Cyan Flare awoke suddenly with a start, as an annoyed call sounded from the doorway of her room. "Cyan! You'll be late!" he mother said. "Get up."
Cyan flinched and looked at the clock, as it was ticking away, on her bedside table. She was late! Rapidly hopping from her bed and packing her schoolbag full of everything she would need - pencils, pens, notebooks, and one or two comics - she hurried downstairs, quickly said goodbye to her family, and flew out of the open door.
Beating her wings as fast as she could, Cyan rushed towards the school and was thankful that she could remember the way. She assumed that she had missed the bus, as it was not waiting at the stop nearby, and silently hoped she would not be too late and get in trouble.
'I can't believe I slept in...' she thought, angry at herself. 'Guess I was tired from hanging out with Fudge and Sundae.' Thinking of her new friends suddenly made the thought of school that bit more bearable, as Cyan Flare screeched to a halt outside of the main door and trotted down the hallway. She nervously poked her head into the classroom, only to be greeted with no familiar faces. It seemed as if everypony was outisde, for one reason or another. Spreading her wings once again and hurrying out onto the yard, she spotted Miss Cheerilee standing with some students surrounding her. "I'm so... sorry I'm... late," she said, struggling to breath after her dash to try and avoid just that. But when she glanced around to see that not every pony was here yet, Cyan realised that she was, in fact, on time. 'I must've flown faster than I thought...'
Feeling slightly sheepish now, she joined everypony else.