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Tom The Diamond

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Blog Entries posted by Tom The Diamond

  1. Tom The Diamond
    Hello there Sir or Madam! If you're reading this, then congratulations! You either believe that with the recent rumors and Equestria Girls spin off that the Brony Fandom is going to be destroyed and this is the apocalypse, or you're just curious what is in this reference manual. Well look no further, as this guide will instruct you on all the important information you'll need to know. Including...

    What to do if the show is canceled
    What to do if the Equestria Girls Spin Off goes horribly wrong
    What to do if the show's quality drops and loses the charm it currently has

    We will also take a look into other fandoms and see how they deal with similar situations. So, can you make it through this rough patch? Is there a rough patch to begin with? Let's find out, follow me my little ponies!
    "What if this Equestria Girls Spin Off bombs and is absolutely horrible?!"
    My my, that would certainly be a pickle, that would. First of all, let's all remember not to call it horrible until it releases. After all, wouldn't most people have called My Little Pony bad years ago? Now, I'm not at all saying you have to be excited for this, or even interested, but calling it bad before it airs and you've seen it seems a bit harsh.
    But none-the-less, if it is bad? Well, it's thankfully not intended to be canon with the main series! This is something that has been confirmed, rest easy there! If it's /really/ bad and bombs, then odds are the spin-off will end right there, and we can all move on with our lives.
    Worst worst case scenario, we'll deny it ever happened. Many fandoms deny things happened in their franchise. Ask a Sonic fan if a Sonic game was released for the X-Box in 2006. Ask a Pokemon fan who primarily enjoys the games what they thought of the Anime. Or a Legend of Zelda fan what the best dungeons from the CD-i were. Most fans will willingly acknowledge the faults there, or deny they exist. Both are perfectly fine and normal responses! One bad apple, contrary to popular belief, doesn't spoil the bunch! You instead focus only on the good apples, the reason you're buying apples in the first place!
    "I heard rumors from 4Chan though that elements from Equestria Girls will leak into the Mane series! What should we do if the core series drops in quality?!"
    Let's first start with an important issue here. Take all rumors with a grain of salt, especially at this period in time. This is a very crazy time in this fandom right now, panic left and right. No doubt there are people eager to plant a few seeds a chaos into the mix. Yes, 4Chan has leaked legitimate information a great amount of times. But they've also not just as many times. Pokemon Fans, remember Mr. X? Man who supposedly leaked such Pokemon like the Card Legendary, and Houndoomed? Those were proven fake. This kind of stuff isn't uncommon.
    Anyways, back on topic, assuming you've lost faith in the writers, and the show actually does go downhill, all is not lost! Assuming you are a fan now, you certainly enjoyed at least one season, no? What does a new bad season do to change and make the older one less enjoyable?
    It doesn't.
    You can still watch that older one and enjoy it just as much as you did before! Those will still be just as good as they were before! And you can always return to those and enjoy them, just like old times! Let's bring in the Spongebob Fandom!
    Backstory, Spongebob was started as a cartoon. It was extremely creative and well written, with very sharp wit and humor. Spongebob was a innocent, quirky, and well-intentioned main character brought in a time where most cartoon characters were gnarly and tubular, and cool. The show was a success with everyone, all audiences, young, old, male, female. It's quality was wonderful. Cue the movie, what was intended to be the end of the series. Everyone in the staff room was ready to head home, but unfortunately, the movie did so well, Nick didn't want to end the series. By now, not only had the creator left, but also a bunch of the original staff too.
    Nick brought in new to replace the old, and the new didn't fully understand what made the old good. Needless to say, the modern series was not good. Quite the opposite. However, it was still successful in both viewership and merchandising that it continued. Right now it's in season 8, with a new season and a new movie on the horizon.
    Seems a lot like what people in this fandom are worried about happened here, big corporate suits ruined a great series. But is all lost? No. Spongebob still has it's fans, it's forums, it's fandom. How, you ask? Well, roughly 90% when asked if there were any episodes after the movie will tell you the series ended. Denial and ignoring succeeds again! That's right folks, this strategy works wonders for fandoms! Instead of crying over what was lost, enjoy what was given. To Spongebob Fans, those first three seasons were wonderful, amazing and an experience they will cherish forever. And they certainly wouldn't allow anything to ruin their feelings to the classic. Would you let something get between your love for My Little Pony?
    "OK, but what if the series ends? What if there are no new episodes, or Equestria Girls replace it? Will it be the end of the brony fandom?"
    That is a very good question, and I can understand why you'd be worried. To have such a good thing taken from you would most certainly be a tragedy. I'll explain this one similar to the above, with another fandom.
    Enter the Earthbound Fandom. Earthbound was a game released in the early 1900s for the SNES. It was a standard JRPG, but with quirky characters and a modern setting. It was odd, it didn't sell well, but by God did it build up it's fans. They made fansites, fan art, fan fiction, all dedicated to showing how much they loved this game.
    A few years later a N64DD game in the series was announced, but due to the failure of the N64DD, the game was never finished. With that, it appeared the series, aside from it's ambassadors being sent to Smash Bros., was over.
    Suddenly, a new game, what was originally the N64DD one, was announced for the GBA to be released in 2006. Years after the last game. Fans cheered. The game was only released in Japan. Fans cried. Then, fans worked their butts off to translate the game to English by themselves. Note that this isn't say, a Mario game. This is a text heavy RPG that people hacked into the game and translated to English.
    Not a small feat.
    And that was really one of the last big events in the series. Only one game released stateside, 3 games in the series total, and for years ignored pleas to bring them to the west. The most latest big event is finally confirmation that Earthbound will, after years of waiting, be released on the Wii U Virtual Console in the West. Plus Europe to boot.
    But that's pretty much it, asides from an old game being released digitally, there has been official confirmation there will be no more games. Not counting the Smash series, Earthbound is pretty much finished.
    But the fandom is not, not by a long shot. Fan art is still being made, podcasts still being aired, and to boost, there are fans making a Mother 4. Just because the series ends doesn't mean nothing more will come from it. Fans can, and will, keep something alive for years afterwards, on their own.
    In short, the Brony Fandom will only end when you allow it to end. If you jump ship, that certainly won't help at all. But you continue to show your support, make fanart, read fanfiction, watch episodes with friends, talk about which ponies would make a good couple, enjoy the good, ignore the bad(If there even is bad), and hey, who knows, this fandom might go on till the sun sets one final time.
  2. Tom The Diamond
    So in spirit of Non-Pony identity day, I changed mine to a really cool character from a really anime. So far only one person recognized it. And so I figured 'Hey, I should get the internet to watch this, so why not tell the internet my opinion on it? After all, the internet loves opinions, and they'll want to see something I gave my opinion on right! : D" So well, here's my opinion on Little Witch Academia.
    I should start of by saying I'm not really a big anime fan. I mean, I have nothing against Japanese animation, but it just never really appealed to me. I do like the Studio Ghibli films though, and I have watched a few series with friends, but overall it's just something I never really bothered to watch. The few I did seemed dull, with fanservice out the wazoo.
    Well, I had seen a few pics of this particular anime on Tumblr, so I figured "Hey, why not watch it? It looks pretty interesting." So I watched it and I really enjoyed, I thought it was spectacular! But then I learned something at the end of it that really disappointed me. What was it? We'll get to it later!
    So, let's get to the story. Akko is a girl who, after watching the performer Shiny Chariot live, wants to be a witch just like her. So, she enrolls in a Witch's School in Britain. Unfortunately, since she is from a regular family, she doesn't really have any natural magical powers like the other witches, and she also finds that Shiny Chariot isn't as revered in the magic world as she thought she was. However, in her Dungeon Crawling class, she's determined to prove herself to her school. Will she succeed?
    The plot and story of the anime is pretty basic. I mean, it's not bad, and it doesn't do anything wrong, it's just basic. Average. You can kinda predict things if you have a keen mind and are paying close attention. But the story really isn't the main attraction of this, it's the rest. The animation, the characters, the setting, that is what this anime focuses on and by God does it succeed in these aspects.
    The animation is very lovely. It's vibrant, bouncy, it's a pleasure to look at! The colors and backgrounds are all aesthetically pleasing, In fact the animation actually is quite similar to western animation more so then what you'd expect from typical anime. It kinda resembles Disney-style animation to me. Here are a few spoiler-less gifs showing the animation style, in case you'd like a quick visual example of what I'm talking about.
    Ok so those gifs? Imagine a whole 30-so minutes of animation like that. It is gorgeous. And are you not a fan of constant fanservice in your shows? Could you care less about panty-shots and extreme cleavage that is no way possible? Well neither were the animators, as this anime has none of that! It's animation that appeals, and by God does it work! On a side note, this anime is very tame. The only real questionable content I could find was a few shots of blood in one scene. But eh, it's very quick, isn't the focus of the shot, and really isn't more then what you'd see in most other PG works.
    Anyways, the second next thing is characters. I'm not gonna go too in depth here, so expect pretty shallow explanations here, and I'm only gonna cover the 3 main witches.

    The middle one is Akko, the one who the anime revolves around. She wants to be a great wish, but unfortunately she isn't too talented. She's a big fan of the performer Shiny Chariot. The witch on the right is Lotte, who's skilled in magic, eager to learn, yet prefers to play things safe. And then there's Sucy, the fan favorite. Seriously, when you see her on screen, you'll realize why she's regarded as best witch by most. She's deadpan, indifferent, and badass. She's also skilled in potion-brewing. And her animation is the coolest of the characters. Trust me, she's just amazing. On the other characters, there is Diana, who acts as Akko's rival, Hanna and Barbara (Get the reference?) are members of her posse. They play a small role and only get named in the credits. And there's Shiny Chariot, the entertainer that inspires Akko to be a witch. Each of these characters has their distinct personality and animations, which makes them interesting to see how they act off of each other. My only real complaint is that Sucy steals the show whenever she's on screen cause holy crap is she awesome, so other character tend to be overshadowed when she's on. But eh, the characters are still fun nonetheless, and I liked each of them, especially their designs!
    And finally, the last extremely big thing to note is the settings, the backgrounds, the details. The basic world of 'Academy for Magical Beings' has been around for a long time, popularized by Harry Potter, so it's not really new. Fun, but nothing special. Though the backgrounds do have a ton of details in each, and the background characters all have their own distinct animations. No copy-pasta here. All of it, just like the main animation, is just wonderful to look at. And the background music that accompanies the anime is whimsical, and works well with the animation. Fast paced when it needs to, slow when it doesn't.
    Anyways, this anime is a treat to watch. It's interesting, fun, happy, and positively gorgeous to watch. Even if you don't like anime normally, you should still consider giving this a watch since it's really different then what you'd expect from anime. It definitely has some western influence in it. It's animation at it's purest, art through-and-through. And it's theme and pacing is similar to that of MLP's, and I know a lot of fans of LWA are also fans of MLP. Odds are if you like MLP, you'll enjoy what LWA has to offer! Seriously, it really isn't hard to find either, just google it and you'll find it. Heck, it's even on youtube.
    Now, I mentioned there was something that disappointed me. Well, here it is; It's only one episode. A short made with funding from the Japanese Government to help train young animators. There are no plans currently for any follow up, or series. Which is a shame as this would make a wonderful series, the characters and setting at all wonderful! But hey, who knows, maybe if you believe hard enough, they just might make a sequel~
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