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Once In A Blue Moon

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Blog Entries posted by Once In A Blue Moon

  1. Once In A Blue Moon
    I rather enjoy the game Deadnaut, by Screwfly (see also Zafehouse Diaries and Fear Equation.) I especially like the character customisation - you can import photos for them and everything, so I thought to myself, as I often do, 'why not ponies?'
    I present, team Harmony:

    The premise is that you take a group of criminals, outlaws and other expendables into the most dangerous derelict spacecraft imaginable to recover information. Perhaps a lucky few will return alive - some may even be pardoned and allowed to return to earth if their conduct is impressive enough. But before that, the dangers of space await.

    With mission commander Pie safely ensconced in the command vessel, the rest of the team set off in the boarding shuttle. One breach later they were aboard; Sparkle set up at a nearby console and began opening the doors ahead whilst Dash lead the group through the corridors of the space hulk. It wasn't long before they encountered the remains of one of the ship's crew members - which promptly stood up and tried to rip them to pieces.

    From there things fell apart quickly. Sparkle was moving to catch up with the rest of the group when the recently deceased hostiles reanimated - though Applejack and Fluttershy tried to rush to her aid, Sparkle was torn apart by the hostiles and the group retreated in the face of their resurgent foes.

    Worse, this was not the end of Sparkle. Reanimated by the same contagion that had claimed the ship's crew, she joined the shambling horde assailing team Harmony. Backed into a storeroom, they were forced to turn their guns on their former comrade.

    With the hostiles reanimated by a contagion in the air supply, the rest of the team rushed from power node to power node trying to bring the purification system online. It was whilst rushing headlong into one room that Applejack was gunned down by a Sentinel sentry turret. Though the group managed to destroy it, the loss of Sparkle was keenly felt - a skilled hacker could have reprogrammed the turret to shoot at the pursuing hordes.

    Now two ponies down and with no end to the horde in sight, the situation was getting desperate. Rarity's vital signs were dangerously low, whilst Dash and Fluttershy were injured as well. The remainder of the team made it to the bridge, and there found the last power node. Although the purification systems stopped the hostiles reanimating, there were still dozens of them left and no real prospect of killing them all. What ensued was a mad dash to the nearest exit - with Rarity making it through only by the skin of her teeth.

    With the survivors recuperating, the ship's cloning unit was warmed up...
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