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Everything posted by Sugarcube

  1. Nope not the first place. I adore the show and everyone knew by the time I got done watching the first season, which I did all in one day while i was sick at home. I don't obsessively talk about it but people know i enjoy the show
  2. When my dad borrows money from me and never returns it. When my mom tells me to act like a lady, not curse or drink and to have more more feminine like behaviors. Also how my mom likes to butt into my relationship and always make jokes about me moving back home. And how she thinks she is going to get to plan my wedding when the time comes :S I do love them dearly though and for all their annoyances there are just as many good traits
  3. I prefer my job over school sometimes. I always excel in a work enviroment because I always take a lot of pride in my work, regardless of what the work is. I really enjoy my current job for the most part, the part where I smell like a dog, express anal glands, listen to nonstop barking and occasionally come close to getting bitten I really don't like. But I do enjoy working with dogs and getting to build relationships with customers and that my job takes a level of skill and training most part time jobs for college students don't have. Also the awesome discounts on stuff for my own dog is pretty bad ass I really do look foreword though to moving from a job to a career hopefully sometime soon. :S
  4. Sounds like a spectacular month AfroPony and all those Mlp pics are fantastic This month I will be surviving finals and the very busy seasonal influx the grooming salon I work for has right before the holidays. @__@ This month is kinda of wonky and really stressful, my boyfriend is in a temp position and based on how be performs on a very big task he could go permanent at this job, as well as I am hoping for an interview at a library. So we won't be having a big Christmas eve like usual since we both have to work it but we will be going to my parent's house for a small dinner and gift opening and I will be making lots of homemade candy for all our friends as presents this year Me and my boyfriend also celebrate Yule and will be having a small dinner and celebration with a friend of mine from my former coven. We will feast on a spectacular dinner and then say blessings for the beginning of the solar year and the return of the god to the goddess. I am particularly thankful for my amazing boyfriend, friends and family. They are what make my life so full and rich. Lol I don't do new years resolutions but I guess if I had to say one it would be to continue working on being more positive and not letting my emotions run wild with me
  5. Graduating college this summer is a big motivation for me right now. I am so ready to be done with the commute and the papers. I am ready to have my life in one direction. I also am looking forword to getting engaged sometime next year. What always keeps me motivated is looking forword to every new day as an opportunity to learn something new and spend with the people I love and enjoy keeping company with, and also my precious hound dog
  6. Hoping, wishing, and dreaming. Oh please call me for an interview library. PLEEAASSEEE

  7. I love to hug once I get to know someone. I hug close friends and family all the time. I am very affectionate to those I let near. I think hugging is wonderful and a great way to express care for others. Once someone has shown they are trustwprthy I have less qualms about personal space, however if I don't know you and you touch me i FREAK out and am grouchy as hell I have even allowed a customer of mine hug me, she is an elderly lady and I have been grooming her dog for quite a long while I am especially big on hugging in a romantic way too with my boyfriend, I constantly want to be held, touched or close to him
  8. No way, hell no I am a very neurotic, severely anxious, and paranoid person. The last thing I need is to date an exact version of that, nothing would ever get accomplished, it would be immensely unhealthy and I am sure the sex would be awful I need someone that compliments me, my boyfriend and I are each other's ying and yang. We balance each other out and help each other grow as individuals as well as a couple.
  9. Okay lets see if I do this right in linking the videos 1) Tourniquet by Marylin Manson, something about this song really resonates in me, I connect to it so much for some reason and if I am in a melancholy mood I can count on this song to soothe it a little. 2) Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magentic Zeros, my favorite song EVER. This song reduces me to a pile of gushy lovebirdness at just the starting note. It's mine and my boyfriend's song and it makes me realize home is never a place but with the people I love. 3) Clint Eastwood by the Gorillaz, this song was playing on my first date with my boyfriend, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPfmsiGXCWY&list=PL376B242E1480937D&index=7&feature=plpp_video 4) Bonobo by Kiara, not the offical music video, but this video of someone hooping to it is AMAZING. It is my favorite song to hoop to by far, so much energy and allows for great transitions.
  10. I have had my license since I was 16 and me and the boyfriend recently bought a car together a 2012 Mazda. i am so in love with that car it is ridiculous, my last car was litterally falling apart and had a failing transmission, so this thing is like a absolute dream. not to mention the gas mileage makes me want to skip ans sing and throw confetti everywhere
  11. All I really want for Christmas is for my boyfriend's job to go from a temp position to a permanate position, it would take so much stress off of things
  12. I love that I am very compassionate I love my curly red hair I love my sense of humor I love how loyal I am (even if it is also my greatest weakness at times) I love my creativity I love my ability to learn and see my flaws so I can work on them
  13. I hate how quick to judge I can be at times I hate how I can be very snippy and harsh at times when my nerves and patience are being pushed to the limits I hate how sometimes I throw "fits" when things don't go the way I plan or things are thrown off schedule I hate how I can let my anger control me and I have outbursts at times I hate how negative I can be I hate how jealous and possessive I am of my boyfriend, as well as paranoid I hate how I can't just relax and let things be, I obsess over them until they are just right, I hate how I feel I must control my house hold and keep it spotlessly clean
  14. No way would it be perfect especially for me. What is the point in living a life it is nothing more than a giant dream? I guess if you never knew the difference then eh fine but for me it is no good I have suffered, and because I have suffered I have a deeper appreciation and understanding of happiness and I better appreciate the things in my life I have worked hard for. Knowing I can escape and create and do my best to shape my future and life into what I want is the perfect life to me. It is full of possibility and real people I can touch and talk and share with. Life has it's ups and downs, I don't love living with our roommate sometimes, Sometimes work makes me want to scream and cry and pull my hair out, school gets exhausting, and I have bad memories always to hold, but for every bad thing there is a good thing. I may not love living with a roommate but he is a good guy and has helped out me and boyfriend before, I don't love school but I am getting a chance to better myself and expand my world view, my job is frustrating and makes me want to cry but I have really gotten to know some of my customers and they make me feel valued and I love getting to work with their dogs. No virtual reality tank could truly give me the same feelings those things give
  15. We exchange gifts on Halloween, it is a holiday we both like and financially things arent as tight as they are during the holiday season when we are shopping for family so we can focus on getting each other nicer presents and not have to worry about breaking budget, and that way when Christmas comes we can focus on getting things for our family I got him a beginner's sushi kit, a little chthulu plushie, and Transformers Fall of Cybertron for the PS3
  16. Give him a kiss back and ask what he wanted to do for dinner. ;p. I live with him soo, kisses are normal. My favorite are good morning wake up kisses
  17. I have no problem with it at all, if it is what makes you happy go for it! As someone who partcipates in a lifestyle that is judged or misunderstood I do want you to understand the implications of it if you decide to be public.or open about it, some people won't understand, some people will say hurtful things, sometimes people will say hurtful things not because they mean to but because they are ignorant and trying to understand or be supportive. I am in a dominant and submissive relationship, and a symbol of that is a collar, if the world wasn't so judgemental I would wear my collar all the time, because it makes me happy, but reality is I can't and I won't because I don't want to be judged and there are consequences to wearing it all the time. I think.it is great you are exploring and finding out who you are and I support that whole heartedly . If you ever need.to talk just message me and remember to be you
  18. Cute is sexy to me. And sexy can be cute. It is all very subjective to opinion. To me shy, geeky, smart girls are cute. But in men I find geeky, intelligent, and confident cute and sexy. Sooo eyup
  19. That because of the relationship and lifestyle me and my boyfriend have I must be a pushover or brainless or that I am a doormat to walk.on, which is far from the truth. That because I enjoy beer, cursing, metal, and bars I must be crude, when I am actually shy at times, nervous natured,friendly and caring, I just lack the ability to be subtle once I get close to someone
  20. 10 years older. My boyfriend is 8 years older than me. I have always dated older men, and with women I dated in my age range. I enjoy my boyfriend is older than me, he has more expierence out in the world and can give me great advice or show me how to do things. He knows how loans, buying a car, health insurance, all of that works and happily answers any questions I have. He is mellow, has done his young silly stuff and understands I am still young, (22) and i need to do my silly young stuff as well. The only part that saddens me is the fact statistically he will pass on before me and I may be his caregiver some day. This breaks my heart because he is my best friend but I do not even hesitate to potentially have to deal or do those things for him
  21. That is cool just have a soapbox on the issue. Merry Christmas to you I only celebrate Christmas with my parents, me and my boyfriend celebrate Yule at our home, it has many of the same traditions just different meanings behind them.
  22. I can't tell if the part you crossed out is a joke or not. People don't like to be addressed with Merry Christmas unless you know for sure that they celebrate Christmas because just walking around saying Merry Christmas to every person you see on the street assumes everyone is christian, and not everyone is, it is an issue in our culute that we assume everyone is of the same religion, it ignores and stamps out many of the other holidays that correspond with Christmas such as Haunkaka, Yule, and Kwanaza ( if I am forgetting one I apologize) it isn't about "not offending" it is about our society becoming socially aware to realize that there are other cultures and religious celebrations happening in the same time as Christmas. It doesn't mean you can't say Merry Christmas it means say it to someone who you know celebrartes Christmas
  23. Friday: be woken up at 6:15am by my dog for her breakfast, then snooze, then get ready and go drive to my classes, which go till 1pm, then drive all the way back to go to work till 9pm and then hit the hay early. Saturday: wake up at 6:00 am, feed dog, go to work, work 7am till 3pm. After s shower it is usually whatever is going on, most of the time it is mine and boyfriend's date night or we go out to the bar and have a beer with some friends. Sunday: lazy day, boyfriend runs a tapletop RPG campaign, so everyone comes over and we play for about 4-5 hours and then me and one of my best friends who plays in the campaign do homework together
  24. Cobra commander is a nickname I have at work, sparrow or little bird to some close friends from high school, and baby bunny is my boyfriend's nickname for me.
  25. Green: Natural, Serene, Calm Bear: Aggressive, territorial, strong Room: Anxious, lonely, confused. Wow, very cool, I would like to see that fourth question though
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