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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Rawzy

  1. Keen for some more "computer-animated" stuff for G5, not really sure what all these shorts are all about, and I've seen some very weird stuff about G5 counterparts of G4 which I really don't agree with lol

    Please wake me up when it all ramps up again so I become part of the fandom again :ButtercupLaugh:

  2. Just finished watching the gen 5 movie. I loved it so much, lots of emotions, got me watery eyed many times. It feels like its been so long since new mlp stuff came out. I love the characters, the one with the blue mane is straight up Pinky and I love her. This definitely surpassed my expectations, the visuals were breathtaking, the fluidity and movement of the ponies on screen was buttery smooth and life like. I absolutely cannot wait to see more of gen 5, gonna be so good.

    1. Lunafur


      Hello my awesome friend

    2. Rawzy


      @Moonshadow SparkHey Spark, how's it going?

    3. Lunafur


      I'm doing good

  3. Definitely Pop Rocks, sounds like a really fun name to me and matches her appearance.
  4. I've disliked Rarity for quite a long time. Generosity never really seemed like such a good talent to have, at least it's not something that I really go out of my way much to achieve.
  5. Having a massive fanbase is always good for a show but I rekon we'd have to consider how much they're making off the merchandise for the show. Almost every child Ive ever come across has at least an mlp figurine or peice of clothing. Not to mention the amount of toys bronies have been collecting for years.
  6. Yea, screw it, I'd say it anyway. My close friends are close friends because I know even if they hated something like being a brony, and I turned out to be one, they would think it's ridiculous to not like me anymore. There would probably be a bit of banter and stereotypical jokes but its all just jokes in the end. Also, some friends would feel honoured to know you're sharing sensitive information about yourself to them, even if they respond in a negative way, they still feel it inside.
  7. Been about 6 years now, most of the people that find out early on were random people from school that followed a link from my steam page to my mlpforums profile. The first person I told face to face was a few years after I started watching, it got spread throughout my friendship group at the time that I watched the show, didn't end up telling anyone from then on. There are a few people I have in my life at the moment that I've almost been able to sneak it in with but it's not really a priority so I just dismiss it.
  8. Long time no see :adorkable:

    How have you been Varrack? Hopefully you've been keeping well

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rawzy


      That's good to hear. I'm doing well too, life is going swell. We need to catch up again, I remember when we used to use skype lol

    3. Varrack


      yeah for sure. what's your discord?

    4. Rawzy


      Rawz#7640   Just changed my name back to match what I normally use.

  9. Took me a bit to gather this is probably in the future after some disastrous event between now and gen 4. I really hope they reference back to the old gen, they have to. Hopefully some story about how one of the mane 6 screwed up and caused the separation of the races. The show looks really really good, animations smooth as butter. Looks more like a movie to me but it's a series, kinda makes you think how ridiculously high the budget for this must have been. I wonder what lengths artists will go to now, if this new style will motivate some to adopt this higher detailed art style. Still get to look forward to all the 2D fan art. Hope they still keep all the hidden cameos and "adult jokes" they would reference in gen 4, Hasbro has to know we're the majority of people watching this show. But yea, definitely excited to get back into this, came into gen 4 when I was 14, now I'm 22, haven't been heavily into mlp since the last couple seasons, watching the trailer and getting excited for gen 5 kinda brought back a small spark of joy I used to have which is nice. Interested to see where this ride goes.
  10. It's hard to believe that I used to just wake up into a day of free time everyday for a year and a half. Working 5 to 6 days every week, today is a saturday and for once I don't have anything planned for today, it's a super weird nostalgic type feeling.

  11. Have to wake up at 3am tomorrow to work.....ughhhhhhhhhhhhh.......

    I'm gonna try and slowly get back to being active on the forums, I've gotta get used to talking to people again since I've distanced myself for so long

  12. I'm still alive

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rawzy


      @Lunarfur Oh I'm sorry to hear that, how are you feeling now?

      @TheRockARooster 🐓 Hey Roooosterrr How's it going? :fluttershy:

    3. TheRockARooster


      Right now, I'm hungry.

      Heading off for dinner soon.

      I hope you're well, Rawz.

    4. Rawzy


      I'm hungry too haha. I'll see you later if you're gonna head off then rooster. 


  13. Visa card, Driver's license, a "public transport" card, about $25 in case, and the rest is junk that this thread reminded me to clean out.
  14. I know people that love going to malls, girls seem to love them because.....shopping. Personally if a mall was the closest thing to me then yes I'd most likely utilize that one. If not, I usually just try to find the shortest distance possible to find exactly what I need. Malls can be cool however if they have a movie theater there or other entertainment areas, maybe there might be some thing that came to mind that you want to get after watching a movie or playing a game.
  15. Definitely friends. My biggest fear in life is loneliness, I only have a couple friends left. Only 1 that I talk to on a regular basis now. It can be very depressing at times.
  16. Casual nudity is fine. However I don't have much respect for exhibitionism.
  17. Dealing with sadness, pain, conflicts, depression. It's all part of becoming stronger, and the more often you succeed in overcoming it, the better you'll get at it. Life was never meant to be easy, if it was, then we would have evolved to be at the bottom of the food chain.
  18. If this happened then food would be considered a recreational thing, like drinking alcohol. We would also have more wildlife and more plants and trees and less pollution, etc etc. I could go with not eating food, because I wouldn't know what eating food would even be like. Also, if this goes on for a long time, humans will slowly start getting smaller mouths and then in the next 100 000 years, we will have no mouths.
  19. I've never been in a fight because it's impossible to offend me, I also have common sense, and most things can be solved by talking it through.
  20. Give me pony Marble Pie as a "significant other" and I'll never be upset again.
  21. Probably Dark Gai at the end of Sonic Unleashed. I don't know why. Probably because the thing was so damn big.
  22. I get drunk every weekend if not every second weekend. A lot of people here are complaining about the taste, and I can guarantee they are the same kind of people that won't eat certain vegetables. It's how it makes you feel, not so much the taste, which is probably why so many people here drink girly poofda drinks like cruisers and sweety fruity sugar filled things. Full strength beer is what you want.
  23. Started one that this one girl was a prostitute and it spread. Obviously wasn't true but it was really funny.
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