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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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About DaringDoNot

  • Birthday 1998-08-15

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    Sugarcube Corner
  • Personal Motto
    If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it!

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. If you don't know who Birb Pony is, refer to my pony custom thread. Ask him/her anything you want to and I'll answer. Birb Pony will talk about anything, but has a fear of cans, fancy show-offy foods, and getting healthy. Poor birb pony. Ask away! The little green pegasus pony will be happy to reply to your most burning questions.
  2. This took too much time, paint, sharpie, and acrylic sealer. Im not sure if this is a mare or a stallion, but I refer to this pony as female since it was originally Rainbow Dash. I have a new best pony. Sorry, Pinkie, lol. Also, that mane is a mess! How is she gonna show off all that digital style with a mane like that? Also, it is rumored that messy manes make your teeth go grey. Im getting Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy soon Pinkie is gonna be turned red! Not sure if I wanna reroot Fluttershy to have Royal blue hair, or just color over it in sharpie like I did here, also my camera was acting up so you might have to turn them around to see them. any tips on how to tame that mane and tail? I am a horrible person for even doing this in the first place, aren't i?
  3. Thanks! I thought this could've been 4de Pinkie under a different seller, because they look very similar but not identical. I even compared it to Chinese knockoff Pinkie Pie, but that one looked different and admittedly, higher quality. Thanks for helping me pinpoint where this plushie came from. There is a Fluttershy on Amazn by the same brand and it has four wings lol.
  4. I bought this Pinkie Pie off Amazon instead of 4th Dimension Pinkie Pie because she was like 50 dollars. I thought this was pretty show accurate, but it arrived today, and I have to say its soft and nicely detailed, it even has the cutie mark on both sides, but I was wordering if it's a knockoff or custom done by a fellow Brony/pegasister. It was 11 dollars, and kinda looks like the ponies That were Japan-exclusive, but has no Japanese or Chinese tags on it. It just had an ear tag with the MLP logo and the entire cast including background ponies and princesses.. The tush tag has the FIM logo and nothing else. Is this Pinkie a fake? I kinda wanna say yes, due to being so cheap. There have been a line of amazingly show accurate pony fakes beg sold on EBay, Alibaba, and Taobao, the notorious 12 inch plush ponies. I don't care if my Pinkie Pie is fake, I'd rather have an official plush, but it's soft and show accurate, like I wanted. Also, the tail is really heavy for some reason.
  5. I have this little idea in my head about a CG animated series starring a yellow girl with an orange nose. Blue hair, and a denim dress that has a red horse wth a nappy yarn-like mane and tail called Red Pony, a forest green pegasus with gold shimmery mane and tail and mint hooves that wears fake Khaki polo called Pegasus ( original I know their names are supposed to be generic. He sounds like the Bed Intruder Song guy. They have a series of adventures on different topics each short episode. In the first one they learn about imagination, in another love and tolerance, and they get sucked in a video game in another, and one is about nutrition/veganism. There is profanity, and quite a bit but I'm trying to figure out how to still make it funny without so much swearing. Swearing is a normal part of any non-childrens programming, but this doesn't need as much as it has. I developed the one about healthful eating the farthest, and here's some dialogue. Basically there's a pink unicorn in this one loosely based off Pinkamena and Cupcakes. She starts taking about some brainwashing crap about how Veganism is always healthier than meat eating ( not trying to start a debate), and it gets weird from there. Pegasus ends up possibly being turned into cupcakes by the unicorn. The bag of vegetables starts singing, and Pegasus repeats " this *** ain't funny" and Pinky ( the unicorn) replies " yes it is" each time. Pegasus kicks the camera, and when his eyes open we see Pinky's giant grin, Pegasus tied to a table wearing a hospital gown and while the cheesy song continues, we briefly see Pinky cutting into Pegasus's flank, though these equines have no cutie marks or anything similar. We get back to the song, some weird crap happens, and next thing we know Yellow girl has cupcakes with green and yellow icing surrounding her, when Pegasus comes back, flanks with chunks missing, and half cut wings and the dialogue goes like this Pegasus: " Why the hell didn't you come help me I know you know there was something shady Goin on up in here you heard that cell phone ring." Yellow Girl: I thought that meant not to come help you! Pegasus: What did you think that was hotline bling? Red Pony: That was me on the other end I tried to save both your ****s but Pegasus fell for it and got out the food stamps. I just bounced. That was just a snip of the scene and dialogue what do you think of the show's whole concept?
  6. That makes perfect sense. The show has been on for 5 years now and the CMC can't stay fillies forever. I think that over the rest of season 5 and in season 6, the CMC will really start growing up and changing, them getting their cutie marks being the first step. Maybe they'll eventually be aged into mares sometime in the show's run, but I dont think it'll be right away or maybe not at all. Hey, Family Guy has been on for 16 years and Stewie is still a baby. Same for Maggie and the Simpsons has been on a lot longer than both MLP and FG.
  7. Ok, if you haven't seen the new episode, I suggest not reading this thread. There will be spoilers ahead. In last weeks episode, the CMC finally got their cutie marks. This was a major plot twist and pivotal point in the series, on the same plane as Twilight Sparkle becoming an Alicorn princess. The place and role of three of the show's major characters was drastically changed, much like Twily. Now, i made this board to see what might be next for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Will we see them grow up into adult mares? I have this headcanon that this is what's next for the CMC.
  8. I don't think I'll be buying these anymore because they're not the show colors, except for a few. They were kinda pricey anyway, I'll just stick with the blind bags, even though I kinda want an Appleblack.
  9. Big Blacintosh! Here he is for your viewing pleasure.
  10. Happy birthday =)=)=)=)=) I hope you can have lovely day =)=)=)=)=)=)<3

    1. DaringDoNot
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      <3<3<3<3 *hugs =)=)=)=)=)<3<3<3 How are you today =)=)=)?

  11. Meh, it's an internet term, seen a lot on Urban Dictionary and Youtube. Shoulda known there was something bad behind it, that website is full of the most vulgar slang imaginable. Thanks for letting me know the truth behind that word, I'll keep it out of my posts.
  12. Not only do you have the "haters" who troll us, but what about the butthurt bronies? They go around shaming people because they don't like the show. Not everybody is gonna like the show. That goes for all TV shows, not just MLP. Most people ( including me) don't care if you don't like the show, it's not for everyone, that's your own personal opinion and you're entitled to it. I've seen bronies that are like " OMG you don't watch our show! You're going to burn in hell!" And some attack non-bronies just like the trolls attack us. Both sides can be at fault.
  13. It seems like all they can focus on is the bad stuff, like cloppers and whatnot, and they don't know about the GOOD side of the fandom, which is the majority of the people on this forum. It's not that they don't know about the good side, it's just they don't BELIEVE there is one. They also can't seem to get past the fact that it's a kids show. Yeah so? There are plenty of other kids shows that have a teen/adult fanbase, such as Pokemon, Digimon, Ben 10, Steven Universe, and Adventure Time. They jump right to conclusions and say we're "autistic" and the male fans are "man children". I wish some of them would watch just one episode, before making assumptions. I have met some people who watched it and genuinely didn't like the show, that's alright, it's not everybody's ( or everyponys) cup of tea. You don't have to be jerks about it though. So why does this happen so often?
  14. Ever wondered what it would be like if Equestrian culture was like ours and the main 3 races of ponies had pigeonholes and stereotypes? Here's what I think they would be. Earth Pony: - LOVE Sugarcube Corner, especially the coffee and sweets - Like pony socks, leggings, fashion, etc - Treat their smart phones like they have a foal - Obsessed with emojis Pegasus Pony: - Don't EVER touch their manes or tails, especially mares - Take pride in being a pegasus and the ability to fly - Mares have an attitude and ain't afraid to activate it, especially towards stallions who don't pay for their foals - Rumored to be faster then Earth and Unicorn ponies, love races and competitions - Love deep fried foods like an Earth pony mare loves Sugarcube Corner - Call themselves " pegasistas" due to cultural differences from Earth ponies Unicorn Pony: - Work in fields, buck apples, and otherwise have their magic exploited in the poorer parts of Equestria - Rumor has it that gangs of unicorns run around the shadier areas, ponynap other unicorns, and cut off their horn and sell them for ransom. - Eat walking tacos, soup, and chili frequently, due to being able to stir the broth/meat with their horn. - Illegal to use their magic to get into Ponyville, must take train like everypony else So their you have it, hypothetical stereotypes for each pony. Based on this, I don't think the Mane 6 are stereotypical at all.
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