the counter, almost tripping and falling. "Um..." she began, awkward as ever. "Well, currently, I'm not looking to... ah, buy anything - I will! Everything looks delicious. But, presently, I'm on the search for... an escaped animal of mine. She's a lemur - we call her Stripes - and she's not in her enclosure. She greatly enjoys good food, so I assumed she may be... here...?" Cyan flinched as she heard the sudden announcement, booming through the speakers dotted all over the festival grounds. Panic flooded through her, as she was aware that the event would now be starting. There wasn't much time left! Meanwhile, Golden Spell paced back and forth after feeding and caring for all of the animals Cyan would be performing with. He looked out of the tent to see a mass of eager ponies pour through the now open gates and head towards the main stage. He gulped and shivered slightly, nervous.
  23. Cyan Flare pricked her ears as she heard the pony begin to speak, assuming by the glance she was shot that he was referring to her. After he had finished, the snippets of his words she had overheard caused her to reply; "oh, I'm sorry," she began. "I didn't mean to stare. I just could've sworn I recognised you - a friend of my friend, maybe? - and I just wanted somepony I was acquainted with to stand by. I suppose I may have been mistaken, though... Sorry." After apologising a few times too many, Cyan Flare followed Hidalgo's gaze to look up at the podium.
  24. Finally changed up my profile page. Looks a little tidier now. :)

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. redaxted


      Eh, alright. :P jic, I s'pose.

    3. JaySplash


      Lol I just watched it and it's hilarious XD

    4. redaxted


      XD Awesome, I love it! :P

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