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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ShutterBat

  1. I honestly do not remember the EXACT date I joined. I know it was around August, because school had started for me. My boyfriend and I thought "Why not?" and found it on Netflix. It was mainly for fun, but we ended up truly enjoying it. I discovered Fluttershy as best pony, and he discovered Luna haha.
  2. Hey, everyone! It's been a while. I just wanted to stop by and say hey. ^.^ I have been really busy between college and my health issues. I am NOT caught up on MLP either... lol. *NO SPOILERS*

  3. I'm thinking how I have an 8 o'clock class tomorrow morning...
  4. Well.. Lol. I have said Canterlot when I was supposed to say Camelot in class.. Also, I say everypony and anypony without meaning to. I know recently my boyfriend said he was at work when he heard a girl call herself a princess. All he heard was princess and his mind automatically went to MLP. The girl continued and said she was a unicorn princess. He ended up admitting his thought process lol cx Turns out she was in a psychology class that had a WHOLE unit on bronies! Cool right??
  5. I personally love all of it, but I have enjoyed the time travel, war, and other historical elements. It is world building that makes the show seem more authentic--which I love.
  6. I love the sound of rain but not heavy heavy rain. Also, rain on a tin roof is just annoying. I love the sound of rain tapping on a window. There is actually an app I used to have that had different rain noises. I am thinking about having it again actually to help me sleep away from home at the dorm. On the app, it has rain in all sorts of forms. Rain tapping a window (my fav), a rain storm, ocean waves, etc. A fan is a good thing as well to sleep to.
  7. Realistically speaking, Twilight for President Applejack for VP Non mane six.. I really want to say Discord for President and Celestia for VP just because that would be so fun though.
  8. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches are just the absolute best. I love extra crunchy peanut butter as well, so the texture differences are a nice touch.
  9. I do not curse, so I usually say something silly or just say "AGHH!" Silly things such as: sweet sassafras, sugar, ugh douchebag, dang *insert whatever hurt me here*, or meh.
  10. 1. Rainbow Rocks mainly because I love the story line and the music best! 2. Sunset Shimmer 3. The Cafeteria Song is fun haha. So is Under Our Spell. I must say Fluttershy's song at the end was also good!
  11. Being a girl, I do not really have an issue with other people finding it too weird that I call myself a Brony. Girls seem to get away with watching MLP regardless of being an adult. I can understand though that since it is not society's version of being a "man" by watching.. Most men feel shy about telling others they are a Brony. Personally, I feel that some men feel the need to tell simply because: They love it so much. When you are a fan of a certain musician, show, etc. you tend to talk about it a lot, yes? Whether you mean to or not is a different story, but regardless, we love talking about our hobbies. We as humans feel the need to talk about things we like and love. If we find someone who shares hobbies with us, then it is fantastic. A new friend is created simply by talking about a show or song. Also, the MLP Fandom is different from any other fandom. I am a fan of Walking Dead, Doctor Who, and Futurama. The communities of those fandoms are different though. Since there is this special bond connecting all MLP Fans, there is a certain pride about being a Brony. In my opinion, this is why one might feel "pressured" to tell. Simply because you want to. You love MLP and hope to share. You also know you have an amazing fandom backing you up. That is just my opinion though.
  12. Haven't been on in a WHILE.. Haha. Someone seriously needs to create an app for this forum though. It would be a little easier to pop on through an app for me. ^.^

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      That idea has come up multiple times, I agree with you. :3 Also, welcome back! ^_^

    2. ShutterBat


      Hopefully, someone somewhere will go with that idea. Thanks!

  13. I try not to show I am TOO bothered with the misuse of grammar or misspelling words. Inside, it REALLY annoys me. I see a spelling error in the slideshow my professor at college created and cringe. I see someone use "their" when it should be "they're" instead. I try to let go and tell myself we are all only human and WILL make mistakes sometimes. On the other hand.. Someone old enough to understand grammar and spelling should use it. *sigh*
  14. I watch American Dad, Family Guy, South Park, Walking Dead, Archer, Futurama, Doctor Who, Squidbillies, Spongebob, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Youtube.. Yeah lol.
  15. Personally, if you ever watched the original Teen Titans, it just makes you mad at seeing it go downhill in YOUR mind. I never did, but my boyfriend did. I do not care for the show. I happened to see it on when my sister was watching it, and it is just not my humor. It is stupid humor in my opinion. If you like it, more power to you. If not, that is fine too. AnArtisticPontato was speaking their opinion, and there is no need to be so rude to them about their sayings.
  16. My Little Pony mostly. I also like different types of music most people have not heard of, but you also must know I live in Mississippi. In Mississippi, most people like country and Jersey Shore.. So yeah. I know not everyone hates it, but in my geographical location I do feel alone sometimes.
  17. I agree that they should totally do one. I think it would be hilarious. I can see it now. Butters will at start the trend. :-D
  18. Personally, I have pony merch and wear it in public. I do not care what others think. Girls supposedly get away with liking MLP easier than guys, which is true to a degree. I still have people laugh and find me odd for wearing Fluttershy or Luna shirts. If someone were to walk in my dorm room, you'd know I am a pony. My nightstand is covered in ponies. I have plushes and a blanket on my bed. I also have skulls and Walking Dead figures lol. So, that being said, like what you want to. You like pony merch? Wear it. You prefer figures and that sort of stuff only? Totally fine. Everyone expresses their fandoms differently.
  19. I love the feeling you get when you add new ponies to your collection c: I just got 5 more added to mine recently!

  20. 9th grade was my worst. I barely remember it, and what I do remember is awful. 10th grade got a little better but not by much. I remember a little more from it. I won't say why though.
  21. Things I love that everyone else appears to hate: Winter. I would rather freeze than sweat. Saw Movie Series Donnie Darko My Little Pony Frogs and toads God and Jesus Skeletons, skulls, and halloween decorations (I tend to leave them up all the time) Brussel sprouts Christmas music (Everyone I know tends to get annoyed by them) Taylor Swift pre 2015 NuGrape soda Phone calls Classical music British Literature lol A long list cx
  22. I'd rather them not become Alicorn princesses. It kinda diminishes the importance of being a princess, you know? It's like Oh yeah, anypony can be a princess.
  23. They're ponies, so I am assuming it is similar to horses and ponies in real life.
  24. They were, and they should make flashbacks for fun c: That would be interesting!
  25. When I think to myself, I do not think I have a different tone or anything to my normal voice. I never really had one of those cx But I will say when I used to write songs and music, I would hear Taylor Swift singing it in my head lol!
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