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Status Updates posted by shutterflychaos

  1. Status Update: Oki Doki Loki

  2. Ponies can make the most boring things fun.

  3. I can't stop laughing XD I kept imagining Pinkie ( Pie) going into the mirror pool ( squaring the radious) which then makes a circle of pinkie pies. XD

  4. So since i just joined two days ago though i haven't been able to do much it has been a great experience for me. I just want to thank you ooBrony and Jeric for inviting me.

  5. So i just woke up hearing a remix of This day in Aria and turns out it was my brother. O.o

  6. Three draconaqui walked into the Fluttershy's Cottage. Two used their magic to turn invisable and the other Draconaqui jumped on a ball. The Draconaqui jumped three times but then went back in time to take away one jump that he did in the past. How many Draconaqui are there? How many times did the Draconaquis jump?

    1. shutterflychaos


      Draconaquis not Draconaqui. Today has been a choatic day for me. "The other Draconaquis jumped on the ball. He jumped three times but then went back in time to take away one jump that he did in the past."

    2. shutterflychaos


      Here is a very silly math problem. Strange since i usually like reading better. Just makes it more amusing.

  7. that's nice :) It is good to think of chaotic words like the ones shown beloww

  8. Today was really chaotic. Fridays always are XD

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